Get the Dragon Elephant Prajna at the start

Chapter 151 Smelting various methods and jumping out of the barrier

Chapter 151 Smelting various methods and jumping out of the barrier

After half a year.

Lu Changqing gained a lot of martial arts in the Heavenly Demon Strategy by defeating the other two factions of the Six Paths of the Demon Sect, including several top-level master skills.

But the three exercises had the greatest effect on Lu Changqing.

Heavenly-human Dao Heart Planting Demon Dafa.

The top master's exercises, the Heavenly Demon Dafa and the Ziqi Tianluo.

Regarding Dao Heart Demon Planting Dafa, no one in the world has successfully practiced it. Lu Changqing just obtained this method. Through reading, it can also be used as a reference for Lu Changqing.

Heavenly Demon Dafa.

Lu Changqing defeated Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan, and obtained their cultivation experience with Yuan Lingzhu.

Both of them have cultivated the Heavenly Demon Dafa to the seventeenth floor.

After Lu Changqing gained the experience of the two, he quickly reached the highest level of the eighteenth level, the fifth-rank grand master level.

Ziqi Tianluo gained his training experience by killing Xi Ying.

Xi Ying has already cultivated Ziqi Tianluo to Dacheng, half a step to the realm of a great master.

Ziqi Tianluo is exactly the opposite of Tianmo Dafa.

It is centered on the performer to generate surging and fluctuating energy, just like the space is constantly expanding outwards. When it is used to its peak, it can lay layers of air nets around the enemy, restraining and binding the opponent's movements, and spit out a little bit of energy to soften it. Control rigidity and make the opponent fall into death.

The Heavenly Demon Dafa can be like a bottomless black hole that absorbs the true energy of the enemy at will and then moves it to attack other opponents, and uses the Heavenly Demon Force Field to create the illusion of a hollow space within a radius of one foot, making it impossible for people to exert force and feel extremely uncomfortable.

Lu Changqing has the experience of cultivating the Heavenly Demon Dafa to the [-]th level of consummation, so he understands by analogy, so naturally he will soon practice Ziqi Tianluo to the consummation state, the level of the fifth-rank grand master.

Heavenly Demon Dafa and Ziqi Tianluo are two top masters' skills combined into one, so powerful that it is almost the unity of heaven and man of the fourth rank, creating a powerful aura.

Wanwan obtained the Ziqi Tianluo skill and integrated it into the Hunyuan Scripture. In time, if she can practice both the Heavenly Demon Dafa and the Ziqi Tianluo to the perfect state, it will be possible to pass the smelting of the Hunyuan Scripture. With the function of ten thousand methods, a heavenly and human-level exercise was created.

When looking for these magic masters.

Lu Changqing also stepped outside the Great Wall.

For example, Zhao Deyan, who ranks third among the eight masters of the Demon Sect, is the national teacher of the Eastern Turks.

When Lu Changqing was dealing with him.

It happened to also fight against the number one master in the desert grassland, Wu Zun Bixuan.

What Wu Zun Bixuan practiced was the Yanyang Miraculous Art created by himself.

It belongs to a masculine skill. When the fist force attacks the enemy, it doesn't bring the slightest bit of fist wind to scream, but the surrounding space is scorching hot. When the fist force is locked on the opponent, it is like being in a dry desert. As the boxing technique continues to advance , the heat will continue to rise.

Lu Changqing also confronted him with a Zhiyang palm technique.

What was cast was the Dragon Subduing Palm.

With the yin and yang way of longevity, he hit the yang subduing dragon palm, which is extremely powerful, and he has also reached the level of the top five grand masters.

Among them, the yin and yang way of longevity is originally created by combining the formula of longevity, the nine yin scriptures, and the nine yang magic skills.

Dragon Subduing Divine Palm is also a combination of various powerful palm techniques, such as Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Tianshan Six Sun Palms, Depressed Soul Palm, Iron Palm, and Baihong Palm.

In the end, he defeated Bi Xuan and obtained the Yanyang Qigong, the top master's skill.

After that, Lu Changqing simply went to Goguryeo to fight the last three great masters, Fu Cailin.

With the innate invisible sword energy, the six swords flew together, defeating Fu Cailin's Yi swordsmanship.

Although Fu Cailin's Yi swordsmanship is powerful, he can predict the enemy's opportunities first, use his brilliant eyesight to grasp the opponent's martial arts skills, find out the opponent's foundation, and then make a judgment.

But after all, it is only a top-level master's skill, and it has not reached the level of harmony between man and nature.

Facing Lu Changqing's invisible air sword that has already touched the field of kendo, it is naturally impossible to defend against it.

Lu Changqing obtained Fu Cailin's Yi swordsmanship.

At the same time, Lu Changqing also found the Da Ming Zunjiao, defeated the great Zun Xu Kaishan, and obtained the Wisdom Sutra of the Root of All Laws that he practiced.

This is a mysterious martial art that can enhance wisdom and cultivate spiritual strength.

Cultivated to the highest level, it is not even worse than the four great books.

It's a pity that no one has ever been able to practice this technique to the highest level.

Not only that, but this technique can also turn emptiness into reality, turning air and water flow into iron walls for attack or defense, which is extremely miraculous.

So far, except for the remaining Shi Zhixuan, Lu Changqing has obtained almost all the skills he planned to obtain in this small world of martial arts.

Possess the background of these top masters.

Naturally, Lu Changqing would not waste it.

Integrate its essence into several exercises that I have created.

Such as Wu Zun Bixuan's Yanyang Qigong.

Lu Changqing integrated it into the palm of the God of Subduing Dragon, making this palm technique a step further in the Zhiyang Kungfu, and it became a fifth-rank top grandmaster kungfu.

Heavenly Demon Dafa, Ziqi Tianluo, and the wisdom scripture on the root of all dharmas.

