Chapter 184 Avatar variable
The meeting room was a little shaken, and there were no water glasses on the table.

The director is no nonsense either.

"I asked you to come here because I want to brainstorm and work together.

Just received the latest weather forecast, the impact of this typhoon will be relatively large. "

Speaking of the typhoon, everyone present looked serious.

In the program group's plan, there is a backup plan for safe evacuation.

In case of extreme weather, it is necessary to take the players away from Golden Skull Island temporarily.

If so, it can be said that it will have a considerable impact on the entire program.

After all, this is not a recorded broadcast. The audience is used to watching it, but when it is suddenly disconnected, the momentum is lost.

But safety must come first.

"Don't worry, everyone, at present, there is no sign of us evacuating." The chief director reassured: "However, the rainy days will last longer.

Possibly up to a week.

They are all the main creators of the show, so they understand what the director is worried about.

Seven days of rain, first of all, the show will become boring.

Because the players can't go out.

It rains, travel is dangerous, and no matter what you do, the efficiency will become extremely low.

No one would want to go outside unless they had to.

Even if you are hungry.

This results in everyone in the shelter, and all the audience can see is small talk and endless rain.


Because the players didn't act, the show was nothing to watch.

Today, open the live broadcast room, chat,

The next day, open the live broadcast room, chat,

Day three.
If it is a short period of time, the problem is not big, and the audience can understand it, but what if it really rains for a week?

The player's status.

If you can't go out for seven days and you can't get new food, the current food reserves of the three groups of people will definitely not be able to support them.

People, if you are hungry for a few days, it may be fine.

However, there are already players who have voluntarily quit, and this week, it is very likely that they will reappear.

"Just a little bit of my thinking.

The previously prepared variables are not available for the time being, do you have any new ideas?

You have to be safe. "

The venue was silent.

To put it simply, how many people need to spend their minds to design various links for a billion-dollar program, needless to say.

In a short period of time, who can immediately come up with a particularly good plan.

The chief director also knows: "If you have any ideas, just bring them up for discussion, maybe chatting and chatting, it will be done!"

"Director, how about we measure the weight?" someone said.

"What do you mean?"

"For example, let's measure the sum of the weights of five people first, then weigh them again after the typhoon period is over, and determine 123 people according to the degree of reduction.

In this way, players will be forced to take the initiative. "

Before the director could speak, someone objected.

"Your idea is unrealistic. If you go out in the rain, what if you get injured? Forgot about Jiang Donghao?
Furthermore, the weight is too weak.

It is inconvenient for some players to choose a few days, and drink water like crazy? "

"Is it possible to just measure the weight without telling them?"

"That's meaningless. If the players don't go out, it's still nothing to watch."

The man stopped talking. Indeed, this proposal has too many loopholes.

The chief director was not angry: "Hey, no matter if the idea is good or not, let's bring it up first and discuss it together."

One, two, three.
The main creators expressed their opinions. Some people asked whether it is possible to use some indoor variety show games, and some people suggested that guests should be added.

In the corner, a young man kept writing and drawing in his notebook without saying a word.

An hour passed, and the chief director let out a sigh of relief.

There are many ideas, but none of them are suitable.

Picking up the teacup, he happened to meet eye contact with Chen Mu who had finished writing.

"Xiao Chen, do you have any ideas?"

He was the one who gave an idea last time. Although it didn't go according to plan in the end, it was still a constructive suggestion.

Originally, the chief director just asked casually.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mu stood up: "Director, leaders, I have an immature idea."

Everyone is currently at a stage where they are at a loss, and someone nodded to let him continue.

"My idea is that Golden Skull Island is under the typhoon, but what about the other islands?"

"Personal survival battle?" A certain assistant director shook his head: "This is the first time the variable played, and Ning Fang won the championship."

"I think a little differently."

Chen Mu was not in a hurry either.

"Leaders, have you seen "Avatar"?"

"Let you talk about your ideas, what are you talking about?"

"Don't worry," the chief director stretched out his hand and waved, "Look, did you mean controlling a big alien?"


Chen Mu walked to the front and picked up a pen: "This is what I think.

Since the island cannot be expanded, it is better to go out.

Traveling alone, there are few things to watch, so send two, they can interact with each other and can help. "

Knowing that everyone was in a hurry, Chen Mu didn't hold back anymore.

Write a few numbers on the blackboard, and you can see the situation of the personnel in each group.

"I know, if that's the only way, I don't care much.

But what about adding a points system? "

"Point system, what do you mean?"

"Take Group A as an analogy. There are currently six players, and two players, Ning Fang and Nini, are sent out. They are equivalent to the Avatars of the players in Group A.

Putting the two players on other islands is not simply survival.

Catch a fish, a point,
Build a shelter, three points,
Successful ignition, one point.

I haven't figured it out yet, but this is probably the idea.

The points can allow the team members in the base camp to obtain corresponding rewards.

For example, five points are exchanged for a catty of rice. "

Everyone's eyes lit up. This Avatar is interesting. It not only solves the problem of viewing, but also helps the members who can't travel.

Although it is somewhat similar to the first variable, it is different in essence.


Still have?

The chief director smiled and gave encouraging eyes.

"There is no point system, but let the members in the camp choose the survival materials they want, and then let the avatars complete them in turn. If they succeed, they will be rewarded. If they fail, sorry, there will be nothing.

The audience may complain about the work of the two and the benefit of the whole group.

However, we can cancel rewards.

To be precise, it is to cash out the rewards in advance, how much you can get depends on your ability.

My thought is that all bonus items are singleness.

Rice, for example, has only a few units.

Whichever group is changed first, it will be gone.

Then, don’t design it all so that food, pillows, clothes, and all kinds of daily necessities can be added.”

clap clap clap!
The chief director clapped his hands, and the others followed suit.

Although the plan proposed by Chen Mu is not perfect, there is no problem with the whole concept, which perfectly meets the needs of the director.

"I think everyone understands Chen Mu's plan. Don't sleep tonight. We must work out a specific plan. Is there any problem?"


"Chen Mu, since it is your plan, you will take the lead in this change, so do it well!"

"Thank you Director."

(The [-]D is still out, and the chapter at [-] o’clock must be late, so don’t wait!)
(End of this chapter)

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