Chapter 188 An option worth a thousand points
"Instructions to players:

From now on, you have set foot on Qingping Island and officially started the fifth change.

Survival tools are placed in the box on the side, take it by yourself.

Dada If you want to exchange the obtained food into points, you can put it in the toolbox.

The maximum duration of the variable is seven days, at which time, all players will leave the island.

On the way, you can choose to quit this variable at any time.

good luck!

In addition, attach the points list:

Every 0.5 grams of wild vegetables and wild fruits = [-] points,

Shell conch 500 grams, 0.7 points,

Ha ha ha ha! "

Nini laughed and turned her head: "Ning Fang, I have found a way to get rich."

Hey, what about people?

Ning was placed a few meters away, and he was observing the surrounding environment.

Compared with Tiger Island, the coast of Qingping Island is much shorter, but it is quite similar to Tiger Island. The width of the beach is only about five or six meters. The place where they landed is a large area of ​​reefs, but none of them are particularly high.

The plants on the shore are similar. Tropical islands, even if they are hundreds of kilometers away, are still in the same ocean.

"What did you say?" Ning Fang heard Nini's voice.

"I said," Nini beckoned and asked him to come over, "Earn points, look at the last one, discovering a shipwreck with treasure, one thousand points!"

Ning Fang also laughed, obviously the show crew put it in for the sake of being funny.

The shipwreck still has to carry treasures, I think too much.

"Why don't you look at the lobster, five hundred grams, five points!"

"The program group is still too dark, wild vegetables are only 0.5 points per catty, forget about one hundred catties, how can there be so many, tsk tsk, the wild fruit also specifically stated that the weight of coconuts is only counted, this is not against you Is it?"

Ning Fang felt the same way. He had already found a few coconut trees in the forest, which were full of fruit.

The program group has already taken care of it.

Coconuts were not included in last night's plan, but later, the chief director temporarily changed his mind. To be fair, everyone is one, so there is nothing to say.

"Why don't you go up first!" Nini said, "Pick one, if it weighs two or three catties, it's also two to three cents, but I don't know what to exchange."

"to make."

Ning Fang didn't get ink marks, he raised his head to observe for a while, found a tree after visual inspection, and started to climb.

Nini wisely did not approach, if she was injured by a coconut, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Enough is enough!"

Seeing four or five coconuts falling on the ground, she smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Isn't the food here?
She wasn't idle either. Taking advantage of her free time, she took out all the survival items in the box and hung them all on her body, which was a bit funny.

Ning Fang didn't get too greedy, it was almost done, and he went down the tree carefully.

"What are we going to do now?"

After picking out the biggest coconut and putting it in the box, Nini asked.

"It's getting dark, we still have to build a shelter first." Ning put it on top, observed a little, and pointed with his hand: "Over there, I see a water source, don't worry, open a coconut first, you should be hungry too Alright."

"Hey!" Nini didn't deny it. She ate a lot in the morning. After six or seven hours, she had already digested it. The lunch she was looking forward to didn't come. How could she not be hungry?

Ning Fang took the ax casually, clicked it a few times, and split it, one for each person.

"Ha!" Nini was in a good mood after tasting the coconut water again: "Cheers."


The strategies of the two groups of BC at this time are completely different.

After reading the bulletin board, the two in group C immediately decided to build a shelter first.

In their view, winning or losing in a short period of time is not important in the seven-day competition, even if they are slightly ahead by a few points, but if there is no shelter, they cannot survive.

Although the two of them are Dada who work, they have long had small plans in their hearts.

Work, exchange points, no problem.

But there is a premise that I am full first.

Team battles are also individual battles.

Being able to avoid the typhoon and come to a small island with good weather, this advantage must be used.

You are all in the shelter anyway, starving for two days, all right.

Anyway, what we got in exchange, we can’t eat or use here.

And Group B felt that I just wanted to be one step ahead.

The shelter is fine, just cut some branches, put a cushion, and make a bonfire, it shouldn't be cold.

It's still bright now, time can't be wasted, and I came out just to get the most benefits.

Su Bingtian went into the sea with a harpoon, while Xiaoru went into the jungle to look for other food.

"I think it is more correct to grab points, after all, items are unique."

"Wrong, it must be stable. The physical strength of the players is the biggest problem. I didn't eat much yesterday."

"It's important to grab points. A catty of rice is only three points. If you save a little, you can eat it for a day. If it is replaced, it will be gone."

"Fart, how many hours until dark? How much food can you get now, what are you going to do at night?"

The debate in the live broadcast room was extremely fierce.

On Golden Skull Island, although it was raining non-stop, there were still things to watch. What kind of reward to choose was a headache for the manipulator.

The points required for the items do not seem to be many, but the manipulators have no idea how to obtain them.

But thinking about it, it is definitely not easy to obtain.

The program group is not a philanthropist. There is no doubt about it. If you can get more than ten or twenty points if you do something casually, then what is the point of variables.

It is estimated that after a whole day of exhaustion, I don't know if I can get 3-5 points.

And there is another crucial factor, item uniqueness.

According to the weight, the 3KG corn is very attractive, but the 8 points make the contestants hesitate, it is too high.

After some tangling, the audience discovered a particularly interesting thing.

Group A is the first to make a choice: 500 grams of rice worth three points.

There is also a trap here, 500 grams/3 points, 1000 grams/5.5 points, 0.5 cheaper.

But after discussing with Song Tie and others, they felt that the 2.5 points were not so easy to obtain.

Within 10 minutes of opening the box, the order was placed.

Group BC made exactly the same choice, and picked up the walkie-talkies after Group A.

Meat, of course everyone wants to eat, everyone loves to eat.

But fully considering the actual situation, the prizes are changed every two hours. The program team must have its significance in making such a design.

"Call the program group."


"Excuse me, can I place an order now?" Song Tie was inexplicably nervous.

"Yes, please."

"We want 500 grams of rice."

"Are you sure it's 3 grams of rice worth [-] points?" the other side repeated.

Song Tie raised his head, and the three young ladies nodded at the same time.


"Okay, congratulations to Group A for receiving the order, the exchange was successful."

"Okay, thank you!" Song Tie suddenly realized: "What do you mean? Is the exchange successful?"

(There is a group, please add it if you want, 805569579, today there is a difference of a few hundred words, less than 515, [-] will make it up!)

(End of this chapter)

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