Chapter 136 Making Bows and Arrows
Mowing grass is no rush.

Ning Fang used the ax leisurely, clearing the weeds and emptying the air.
Yes, on the island, life is very monotonous.

The problem of eating and drinking is solved, and it is basically over. There is no need to worry about commuting to and from get off work, no need to socialize, and no need to look at the boss's face.

Sometimes, Ning Fang would think about how many gifts he had received, whether he could stick to the end and get the bonus.

After all, there is still a debt to pay.

He, and other amateurs who came to participate in the show also signed a contract.

Like celebrities, there are performance fees.

However, compared with the numbers, fractions are not enough.

To be selected as an official player, 2 yuan will be given, which is the basic.

Then, there is the daily salary.

In the first month, five hundred a day, that is to say, as long as you persist for one month, you will have fifteen thousand.

Starting from the second month, the price has increased, one thousand a day.

In the third month, three thousand.

When the original owner signed up, he came here for the bonus. If he can persist for two months, he can earn tens of thousands, which is better than being a lifeguard.

Speaking of lifeguards, one had a big laugh.

Before, the beach where Ning Fang worked belonged to a certain hotel, and the manager in charge of it admired him very much.

After learning that the registration was successful, he was relieved to go and the position was reserved.

On the one hand, it is natural that Ning Fang was excellent at his job. After he came, he saved two people and prevented the tragedy from happening.

Furthermore, his figure and appearance made many female residents wear bathing suits even if they didn't swim, and went to the beach to chat with him and so on.

It's a bit of a signboard.

I thought it was just a trivial matter, maybe it will come back in a few days.

Unexpectedly, the show became a big hit, and Ning Fang also became popular. A random search on the Internet will reveal news related to him.

His own employees became famous, and the manager in charge keenly sensed the business opportunity, so he gave it back to the boss.

The boss also knew about this show, and was pleasantly surprised to learn that Ning Fang in it turned out to be one of his own.

As a well-known chain hotel, it is still very legally conscious.

Contacted the program team, informed the situation, and wanted to use Ning Fang as a gimmick.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you use it directly. It's just for safety. After all, the show is on fire now. If the defendant infringes, it will be very troublesome.

The program group doesn't really matter.

After the director knew about it, he asked the producer to hint to the other party:

Ning Fang is very popular now, and when the show is over, there is a high probability that he will not go back to work.

You have to use it and express it.

As a big hotel, this is nothing. In the name of the hotel, I went to the live broadcast room to buy 50 gifts. Anyway, the platform does not share.

Then, relevant ads are served.

Not to mention, it really worked. Many people moved in because of Ning Fang's name.

There is another strange phenomenon.

It is the small border island where Ning Fang once served.

I have received a lot of applications and want to go.

It's a little weird up there, what's going on, a small island has suddenly become a favorite.

After some investigation, I found out that it turned out that a veteran participated in a variety show and performed very well.

It’s also dumbfounding, all vetoed, everyone is full, why do you join in the fun.

Ning Fang Ben Fang didn't know that because of himself, many things related to him happened in the outside world.

Still weeding diligently.

After an hour, about a fifth of it was cleaned up, I picked up the ax and went home.

"Brother Ning Fang, good afternoon!"

Xiao Ailing just woke up and finished washing.

"Thank you both, I saw smoked fish, it's great."


Being praised, Xiao Ailing couldn't be happier.

Song Tie opened a small stove, took the ax, split a coconut, put a big cup for Ning, and shared the rest with the three.

"Are we stealing food?"

Coconuts are strategic materials, and everyone knows how many there are.

"No, give them one later."

Not long after, the man came back.

However, Nini was a little annoyed.

"What's the matter?" Wang Meng asked.

The two of them were going to the trap area. Looking at their hands, they were full of wild vegetables. It was normal that they didn't get anything.

"There are so many little flowers here." Nini was very excited: "We can hear the sound of coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo before we got there.

Taking a closer look, it is estimated that there are seven or eight pheasants.

It would be great if there was a gun, but if it doesn't work, bows and arrows will do too. "

"That's right, we rushed up to chase her, but she fell down."

In one sentence, Reba summed up why Nini was angry, and there were traces of mud on her knees.

He does not mean that.

Ning Fang slapped his thigh,
Yes indeed,

Bow and arrow!

Thinking of this, he stood up, picked up the ax again, and said: "I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

Abandon the people looking at each other.

"What is he doing?" Nini watched as Ning Fang's figure disappeared into the jungle.

Song Tie shook his head: "I don't know."

It was Ning Fang, who was still carrying an axe. No one was worried. He continued his topic and prepared lunch by the way.

It's fast, but it's not slow.

It was estimated that it took about ten minutes, and he came back.

Multiple pieces of wood the size and thickness of a bowl in hand.

Back at the camp, regardless of the others, he turned the wood sideways and measured the length with his arms outstretched.

Shake his head.

Put one end of the wood on the stone, step on it with your feet, and chop it up.

The ladies and sisters turned at the same time, including Jiang Donghao who had just returned.

"What is he doing?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison: "I don't know."

Then, I lost interest, chatting about my own life and sitting about my own affairs.

"The atmosphere is so comfortable."

"We don't hate Jiang Donghao any more."

"Have you noticed? After getting along for a long time, it feels like a family member."

"Hahaha, seeing Ning Fang being ignored, why do you think it's so funny?"

"By the way, what the hell is he doing?"

"You don't really want to make bows and arrows, do you?"

Ning Fang is very serious, he really wants to make a bow and arrow.

The wood I found was an elm tree, which is relatively rare in the south, because of the relationship between water and soil, the growth rate is slow.

On the contrary, this met his requirements, and the wood fibers inside would be firmer.

This tree is quite tall, and I don't know how many years it has grown. He cut off this section with almost no insect eyes, branches, and relatively few knots.

The only problem is that it is a bit thicker, originally about five centimeters in diameter is the best.

But it doesn't matter, it's nothing more than spending more effort.

Cut off the excess part and measure it by hand. The remaining wood is about 1.3 meters, which is ok.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead: "Xiao Ailing, come and help me."


Gu Ailing ran over with a long tone: "Sir, what help do you need?"

"Just hold on."

Ning Fang handed her the wood and set it up on the ground, while he laid the ax across the section and began to strike with stones.

Soon, the top of the elm split in two.

He picked up another log that he had prepared earlier and stuffed it into the gap.

"Wish me success!"

Everyone was stunned: What's the matter?
(End of this chapter)

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