Chapter 132 Attack!wild hive
The seaside homework took about an hour, and it was all done without going into the water, and it was easier.

"Why don't you go back first, I'll look around."

Ning Fang's proposal was rejected by Reba and insisted on following.

The two found an entrance with relatively few plants from the shore and stepped into the forest.

After careful consideration, Ning Fang decided to put aside the shipbuilding for the time being.

The game is about to start, and it is still a team battle. He is the absolute main force and must conserve his energy.

He couldn't guarantee the success rate of the raft. If he was going to be silent, he was afraid of damaging morale.

Let it go, there is no harm, don't worry about it for a few days.

As for food, there is a spear gun, and I believe it will be rewarding to use it in the next night.

Don't forget, he has changed the patriarch's skill, and he has been eager to try it for a long time. Tonight, he will surprise everyone.

"This is purslane."

While walking, Reba squatted down, pointed to a plant and said back.

In fact, she knew her, but Ning Fang was by her side, so she wanted to ask more questions.

"Yes, but it's fully grown, and the taste is not good, so don't pick it." Ning Fang glanced at it and nodded.

"Hmm!" Reba didn't care, and continued on his way.

The coastline of Golden Skull Island is very long, and it takes a lot of time to measure the entire island with your feet.

Coupled with the location of the base camp, the area by the beach has become a blind spot for Group A.

It is also a good thing that the resources here can be utilized.

After walking for more than half an hour, I was pleasantly surprised to find several coconut trees full of fruit.

"Ning Fang, go!"

Ning Fang walked a few steps and realized something was wrong, so he turned around and said, "Are you letting the dog go? Let's go."

The little sister laughed and trembled: "I don't know the key."

The weather on the island is hot and you sweat a lot. Coconut water can perfectly replenish electrolytes, a good thing.

Ning Fang is not greedy, this thing is heavy, even if it is hung on a tree, it cannot run away.

Stop when you get five or six, and store the rest for freshness.

It was still early, so there was no rush to go back.

Reba was indeed in a better mood. When he saw a wild flower by the roadside, he picked one and stuck it in his hair. It was extraordinarily beautiful.

When they came to a forest, the voice from mid-air made the two of them vigilant.

It can be heard that it is a bee.

Looking up, small black dots are flying in the air.

"Ning Fang, let's go away."


Ning Fang agreed, but his head was spinning wildly.

"Go to the side."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Reba's stop, he started looking around.

A few minutes later, in a crack in the stone, I saw wild bees coming in and out.

Not very big, black.

There seems to be no special reaction to Ning Fang's arrival.

"Ning Fang, what are you doing?"

Reba's voice came from behind, a little trembling.

"Don't come here."

Ning Fang observed for a while, then turned and left.

"Don't mess with the bees, the sting is very painful." Reba folded his arms, his face full of vigilance.

"Yeah, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, let's go."

Ning was relieved.

The hive was found, which means that there must be honey in it.

This is a good thing, not to be missed.

It's just that I don't bring any equipment now, and I'm still following a young lady, so it's inconvenient to do it, so I go back and get ready.

Reba hurriedly pulled Ning Fang away, it was too dangerous.

When I was filming in the wild, I suffered a bee sting and it hurt.

I never thought about honey at all, my life is important.

The two returned to the base camp with a full load and received a warm welcome.

Nini and the others also harvested, but they were all wild vegetables.

According to Wang Meng, it feels that what flows in the body is not blood but also chlorophyll, which can carry out photosynthesis.

The ingredients of wild vegetables, if you taste them occasionally, you will feel very refreshing and fresh.

People have evolved to the present, it is more suitable to eat meat, not to be vegetarian.

Moreover, the reason why wild vegetables feel delicious is that they need a lot of fat, that is, oil to stir-fry.

In this wilderness, there is no oil.

It’s okay to eat one meal, two meals, and three meals. It’s really difficult to swallow wild vegetables every day for a month.

Still, no one complained, all adults.

What about limited conditions?

There is an old movie, which seems to be called "Party A and Party B". The big boss who drives a Mercedes-Benz goes to a poor place and says he wants to endure hardship. After staying for a while, he ruins the chickens in the farmer's house.

This is not a joke, I really think about not eating meat for a while!

The six-line fish caught is quite fat and looks the same. It is stewed in a pot. In this way, the whole pot of soup will become much more delicious.

Wang Meng and Reba, who had been waiting all morning, took Ning Fang to have a private chat while everyone was taking a nap.

Knowing that it was the chief director's notice, the two hugged each other and twirled around, not to mention how happy they were.

"Thank you!"

Excited, Reba kissed Ning Fang on the right cheek while holding Ning Fang.

Wang Meng yelled from the side: "I didn't see it, I didn't see anything."

"Don't get me wrong, just thank you." Reba was a little embarrassed.

