Chapter 129 Reba's Difficulties

The mood in the group B camp was not high, and the most interesting soul was missing, Baby Wang.

Wu Jing is good at acting and has personal charm.

But if you really want him to adjust the atmosphere, it still makes a lot of sense, let alone Su Bingtian, ordinary people say nothing.

Now that the person is gone, there is no need to keep mentioning it, it will only affect morale.

The content of the chat changed from the third time to Ning Fang.

Of the remaining six people in Group B, four have met.

For this young opponent, praise is added, and the two variables that I know are all because of his relationship.

Now, it is estimated that no one would dare to underestimate Group A. Their members are currently the most.

The fact that the five girls could not fall behind in the 20-day life shows that they have also grown up.

"You said, the next variable, will there be a direct confrontation between the teams?"

Peng Yuyan found a topic, otherwise everyone was a little depressed.

Wu Jing took up the conversation: "There should be. The audience may get tired of watching it just for survival, but I don't know when it will come."

"There is a real confrontation, we can't lose."

"It depends on the project."

What they don't know is that a word becomes a prophecy.

A countdown appeared in the live broadcast room. Seven days later, that is, next Saturday, the fourth variation of the game will begin.

This is the first official spoiler.

The first few changes were announced a day or two in advance, and the audience loved and hated it.

Obviously, this variable program group attaches great importance to it.

I specially posted a link and made a special page. Apart from the name of the program, the banners were posters of the remaining [-] contestants.

However, if there are talented viewers watching the show, it may be difficult to match the photos with real people, especially for a few amateur contestants.

For example Ning Fang.

On the poster, he has a bright smile, a crew cut, and a clean and fresh person, looking very capable.

What now.

It was several degrees darker, not to mention the long hair, and the skin became rough, especially the beard, which completely changed the perception of a person.

Others are not much better, thinner, darker, and haggard.

However, the stars were well-received.

False, there are more variety shows in the script, and a real show comes out, all of which are shown without makeup, followed by hunger, labor, sun exposure, wind and rain.

Many people who are not interested in them have turned to fans.

The program group will naturally not miss the opportunity.

On weekdays, the average number of people in the live broadcast room is 8000 million, and on weekends, it directly increases significantly.

Three variables contributed a lot.

Fame and fortune are a foregone conclusion, how to continue to be brilliant is the key.

Forecasting the arrival of the fourth variable in advance is to warm up.

Want to hit higher viewership.

However, after reading the introduction, the program team was scolded again.

"After 21 days of survival, our players have been through a lot and it's time to put them to the test.

Only the strong can continue, and only the quick adaptation can go further.

This time, the remaining nineteen contestants will compete face to face for the first time.

Group A, which is not favored, but has been winning three championships as a dark horse,
Group B, the most popular and the most lucky,
Group C, which is full of survival skills but repeatedly frustrated,
Which group can win the championship, please wait and see.

Naturally, for the hard-working players, the surprise rewards that are also prepared will be announced next week, so stay tuned. "

I saw it, but not all of it!

A lot of things have been said, but there is almost nothing practical.

The program group is too used to whetting their appetites, and they don't say the whole thing every time, leaving suspense and making the audience and fans anxious.

The routine that I'm used to, but it works.

Immediately after the announcement, the news came out.

"Star Survival Announcement Fourth Variation, Much Expected"

"Three teams compete on the same stage for the first time, the program team announced that they are preparing for a mysterious prize"

"A celebrity surnamed Zhang confessed after drinking that he regretted not joining the show"


Sometimes, the job of a reporter is really not difficult. Watching the live broadcast, I write the manuscript.

Not all the audience's attention was on the variables. Many people were still concerned about what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the three people in Group A.

"I might have to quit!"

Reba's words stunned the two of them.

"Why!" Wang Meng couldn't accept it: "Is it uncomfortable?"

After speaking, he touched Reba's arm with his hand.

"I'm fine." Reba squeezed out an apologetic smile.

At this time, the clouds just opened and the moonlight fell, but the atmosphere was not romantic at all.

"What's going on." Ning Fang also felt baffled.

"It's a contract.

Before I participated in the show, I had already signed a contract with a crew"

Reba poured the beans out of the bamboo tube and explained clearly.

Things are not complicated.

She accepted a play, a big investment, and she was also the heroine.

Originally, it was already going to join the group.

It's just that there is something wrong with the crew, and it will be uncertain when the filming will start for a while.

This is the third time the program team came to invite you. There are no conditions, as long as you come. The young lady discussed it with the company.

Idle is idle, so come on, it's all about making quick money.

After all, as a non-professional and a girl, if you participate in a survival program, you may stay for five or six days, at most a week, and then you can leave.

With this mentality, I signed and agreed.

As a result, the person had already flown over and was about to leave the next day. The crew received news that they would join the crew in a month.

It was a little sudden, but after discussing it with the brokerage company, I think it is not a problem.

Reba, who felt that he could only hold on for a few days, didn't tell anyone else about it.

Unexpectedly, after joining the program, the situation has changed.

To put it simply, she kind of enjoys the current atmosphere and likes to stay with the members. The strange but interesting lifestyle makes her reluctant to leave.

I have to struggle every night, and tomorrow, I will find an excuse to leave tomorrow.

Dragging, dragging, dragging until now.

The remaining ten days are already very hasty.

On the island, there is no personal care, skin, hair quality, etc., are affected.

Definitely takes some time to recuperate.

I can't get entangled anymore, so I can only call two people to tell the situation.

Just tell them that it's not because of their good relationship, Reba and Tie Tie's little Ailing are also sisters.

The main reason is that there are many people who know about it, and they are afraid of disturbing the morale of the army.

It was too embarrassing to say that we would go on together, but he had to go first.

For a moment, the two didn't know what to say.

Ning Fang is not an insider, but he knows something.

If a star signs a contract and fails to perform it, there will be a big problem.

Losing money or something is the next thing. Some people who like to live will immediately label you as a big-name player. Negative news is the most deadly.

In the final analysis, they are reasonable, after all, the contract was signed first.

You make quick money, but if you delay the schedule of the entire crew, you will naturally have to bear the consequences.

"Then you are looking for us, is it a notice?" Wang Meng asked.

"Sister Meng!" Reba felt uncomfortable in an instant: "Why do you call it a notice? I am so entangled with you because I hate everyone. Ning Fang, just say something."

(End of this chapter)

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