I'm not a lawyer anymore

Chapter 89 University

Chapter 89 University
Chapter 89University

Lin Huan: Then don't think about it, it's impossible to shout about being angry, but you can call me Ouba instead.

Wendy: [Sister's sneer]
Wendy: Impossible!

Lin Huan: Why?I am three years older than you.

Wendy: That is senior Lin Huan, not Lin Huan oppa!

Lin Huan took a screenshot, cut off the first half of the sentence, and left "Lin Huan oppa" in the second half of the sentence, then saved and sent it.

Lin Huan: [Photo]
Wendy:? ? ?
Wendy: Is it still possible to do this?
Lin Huan: Why not?
Lin Huan: [Wen Wen smirks]
The emoticon package that Sun Shengwan just posted, no, it came in handy.

Wendy: ...

Wendy: A scheming man.

Lin Huan: I have already saved it, so give it up.

Wendy: How can there be such a scheming man! [Sister's puzzlement]
Lin Huan: Well, now you see [Wen Wen spreads hands]
Wendy: Huh ╯^╰!
Wendy: [Pear gets angry]
Wendy: I ​​won't chat with you anymore, I'm busy with other things, let's go!See!

Lin Huan looked at the message from Sun Shengwan with a smile, and did not reply to her again, logged out of INS, and put the phone aside.

His gaze refocused on the computer screen, and the smile on his face faded, replaced by a melancholy expression.

"A unique blessing, so sad..."

Just when Lin Huan was worrying about the email from SM, a piece of news quietly spread among various universities in Shanghai.

The information about Lin Huan, especially when he worked in the capital law firm, is extremely detailed, including Lin Huan's internship period and experience after becoming a regular.

Cases handled, trial style, etc.

In addition, his video is also one of the key observation targets.

The source of all this is just a piece of news from the mainland branch of SM.

Everyone is human, even if this is just "gossip", but this "gossip" is only spread among universities with excellent political and law majors like them, the intention is too obvious.

The other party has no intention of concealing their purpose, and the main purpose of this behavior is obviously to make them tempted.

Facts have proved that they are indeed moved.

Aside from Lin Huan's reputation on the Internet and among the public, from the perspective of his resume alone, he is actually good enough.

An outstanding political and legal talent graduated from the Public Security University Law School, with a master's degree in law. He has practiced and worked in a capital law firm for a total of six years. He has a certain reputation in the industry. He is only 28 years old and can be called a senior lawyer.

In addition, Lin Huan's real advantage lies in his unique appeal.

No one in the political and legal circles can achieve his amazing influence. Lin Huan is too famous, but everyone who frequently surfs the Internet has watched his videos or video clips more or less.

Many people don't want to call him an Internet celebrity. The main purpose of Lin Huan's videos is to popularize the law, which is fundamentally different from other Internet celebrities, and the core starting point is different.

Moreover, the most important thing is that once such large-scale matters are involved, the character design can easily be defined as Gao Weiguang's image of a saint.

But Lin Huan did a good job. He can play games, watch celebrities, and tell some down-to-earth jokes. What he shows on weekdays is not an image of a knowledgeable and talented political and legal elite, but more like a general public. member.

Such "vulgarity" prevented him from becoming a saint under various positive publicity.

Domestic netizens like to deify a person very much, and even more like to tear the deified person off the altar.

A celebrity, especially in China, is the best person to be, and never try to deify himself.Otherwise, the flattery that netizens gave you when you became a god will one day turn into abuse when you fall from the altar.

Lin Huan maintains his "vulgar" image, which makes his evaluation not all favorable, but generally he will not be praised as a god.

People in the political and legal circles are separated from the public.

People in the political and legal circles are mainly composed of people related to law, not just lawyers and public prosecutors, but everything related to legal research and operation can be people in the political and legal circles.

The law gives the public a feeling that it is superior. This can be seen from the public's general view that political and legal professionals are elites.

Although civil law is closely related to the public, civil lawyers and civil court judges are not often accessible to ordinary people.

The level of popularization of the law in China is very poor. This is caused by various factors, including the separation of the political and legal circles from the grassroots.

This division is not the flow of talents. In fact, many lawyers come from ordinary families. It is politics, not law, that really restricts the flow of talents.

The existence of Lin Huan is very special. His videos not only make it easier for the public to understand the law, but also make him an extremely special existence.

When people mention politics and law, Lin Huan is the first thing they think of, but what about the second?

Most people don't know who are the two deans who hold the highest power in the country's political and legal affairs, but most people know that there is a lawyer in China named Lin Huan who likes to tell jokes to popularize the law.

This is the unique importance of Lin Huan.

If this kind of special existence is not limited to the universities in Shanghai, the two only overlords in Beijing (anti-harmony) will be tempted.

He is so special!
The leaders of these colleges and universities have more or less heard about Lin Huan and the Ministry of Public Security. Not many people know about the invitation letter.

The leaders of these colleges and universities are among the top few in the domestic education circle, so they are naturally qualified to know this kind of news.

After the SM mainland branch released the news that Lin Huan intends to settle in a certain university, everyone started to compete with each other. There was a kind of vigor to compete for the first place in the college entrance examination, but it was different from this.

There is a top scorer in the college entrance examination every year, and Lin Huan is the only one.

In this way, an open and secret struggle about Lin Huan's whereabouts began.

While Lin Huan himself was still worrying, all kinds of information about him had already appeared in the computers of the leaders of major universities, and the universities that moved quickly had already started meetings to discuss employment conditions and remuneration.

And some ordinary or salty colleges and universities choose to watch the theater.

They either knew how much they were and couldn't grab them, or they had no interest and just wanted to watch the show, and they didn't make any movement, silently watching other colleges and universities compete.

In fact, it’s a lot to say, but in the final analysis, the only ones that are really competitive are the few double-first-class universities. Other universities still have a lot of b numbers. If you go there, you will be cannon fodder.Let a few of their big brothers fight, and they will just have to eat melons and watch the show behind.

(End of this chapter)

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