Ning Fang touched his face and watched the two of them leave with a smile.

At noon, the island became quiet, the trees became quiet, all kinds of birds avoided the scorching sun, and they seemed to be able to hear the sound of waves coming from a distance.

Roar. Roar.
Jiang Donghao was soundly asleep when he was shaken awake by Ning Fang.

"What time is it?" He was a little confused.

The nap time in the afternoon is relatively long, and it is also for the sake of everyone. Going out in this kind of weather is too easy to get sick from heatstroke.

"It's raining?"

Jiang Donghao looked up and looked outside the shelter, no, the sun is shining brightly.

"I went out in the morning and found a wild bee nest, let's go together."

In an instant, Jiang Donghao woke up.

"Are you crazy, we don't have any equipment, just rely on this broken coir raincoat?"

"Damn it, I said Ning Fang wouldn't give up so easily."

"But it's too dangerous."

"I've seen Africans catching bees with their bare hands."

"A real man, awesome."

The barrage was also startled by Ning Fang's thoughts.

Most viewers are quite worried, even if they have not been stung by a bee, they know how terrible it is.

What's more, every year there are news of being stung or even dying in the news.

"You won't be cowardly, will you?"

Ning Fang guessed Jiang Donghao's reaction and used the simplest aggressive method.

"You are an expert in the jungle, you have never caught wild bees and eaten wild honey?"

"how is this possible!"

Sure enough, panic flashed across Jiang Donghao's face.

"Just, our equipment."

"It's okay, you can just start and be responsible for assisting. Let's go and come back quickly, and we will surprise others later."

Unable to hide, Jiang Donghao could only get up.

The two took a few coir raincoats, an axe, and the most important flint and steel, and left quietly.

Along the way, Jiang Donghao's face was not very good, and he was persuading him in his words.

Ning Fang is actually similar.

Just for different reasons.

There are too many things in my hand, and, on a hot day, I put on long sleeves and pants.

It's a bit silly, and it's too late to wear it when you go to the place.

That said, I was still a little apprehensive.

For brother Zhao, cutting a piece of wild honey is nothing.

But it's the first time for Ning Fang to be stung, it should be quite painful, why don't you pick some dandelions.

If you sting a few more times, I'm afraid it won't work.

But the temptation of honey is too great, high in calories, after ingestion, it will be converted into fat quickly.

If a person loses weight, the first thing to disappear is fat.

Without fat, you will become sluggish, exhausted, and your immunity will decrease.

As the captain of Group A, Ning Fang feels obliged to help the members who are getting thinner.

Besides, honey is a rare delicacy.

The buzz sounded again, and the two arrived at the place.

Bees are hardworking little guys, and they won't stay out of the house because of the high temperature.

After persuasion all the way to no avail, Jiang Donghao accepted his fate, but it was agreed, he was just assisting.

The entire hive is only a ten-centimeter-long, three-to-four-centimeter-high gap as the exit, above which is a huge stone, covered with a thick layer of soil.

The exact structure inside is not yet known.

Jiang Donghao squatted on the side, working, while staring vigilantly around, as if ready to escape at any time.

"I said, this wild bee is not irritable."

Ning Fang is also comforting himself, there are bees flying by from time to time, it is indeed a bit intrusive.

At this moment, the two had already put on their coir raincoats and stuffed hay into their ears.

There is a lot of preparation work, and the first thing is to ignite the fire.

For the sake of safety, Ning Fang first cleaned up the bottom of the hive.

He was going to light a fire by his side.

To be precise, smoke is needed.

The rain in the past two days just played a role. The firewood, branches and so on have more moisture.

It took 10 minutes and thick smoke rose.

Ning Fang coughed a few times and found that the effect was good.

Obviously, there are many fewer wild bees.

In survival in the wild, digging out honey is considered a basic operation. The program team did not expect that Group A would have the guts to do so.

While focusing the shots, the doctor was also asked to come to the island in advance to stand by.

"Do you really want to cut honey?"

"It's cold knowledge, being stung by a bee will hurt."

"Just ask if you don't understand, don't you need a protective mask or something?"

"Where is it?"

"That's a good question, don't ask next time."

Ning Fang got up and found out the prepared plantain core.

The core of the tree is slightly rolled and is a natural tube.

Fill it with dry grass that is trying to burn, and you have a sprayer.

Ning Fang took the tree core and carefully walked to the gap in the hive, and placed the front end of the pipe on the stone.

After the smoke came out, it was blown into the hive.

I blew a few breaths in a row, and soon, many small bees came out of the gap, and my ears were full of beeping.

What the hell!

Ning Fang felt a pain in the back of his hand, a bee spotted the enemy and launched an attack.

He flicked his finger, and the little wild bee flew somewhere, and there was a small thorn on the back of his hand.

Through the lens, the audience can clearly see the bee stings on the skin.

