Chapter 180 I'm Back
The program team said three things in total.

First: The typhoon is coming, and Golden Skull Island will be affected, but not too much. Please be careful. It is expected to rain for two to three days. Please pay attention to safety.

Second: The three replacement players will return to their respective camps at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning to prepare for the typhoon.

Third: Due to the typhoon, the established fifth variable is temporarily postponed.

In fact, it is equivalent to one thing, the typhoon, and everything else is related to it.

"It's going to be another typhoon!"

"Summer is a season of frequent typhoons, which is normal."

"I have also let the fishing boats enter the port to take shelter from the wind."

"The typhoon is coming, and the players will suffer again."

"That's true."

The feeling of parting in Group B was immediately diluted by this news. The typhoon is a big deal, and how miserable it was last time, I still have lingering fears.

"Ning Fang, do you think our shelter can withstand the toss?" Xiao Ru asked.

"If the typhoon lands directly, nothing will happen." Ning Fang smiled and said: "Ordinary wind and rain are no problem, but I suggest that you repair the roof.

The leaves are easy to crack when they are dried out in the sun. When the wind blows and the rain hits, it will definitely leak.

The stability should be no problem. Didn't I help strengthen it before, and it just happened to be used.

The rest is to treat it normally, prepare more food, firewood, and boil it. "

"I'm going to be hungry again."

"Used to it."

"Remember to remind me, take back the fish basket tomorrow, there are still traps."

Ning Fang had some insomnia on the first day of his stay, but he was about to leave soon and couldn't sleep again.

These seven days are fast and fast. It feels like it was exaggerated to come here yesterday, but it is indeed faster than expected.

I'm going back to the camp soon, and I'm looking forward to seeing the girls.

Moreover, since I had an ominous premonition that day, I have been hanging in my heart, not knowing who will be eliminated.

For Xiaoru, I can only say sorry.

The two had a little chat just now, and Ning Fang also said directly that he was only concerned about her normally, and would like to apologize if something was misunderstood.

Xiao Ru was open-minded, waved her hand, and said that after the game was over, they would be friends.

After a gentle hug, it passed.

Some male viewers scolded Ning Fang for not knowing how to cherish, when will he meet 36D in life, he is still too young.

In this way, the restless night passed, and the sky dawned again.

Ning Fang was about to leave, and Peng Yuyan and Peng Yuyan didn't go out early to watch the traps, so they still needed a gift. After all, this week, everyone got along like friends, and there was no sense of tension at all.

"Don't worry about me, you can do your own thing."

Ning Fang felt a little uncomfortable being watched by the crowd packing his luggage.

Especially, when I wake up in the morning, the sky becomes extremely dark, and the wind is obviously much stronger, blowing my clothes.

"It's okay, it's not too late."


Ning Fang also let them.

There was not much luggage, and it was packed in a few minutes. There were five small lemons in the bag, specially reserved for him.

The program team was also on time. At eight o'clock, the sound of a motorcycle came.

"Okay, everyone," Ning Fang put his bag on his back and turned around: "Shanshui meets again, goodbye."


It's a bit false to say how reluctant it is.

We have only been together for a few days.

However, Ning Fang felt that he and Su Shen got along quite well.

The two are a bit alike, both of them are practical.

Do more than talk.

Others are all 3-minute hot about traps and fish baskets, but he is the only one who keeps researching and asking questions.

Then, if you don't mind, Ning Fang will make a phone call and have a drink or something.

The live broadcast room is full of shots of the three replacement players. They are all looking forward to their comeback.

Especially Group A!
In Ning Fang's personal live broadcast room, more than 400 million people flooded in early in the morning, all looking forward to his reaction.

Even Lao Hu, who stayed up late last night filming, set the alarm clock and got up to wait.

He knew both sides, and was very curious about what would happen.

"Just stop here."

When we got to the beach, Ning Fang didn't let the motorcycle continue to deliver.

Because the sky is darker than before, it is estimated that it will not take long, and the rain may fall at any time.

He regretted it a little.

Two days were wasted. If it rains for another two days, there will only be five days left. Time is running out.

Putting down the backpack and looking at it, the wooden boat was transferred to the shore and tied to the tree, and he nodded with satisfaction.

I looked around, found a stone, rolled up my sleeves, and after some operations, got some planks and nails from the edge.

At that time, when ships were built, it was not a big problem whether there were these wood chips.

It was Miss Sister who reminded me that it can be dismantled and the shelter can be repaired now.

After doing all this, without stopping, I went to the reef area.

"It seems that I'm gone, everyone is not lazy."

Seeing that the dams were all there, Ning Fang nodded with satisfaction.

"Laughing and laughing, I'll see how you cry later."

Although many people are gloating, they are really convinced by Ning Fang.

The other players had already returned to the camp and started talking about the old days, but he was fine, let's do the work first.

Unknown shells +1, unknown conch +1, crabs are not added, and yesterday's harvest is repeated.

The current progress is 9/30.

Next, it's the fish basket.

In the four fish baskets, there are two fish, not small in size, not bad.

Plus 2, 11/30.

Backpacks, fish creels, and wooden boards are all hung on the body, making it difficult to walk.

Ning Fang slapped his forehead, he was dumbfounded.

The fish basket is afraid of being blown away in the sea, so it’s okay to put it on land.

Gather all the harvest in one basket, and put everything else under the boat, which is instantly easy.

Walk briskly towards the base camp.

He completed the half-hour journey in 10 minutes.

"I'm back."

It hasn't arrived yet, so I yelled first.

As expected, it was the ladies and sisters rushing out, helping to carry the luggage and asking about their health.

The results of it.

Coo coo coo. Xiaohua was frightened and yelled a few times.

"Ah?!" A voice came from the other side of the pool: "You're back!"

At first glance, it wasn't Song Tie, who else.

"You're finally back," Song Tie was the first to rush over: "Put away the fish basket, I said it was strange, it's almost ten o'clock, why haven't you arrived yet, you're busy on the beach, right?"

"Well, it's a little rewarding, what about the others?"

Ning Fang glanced at the empty camp, and it was basically the same as when he left, and the fence seemed to have been strengthened, with many flowers and plants on it, which looked a bit like a farmhouse.

"Uh, put your things down first, and I'll pour you some water."

Song Tie took his bag, turned and walked into the shelter.

Gudu Gudu drank some water, Ning Fang looked up: "Are you all busy? Yes, the typhoon is coming soon. I took the wooden planks and prepared to fix the shelter."

"Then what. Tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"Take a deep breath first!"

"Some of our players have been eliminated," Ning Fang became anxious: "Who, who is it?"

(It’s another [-]-word day, I really belong to a hard-working author! By the way, don’t forget to vote for the double monthly ticket in three hours, thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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