Chapter 1 Homecoming

Chapter 1 Homecoming
December 2018, 5.

A residential house in Shanghai.

In the courtyard, a young man with a bare upper body propped his hands on the ground and stood upside down against the wall.

Sweat dripped on the ground, and a puddle of water stains was clearly visible.

"Get up so early." A female voice came out, and then a woman came out of the house with a basin.

"Mom." The young man rolled over and stood up, and said to the woman with a smile, "Get up."

"Yeah." The woman nodded with a smile, "Looking at you, the habits you have developed in BJ over the years are pretty good."

"It's okay, the law firm has a lot of things to do, so it's good to go early." The young man said with a smile.

"I really don't know what you think. After staying in the law firm well, you suddenly resigned and came back." The woman shook her head and said.

"Don't you want to go home and spend time with your family?"

"Stop." The woman gave the young man a white look, "I still don't know who you are, Lin Huan?"

Lin Huan smiled, completely indifferent to what his mother said.

Although the root cause of leaving the job and coming back is indeed not the homesickness he said, homesickness is indeed one of the reasons.

He didn't say the root cause. He said it was because of homesickness, which was not a lie, it was reasonable.

"Your brother sent away?" Mother Lin put down the empty water basin and asked.

"Sent to school." Lin Huan picked up a towel and tried to wipe the sweat off his body.

"As soon as you come back from BJ, your dad will be happy, and he won't have to send your brother to school every day." Mother Lin said with a smile.

Lin Huan also laughed.

Lin Huan's younger brother is nine years younger than Lin Huan. He is now a sophomore in high school and will be in his third year soon. His grades are not bad.

"Now that you're back, have you decided which unit to apply for?" Mother Lin asked.

"I didn't think so." Lin Huan shook his head and said.

"It's simply the Public Security Bureau, the procuratorate or the court. They all say that there is no separation between the public security and the law. If you are a lawyer, you can go to the public security and law, and your career is also suitable." Lin's mother suggested.

Indeed, the Public Prosecution Law is completely sweet and sweet in the eyes of ordinary people.


Lin Huan smiled wryly in his heart, he really didn't want to go.

"Mom, let me think about it again." Lin Huan put on his blouse and said to Mother Lin with a smile, but his smile was clearly refusing.

Mother Lin was helpless and was about to say something when Lin Huan had already entered the house.

Words become words.

"Call your dad up and let him go to the store to have a look."


Mother Lin shook her head.

stinky boy.

But there was a big smile on his face.

After breakfast, Lin Huan and Father Lin went to the store together.

Lin's father runs a Chery 4S store. He is not very rich, but he does not have to worry about eating and drinking, the middle sense.

When I came to the store, I saw many cars with green license plates.

This is new energy. In recent years, new energy vehicles have gained some momentum of development. Father Lin also took the opportunity to make a move and took down the direct sales of Chery New Energy in this district.

However, the store has not yet been renovated, and these new energy vehicles will be put together with fuel vehicles.

There were quite a few people in the store who came to see the car. Except for the manager and a few salespersons, no one noticed the arrival of Lin Huan and his son.

Dad and the manager went inside to talk about things in the store. Lin Huan didn't follow, but just sat in the reception hall, eating a fruit plate.

Eat more fruits, and your body will be better.

Sinking into the sofa, observing everyone in the store who came to buy a car, he still chewed the fruit in his mouth.

People of all shapes and sizes.

Chery is not considered a high-end brand, and most of the people who come to buy cars are ordinary families, and the difference in purchasing power will not be too big.

But the dress is different.

Publicity, restraint, self-confidence, embarrassment, calmness, shrinking...

There are all kinds of things in the world, and you can always see some miniatures anywhere.

Raising his hand, he put a grape into his mouth, chewed for a while, and stood up from the sofa.

go outside.

 The author accepts polite and qualified suggestions and questions, and does not accept any form of unqualified abuse. If you don’t like to read, just change the book. Hello, hello, hello, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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