"I don't change my face!!!"

"What a man."

"Doesn't it hurt? I feel scared when I look at it."

"It doesn't seem to be swollen."

"This kind of bee is not very powerful. Besides, after a bee stings, it will swell after a while."

"My family is a beekeeper. In fact, there is no violent destruction. Bees seldom sting people. After all, if they sting, they will die."

Looking back, Jiang Donghao was dancing in mid-air with a banana leaf.

"Old Jiang, increase the firepower, the bees are about to come out."

"Oh!" Jiang Donghao quickly added some firewood and continued to fan the flames.

The entire live broadcast room became smoky and confused, making it difficult to see clearly.

However, no one has an opinion, and everyone thinks it should be so.

The entire smoking process lasted for a while, and the bees around had moved to the trees not far away and formed a bee ball.

Obviously, don't want to leave home too far.

Ning Fang's cheeks were sore, and he was hit several times.

It was quite painful when I was first stung, but after a while it was actually fine.

The audience can also see that as long as Ning Fang shakes all over, he will be stung.

Seeing that there were no more bees coming in and out of the exit, he stood up.


"Old Jiang, give me a look."

There is no escape on the face, Ning Fang can't do it himself.

Although Jiang Donghao hid behind, he was also stung, but it was better than expected, and it didn't hurt so much.

And, the smoky effect is nice, and the honey already beckons again.

So I went all out.

"What the hell are your eyelids, are you all right?"

Ning Fang shook his head: "I closed my eyes when I was stinging. Look, is the bee sting there?"


After observing for a while, Jiang Donghao was sure.

"That's okay, you continue to light the fire."

Ning Fang picked up the shovel, but the stone slab could not be pried yet, so the soil on top had to be dug up first.

Jiang Donghao didn't dare to be lazy, the firewood he had prepared before was almost ready, so he quickly took an ax to fetch firewood from the nearest place.

The fire cannot be broken.

On the bullet screen, it is unscientific to call out, the old nest will be stabbed, must the bees go crazy.

Ning Fang didn't dare to waste time, the shovel danced quickly, and when he shoveled down, it was a big piece of dirt.

During the period, he was hit twice again.

At this point there is no turning back.

With his efforts, he could already see the bottom of the rock.

Ning Fang jumped down the small slope: "Old Jiang, help."

Jiang Donghao stepped forward with two wooden sticks, one was stuffed into the crack of the stone, and the other was used as a pillar, a simple principle of leverage.

The stick began to bend, and the dirt fell with a puff.

Some big bees came out again, but they were not aggressive.


After the two of them exerted their breastfeeding strength, a huge stone more than ten centimeters thick was pushed up.


"It's so beautiful."

"Drool, saliva."

Introduced into the lens is a golden honeycomb attached to the bottom of the stone, and the pieces are very neat.

"Is this the hive?"

"Where is the queen bee?"

"Hard work has paid off, Ning Fang is awesome."

Seeing this scene, both of them had smiles on their faces.

"Hurry up and do it."

Ning Fang supported the stone, while Jiang Donghao clumsily took the hive from the side.

With a little force, the honey flowed down the fingers, causing the bullet screen to scream, how could such precious honey be wasted.

The honeycomb was not small, about two-thirds of it was taken, Ning Fang shouted to stop.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Donghao was puzzled, and licked his fingers by the way, it was so sweet.

"Leave some for the bees."

The barrage was still praising him, but the words behind him left everyone speechless for a moment.

"Take it all away, the bees won't come back here, and we won't receive honey next time."

Then, the two worked together to carefully lower the stone, and covered it with soil again, and stepped on it with their feet.

The smell of the hive attracted some scattered bees, Ning Fang let him go away.

Confirming that the gap was still there, he began to extinguish the fire.

The program crew applauded the two of them.

Really did it for them.

Of course, I didn't forget to put subtitles on it to remind the audience not to try it lightly.

The two who returned to the path looked at the golden beehive in the tree pocket, couldn't hold back, and each of them broke off a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

The food taste is a bit like chewing gum, but the toughness is much weaker. When you bite it lightly, the mouth is full of honey and sweet.

Both of them laughed at the same time.

"It's worth it!"

Jiang Donghao sighed.

It can only be said that the charm of food has temporarily eliminated the barrier between them.

In particular, each other has worked hard in the afternoon, and their faces are still swollen.

Ning Fang waved his hand to drive away the sporadic bees that followed him. Now he couldn't see clearly in his left eye and laughed, his eyelids were swollen.

"Hurry up and bring them a taste."

Jiang Donghao couldn't wait, after being underestimated for too long, he finally did a decent thing, why don't he take credit for it!

(Thanks to book friends 9272 and seedssys for their great rewards!
There are only two chapters today, with a little more words, so don’t wait any longer)
(End of this chapter)

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