Chapter 145 Female Ghost
Nini slept until midnight and woke up.

The rain outside changed from splashing to ticking.

Lifting his head slightly, Ning Fang curled up on the ground by the light of the fire.

The blanket couldn't be taken out, and the women wrapped it tightly.

Nini got off the bed carefully and covered him with her clothes.

He didn't leave in a hurry, sat down on the edge, hugged his knees, and didn't know what to think.
The east was lit up with fish belly, Ning Fang turned around, bumped into a stone beside him, and woke up.

Sleeping on the ground was not very solid, he had a dream again last night.

I dreamed of a female ghost mumbling beside me for a long time.

Looking again, there was an extra piece of clothing, and I recognized it as Nini's. She smiled, got up, and covered her back.

Stretch out, get up and take a shower.

The water in the pool also became a little cloudy, the requirements for survival should not be too high, and it is not wrong to wash it.

It was still Song Tie who was thoughtful. Before going to bed, he filled a pot of water for backup.

The rain had stopped, and the distant sky was blue.

Looks like today will be a good day.

There were still sparks in the stove, and after adding two firewood, the fire burned again.

Although his movements were very light, Song Tie woke up.


Looking back to see Tie Tie with a dull face, Ning Fang said hello.

"Morning!" Song Tie yawned.

The others also opened their eyes when they heard the voice of the conversation.

I got enough sleep yesterday and woke up earlier.

"Hey, it's sunny."

"Go wash up, I'll make breakfast."

The so-called breakfast is nothing complicated. Take the smoked fish, put it in the water and boil it. After boiling, add wild vegetables and sprinkle some salt at the end.

Even after eating several meals of smoked fish, everyone still thought it tasted good.

"Brother Ning Fang, sister Nini and I are going to go hunting later." Xiao Ailing knew that he would definitely not be able to follow.

"Success, be careful on the road."

Reba raised his hand to signal: "I'll go to the beach for a walk."

After every storm, some domestic garbage will come up on the island, which can help.

If you're lucky, you can still encounter stranded food.

"Ning Fang, do you have enough people? If so, I'll be with Reba."

"No problem, Tie Tie stays at the camp, Lao Jiang and I can handle it."

"Okay, let's go quickly, everyone, and pay attention to safety."

After the four left, the camp became quiet.

Song Tie cleaned up the dead branches and fallen leaves on the ground, while Ning Fang and the two came to the front of the shelter.

The shelter was now a right triangle, and the fallen roof became the hypotenuse.

"Or, we might as well tear it all down, and we'll only have two people left. It would be too troublesome to build one."

"it is good!"

Jiang Donghao turned his head, he just wanted to be lazy, he said it casually, and didn't think Ning Fang would listen to him at all.

"The eaves of the Girls' Shelter are already too long and cannot be extended any longer. Otherwise, the whole thing may collapse if there is a strong wind. It can be expanded from the left."

The two pieces of wood are just right, and they are placed directly on the frame obliquely. The triangle is the most stable, isn't it?

Come on, let's take it apart first. "

Dismantling is much easier than building.

Don't worry about damage to the wood.

Ning Fang split the fixed vines, and Jiang Donghao moved the materials away.

It took two days to build the shelter, but it disappeared within an hour.

Many viewers who just entered the live broadcast room were baffled and thought something had happened.

Why did you tear down the house?

Drink some water, take a break, live, continue.

"What about fixed problems?"

Jiang Donghao already understood what Ning Fang wanted to do.

"It's simple, just open your mouth."

After speaking, Ning Fang took a small piece of black charcoal and a small wooden stick, and began to measure.

He is going to use the mortise and tenon structure to fix the two pieces of wood.

In the later stage, you only need to hang some banana leaves to keep out the rain, and there is no need to bear weight.

Only the ax will be slower.

"Hey, Ning Fang knows about mortise and tenon, why didn't he use it at the beginning?"

"It's estimated that it will be in a hurry, build it first, and live first."

"My father is a carpenter, and he said that Ning Fang's work is very scientific."

"Does it feel like Ning Fang wasn't so proficient before?"

"If you give him complete tools and materials, he can build a villa in the wild."

"This is living together with my young lady."

"Ning Fang has slept together in the same bed."

After a morning's work, about a third of it was completed, and the eight connecting feet were fixed.

With an ax, you can't be too precise, so I added vines anyway.

At noon, the hunting duo did not come back, and Reba seemed to have once again proved the title of goddess of luck.

No fish were picked up, however, a few fish were harvested from the fish basket.

There is no need to smoke it, just bake it directly.

"What help do you need?"

"I need all kinds of branches and vines."


With the joint efforts of everyone, the new shelter was built.

Extending from the girls' shelter for a length of more than one meter, the mattress is made up of scattered twigs, which are large enough to support the weight of two people.

Then add hay and banana leaves and it's perfect.

"Do you want to cancel the curtain in the middle?" Wang Meng asked.

The so-called curtain is the previous "wall".

"Not necessary"

Ning Fang didn't finish his sentence, but was interrupted by Reba.

"We girls didn't say anything, you are so resolute in your opposition, what do you mean!"

As he spoke, he also crossed his waist with a look of resentment.

"It's you to guard against." Wang Meng added fuel and jealousy: "You don't sleep honestly, who knows if you will get into someone's arms in the middle of the night."

"It's okay, I'll sleep on the side with reluctance." Song Tie said cheerfully.

"You think so beautifully."

A few girls were joking around unscrupulously, it doesn't matter if they are familiar with each other.

Ning Fang was still a little embarrassed to be ridiculed by a group of people.

"Boys can snore, and an extra layer of partition will be more or less effective."

"So it was for our sake."

"It's so sweet."

"No, some girls here also snore, for example, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Before Reba finished speaking, Wang Meng dragged her away with his mouth covered.

"Now, what are you going to do?"

After a while, someone asked.

"Since we've started working, let's finish it all at once and put a fence around it."

"Fence?" Song Tie didn't understand.

"It's the fence!"

Ning Fang took five steps, and drew a circle in the air with his hands: "About here, use branches inserted into the ground at intervals of [-] centimeters to surround the shelter."

"feel like home!"


Ning Fang snapped his fingers: "Although I don't know how long I can stay on the island, but a fence around it will make people feel more comfortable."

"It reminds me of my grandmother's small courtyard."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's do it."

"I'm in charge of digging."

"Then I'll fill in the hole."

"Hahahaha, I'm in charge of cheering you on, okay?"

Jiang Donghao wants to cry but has no tears. He has been busy all morning, so why don't people rest?
Everyone was taking action. As a big man, he had the nerve to propose that he could only pick up the ax and walk into the jungle again.

(Thanks to Brother Nan for the reward of 5000 points, thanks to Mumu for the reward of 2000 points, and thanks for the reward of 51 stones, the three bosses made a fortune!!!

Ask for a monthly ticket!

The birthday is still in the code, it is worth a monthly pass! )
(End of this chapter)

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