Chapter 22 Worry
Chapter 22 Worry

On July 17th, Lin Huan optimized the video content according to Sun Shengwan's suggestion. The first improved video used the illegal hunting case he took over.

Not to mention, it's really effective. The number of fans is increasing day by day. Although the increase is not much, it is slowly increasing every day, and the comments are gradually increasing.

Facts have proved that Son Seung-wan's suggestion is effective.

Lin Huan is very satisfied to see the progress, and he is very motivated to make videos.

However, Lin Huan does not squat at home to make videos every day.

Lafayette sneered at Lin Ying's proposal to learn music, and dismissed Lin Ying's request with "I'm going to be my third year of high school soon, what music should I learn?"

And I agree with Lin Huan's decision to study music, the reasons are as follows:
"Young people, it's always good to learn one more skill."

Under Lin Ying's strong protest, Lafayette promised that when he finished the college entrance examination, he would follow him to learn music, and learn what he liked.

This also made Lin Ying very speechless.

However, Lafayette did not "kill them all", and agreed to Lin Ying's idea of ​​traveling to Wanwan in August.

In fact, Lin Huan seriously suspected that Lafayette himself wanted to go to Wanwan to play.

A well-known music training institution.

Sitting among a group of children with an average age of 16, Lin Huan stands out from the crowd.

This is why Lin Huan deliberately found this music training institution that only recruits students who have passed the voice change period.

In the few houses I went to before, there were children under ten years old, and it was even more embarrassing for Lin Huan to sit.

At the beginning, he was a little uncomfortable. He thought he was a young man, but he still felt old when he was with this group of boys and girls whose average age was 16 years old.

The only good thing is that this is an introductory class, and all the students here have zero foundation, which allows Lin Huan to avoid the situation where he can't do anything and other children beat him up fancy.

After a few days of classes, Lin Huan also became a little familiar with these children.

He didn't need to take the initiative. These children would surround him and ask questions after class, especially when they knew that he was a lawyer. They were all very excited and dragged him to ask some weird legal questions all day long. .

"If I destroy the national defense cable in order to avoid the invasion of bad guys, is it considered an emergency?"

"If I got married, but the bridal chamber found out that it was a man at night, and then I went to find another girl to marry, would it be bigamy?"

"I was stabbed, but I can't die as long as I don't move. At this time, I remembered that the phone hadn't been formatted. I endured the severe pain to format the phone, and then I hung up. Is it intentional killing or intentional injury? lethal?"

Immortal questions such as these gave Lin Huan a headache.

The national defense cables are several meters underground. If you can dig the national defense cables with your bare hands, then the ones who should run should be gangsters, okay?

What kind of man can grow into a bridal chamber only to find out that he is wearing a handle?What's even more outrageous is that you didn't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to confirm that the marriage was annulled, but instead went to find a woman to marry?Aquaman, right?

Also, is there something in your phone that would make you die and have to format it?
What a desire to survive!

There are too many slots to spit out.

Every day when Lin Huan came to class, he felt that he was doing science popularization at the same time as class... No, he was dealing with weird problems.

But now this kind of situation is much less, which also makes Lin Huan breathe a sigh of relief.

He came to learn music, not to popularize science.

However, there is one thing to say, this music theory sounds really boring.

It's like studying jurisprudence in law school back then.

But boring is boring, and you still have to learn. Sun Shengwan has said that music theory is the foundation. If the foundation is not solid, how do you want to build a tall building?
However, the teacher of the institution said that Lin Huan's physical function and timbre are very good. Although it is a bit late to learn music now, he will learn it easily because of his innate conditions.

Lin Huan didn't know whether it was true or a lie that he told him to come to class, anyway, he really believed it.

Full of confidence, go to class!

That night.

Ning Yizhuo finished his day's practice, returned to the trainee dormitory, lay on the bed after washing up and opened station B.

At first, I downloaded it to watch Lin Huan's video, but then I seemed to have discovered a new world, and I couldn't control it. I would watch it for a while after returning to the dormitory every day.

After watching the video for a while, I suddenly remembered that I haven't seen Lin Huan's homepage for a while, and I don't know how much it has been updated recently.

Just as he was about to click on Lin Huan's homepage, he saw a red number "5" in his watch list, so he clicked on it.

"Are they all videos?" Ning Yizhuo swiped in surprise, it was all Lin Huan's videos.

Click on the bottom one titled "Shocked!The old farmer actually did this to protect the fruit trees."

"As always, the naming is weak." Ning Yizhuo muttered, and clicked on the video.

Lin Huan's figure appeared in the camera, just like before, without the slightest nonsense, directly into the text of the video.

But Ning Yizhuo keenly noticed the difference in the subtitles.

Below the Chinese subtitles, there is an additional line of English subtitles one size smaller than the Chinese subtitles.

In just an instant, Ning Yizhuo thought of Senior Wendy.

The English subtitles added by Lin Huan must have been specially added for Senior Wendy.

So careful!

Ning Yizhuo thought in amazement, the relationship between Lin Huan and Senior Wendy is so good.

Are you a good friend?
Ning Yizhuo looked at the English subtitles in the video, and suddenly felt that these two people... were a bit romantic.

Senior Wendy specially asked someone to help translate the videos, and he didn't mind the trouble after watching each one carefully, and then found out the problem.

Lin Huan received the suggestion from senior Wendy, and while improving, he thoughtfully put English subtitles for the convenience of senior Wendy to watch.

Are these two... really just good friends?
Ning Yizhuo suddenly became suspicious.

She is just a trainee and has no access to the circle of artists, but occasionally she can hear some news, such as which senior from the company is in love.

It's normal to think about it, it's been so many years since I debuted.

Counting it, Senior Wendy has also debuted for four years, if they really dated, it wouldn't be surprising.

Ning Yizhuo shook his head.

Even falling in love has nothing to do with her. Trainees are called debut reserve, but if they don't debut for a day, the difference in status lies there.

She should worry more about herself, she doesn't know when she will debut.

It is not a good thing that seniors from the same company are too good at fighting.

Red Velvet debuted four years ago and is still popular. Every time it comes back, it can be airborne. I don’t know when there will be news about the company’s new girl group. Last year, it was said that there would be a new girl group. This year, it’s still the news, and I haven’t seen it yet. Something is happening.

Shaking his head, get rid of these messy thoughts, continue watching the video, and relax.

(End of this chapter)

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