Chapter 117 The Choice of Group B (for Subscription)

"Challenge yourself or let it go?
You are faced with a choice.

If you choose to withdraw from the competition at this time, you can get five catties of rice as compensation.

If you choose to continue playing, go back to where you came from!
Note that this is the only time you will be able to go back with a reward.

consider carefully! "

"I have never been so entangled in running 100 meters."

Su Shen pinched his chin and looked sad.

Peng Yuyan was roasting plantains beside him, his face was full of fatigue.

The two of them also suffered a lot today. When they went into the sea to search for clues, their bodies were soaked by sea water.

That's fine.

The key is the task of finding medicinal materials, which cost the two of them too much time.

It was done, and it was dark.

"Mr. Su, do you think we are still competitive now?"

Peng Yuyan has long since lost the confidence he had when he set off. From the beginning of the treasure hunt to the present, every link took a long time.

I always feel that I am far behind my opponent.

"Difficult!" Su Shen shook his head, "The efficiency is too low. It would be embarrassing to search for three medicinal materials in three hours."

"Yes." Peng Yuyan also smiled wryly: "Then what do you think, give up?"

"At present, giving up is the most appropriate way!" Su Shen looked outside, and the sky had already darkened: "Five catties of rice is a reward anyway.

If we still have a chance to win, then stick to it, no problem, I'm afraid that even the rice will fall in the end. "

Although the words have been said, it is not that simple to make a decision.

The two struggled for half an hour, which made the audience anxious.

Finally, Peng Yuyan picked up the walkie-talkie: "The program group, call group B."

"Zi La. Zi La program team received it, please tell me!"

"We decided." Peng Yuyan glanced at Su Shen: "Take the reward and quit the competition."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, you are now heading towards the coast, please be careful on the road."

There was no turning back when the bow was opened, and the two no longer entangled, and set off with their luggage on their backs.

It's just that along the way, there was no communication, and we all had the same idea. I felt that it was very inappropriate to quit the competition, and I'm sorry for the members.

Kind of like a deserter.

"Nice job my baby."

"It's time to go back."

"You'll be thankful for the choices you made."

"Anyway, I got the rice, which is much better than Group C."

"Best decision made by Group B so far."

The barrage was full of applause. Of course, there were some people who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and felt sorry. Why didn't they continue?
With one foot deep and the other shallow, the two arrived at the beach, and soon, the staff also arrived.

Blankets and ginger tea are also attached. They don't want any player to withdraw from the game because of this variable.

The wind was blowing on the face, it was very cold, but the two were expressionless and very disappointed.

Without a word all the way, I returned to Golden Skull Island.

When disembarking, the staff presented a reward, a bag of rice.

After Su Shen took it, he was not very happy, and couldn't help asking: "Are we the first ones to leave Tiger Island?"

"The second team."

Unexpectedly, I got an answer.

"What about the other team?"

The staff has obtained the permission of the director in advance and can inform the specific situation.

"It's Group A."

"Group A!" Peng Yuyan showed an as expected expression: "They are also like us, choosing rewards?"

"No," the staff member shook his head cheerfully, "Actually, the next ring is the final ring."

"Damn!" Peng Yuyan swears.

"However, congratulations, you made the most correct choice."

When you're done, just leave.

The two froze for a few seconds before reacting.

Before he had time to be upset, he gave an explosive news that Group A had already won.

"My God!" Peng Yuyan slapped his forehead.

Su Shen pulled his hand away from his forehead: "You are surprised if you are surprised, why did you slap me on the forehead!"

"Hahahaha, I'm so excited."

This time, the two of them only had one mood, and that was happiness.

I have already judged that it is definitely not No.1. After weighing the stakes, I had to make a choice.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. If I persevere, I don’t know how disappointed I will be when I find out that there is nothing.

"Is Group A so strong?"

"Needless to say, Ning Fang is definitely here."

"I didn't expect Group C to still be on the island."

The two walked for a while, and when they saw the bonfire in the base camp, they felt friendly and quickened their pace.

"We're back."

When Wu Jing and the others saw them, they also stood up happily to greet them.

"It's hard work."

"It's been raining all day, isn't it easy?"

"Come and enjoy the fire."

The return of the two was also welcomed.

"Sorry, I only got this." Peng Yuyan took out the rice from his arms.

"Rice, good stuff." Wu Jing took it and said, "Yo, it's quite a lot, about five or six catties."

Su Shen took off his shoes and socks and set the fire on fire: "Five catties, we are getting an encouragement award."

Then, the two talked about each other, roughly talking about today's experience on Tiger Island.

When it came time to make a decision, I also let it go, saying that after struggling for a long time, I finally made a decision.

"It's a great job." Wu Jing expressed her approval: "Under the premise of uncertainty, getting rice can be regarded as something rewarding, which is much better than running for nothing."

"Facts have also proved that we made the most correct decision." Su Shen was very proud.

"What do you mean?" Miss 36D asked.

"When I got off the boat, I asked the staff, we are already No.2, Brother Jing, do you know who is number one?"

Wu Jing didn't think about it: "Group A!"

"Ah, I guessed it right away." Su Shen gave a thumbs up.

"Are they also choosing rewards?"

"No, they won the championship, that is, they didn't choose rewards, but they persevered, and it felt like a long time ahead of us."

"Wow!" Wu Jing clapped her hands: "It's also thanks to the two of you participating. If it were me, I might choose to persevere. In the end, there will be nothing."

"Too sensible."

"Then what is the reward for the championship?" Miss 36D was curious.

Peng Yuyan shook his head: "I don't know, and I won't tell us."

"Whatever they do," Wu Jing waved his hand, "They did a great job, hey, does that mean that Group C is still on the island?"

That's right, Group C is still holding on.

On the edge of the pool, a simple shelter has been built.

A grass by the lake and Cameron took great pains to start a fire, and the two were drying clothes.

Cameron was basically sure that there was only one lake on the island, and they found the right one.

However, the current state of the two of them, as well as the weather conditions, are really not suitable for continuing to enter the water.

There is a fire, hot roasted plantains and coconut water.

Let a grass by the lake regain some confidence.

The two have reached a consensus, and feel that this competition is about the difficulty and the mentality of the players.

Last time, the jungler Xiaowan had to spend 48 hours alone outside, but now it is normal for the two of them to spend a little longer.

"Tonight, rest well, and continue to fight tomorrow."


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(End of this chapter)

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