These three extremely powerful top-level master exercises.

Lu Changqing integrated all of them into the innate qi.

This skill even produced a trace of Dao Yun, which was deduced towards a heavenly and human-level skill.

The original innate stellar qi was deduced from the innate skill, longevity formula, vajra indestructible physical skill, dragon-elephant prajna skill, and nine suns magical skill. It can condense a five-foot wall of energy and defend unparalleled.

Now, with the addition of Tianmo Dafa and Ziqi Tianluo's aura, not only has the ability to defend, but also can form an aura to counterattack, which is extremely powerful.

And the wisdom scripture of controlling the root of all dharmas, with powerful spiritual power, turns this aura into an impregnable wall for attack or defense.

It's like the innate invisible sword energy is helped by the enlightened sword heart of the Cihang Sword Code. With the core, it can be controlled and controlled by spiritual power to form a trace of Dao.

As a result, under full defense, the innate qi can even withstand a blow from a fourth-rank strong man in harmony with heaven and man.

Today, Lu Changqing's Innate Invisible Sword Qi and Innate Stellar Qi have incorporated too many powerful martial arts, and both of them have almost been promoted to the level of heaven and man.

The innate invisible sword qi and innate stellar qi can no longer be described.

Lu Changqing renamed it again, Sword Qi Shenjue and Tiangang Shengjue.

Sword Qi and Divine Jue include Congenital Promise Kungfu, Cihang Sword Classic, Sword Heart Illumination, Heavenly Sword and Sword Technique, Six Meridians Excalibur, Yi Swordsmanship and other top master skills.

The Tiangang Holy Art includes the Innate Promise Kung Fu, the Wisdom Sutra of Resisting the Origin of All Laws, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, the Nine Suns Kung Fu, the Vajra Indestructible Body Kung Fu, the Heavenly Demon Dafa, and the Ziqi Tianluo and other powerful kung fu methods.

At this time, among the various exercises created by Lu Changqing.

There are several ways to produce Dao Yun, which are close to the level of heaven and man.

Hunyuan Sutra (no phase Hunyuan).

Yin and Yang Tao of Longevity.

Innate infinite power.

Sword Qi God Jue (Innate Sword Qi).

Heavenly Gang Sacred Jue (Congenital Gang Qi).

The top master's skills.

Subduing Dragon Divine Palm.

Taiyi Xuanming palm.

Yin and Yang Xuan refers to.

The universe is turning.

And these exercises are all deduced by him through smelting many powerful exercises.

It's not about blindly practicing martial arts skills of predecessors.

He has gradually broken away from the barriers of the original martial arts, walked out of his own way, and stepped out of his own martial arts.

In the future, he will even continue to improve, so that his martial arts path will go further and stronger.

The next person Lu Changqing will defeat is Shi Zhixuan.

Not the schizophrenic Shi Zhixuan, but the strongest Shi Zhixuan.

Combining the Immortal Seal and Illusionary Magic Body Technique, Shi Zhixuan is created, which is a collection of Immortal and Seven Illusions.

At this moment, Shi Zhixuan was comparable to Song Que.

Lu Changqing had actually met Shi Zhixuan before.

It's a pity that he is schizophrenic, but his strength is no more than that of an ordinary fifth-rank Grandmaster.

Lu Changqing didn't even want to fight him.

Then he was cured with the innate infinite power.

And had a detailed talk with Shi Zhixuan about the situation in Tianwu world.

Shi Zhixuan, besides Song Que, was Lu Changqing's other person who was going to bring into the Tianwu world.

Shi Zhixuan was rebellious and rebellious, unwilling to be subordinated to others.

Lu Changqing is not worried, because he will always be stronger than Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan learned about the world after the shattered void, and the situation that the current world is suppressed by heaven and earth, making it difficult to shatter.

Nature is unwilling to turn into a speck of dust.

Willing to follow Lu Changqing to the Upper Realm.

Before that, he needs to integrate what he has learned all his life, integrate it, and create a comprehensive martial arts.

When Lu Changqing saw Shi Zhixuan again, he had just successfully fused the Immortal Seal and Phantom Demon Body Technique, and derived the Seven Illusions of Immortality, both of which have both body and illusion techniques. peak.

Then he fought Lu Changqing.

With the Seven Illusions of Immortality, Shi Zhixuan can avoid more than [-]% of Lu Changqing's attacks.

At the same time, its attack power is also that of a fifth-rank top grandmaster.

His strength, in Song Que's ninth sword, is almost invincible.

Even if Song Que unleashes the ninth knife with the power of the fourth-grade harmony between man and nature, there is a half chance of escaping.

However, he could not be Lu Changqing's opponent after all.

From Shi Zhixuan, Lu Changqing obtained the undead Seven Illusions, the top master's skill.

Then, this technique was integrated into Lingbo Weibu and Qiankun Douzhuan respectively.

Shi Zhixuan's phantom magic body technique is no less than Lingbo Weibu.

Combining the two high-level lightness skills, together with lightness skills from other martial arts, Lu Changqing created a stronger lightness skill that is unique to him, dreaming empty flowers, volleying through the void.

The Immortal Sealing Method includes measuring the enemy, knowing the enemy, and confusing the enemy with true energy. The profound meaning lies in borrowing force, using the extremely fast conversion of life and death to transform energy into strength, and transform the true energy (dead energy) attacked by others into vitality. How to restore your own qi and blood, how to keep your true qi and internal force alive and never exhausted.

Originally, it has the same effect as the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

Lu Changqing integrated it into the universe.

Gathering the seal of immortality, the great movement of the universe, the three methods of borrowing power from the stars, and the mysterious movement of the universe, the method of fighting and turning, has also been promoted to the fifth-rank level.

(End of this chapter)

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