Chapter 214 Lemongrass

After all this work, the time came to almost five o'clock.

The dinner time is set at 07:30, which is not too late, and it is almost seven o'clock when it gets dark on the island.

"You stay here, I'll go out for a walk."

"Oh, come back soon."

All the sisters' attention was on Xiaodun'er, only Nini waved her hand to show that she knew.

Okay, women like cute little animals, I can understand.

Ning Fang didn't care.

These two days he ate well, slept soundly, and there were more than two hours left, sitting dryly, he felt that it was a waste of time.

He took the ax and went out.

Mainly, I want to find some wild vegetables. I have eaten a lot of meat in the past two days, so I need to add some dietary fiber.

It's okay if you can't find it, just get some firewood back.

He was quite familiar with the location around the camp, and this time he planned to walk along the coastline.

After yesterday's exposure to the sun, although the forest is still messy, the ground has become firmer.

The trees are lush and lush, and the sounds of various birds are endless.

There are a lot of plants, but wild vegetables are really rare. It is rare to see that they are all fully grown, the taste is not good, and the value of food is lost.

What he hopes most is to find cassava or wild yam.

This kind of plant is the most kind, and with good luck, the rations for six people for two days can be settled at once.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find it.

And bad luck, the clothes were torn.

The weather was too hot, and he didn't wear a coat. When he lowered his head and walked through a forest, he didn't pay attention, the hook was hooked on his back, and he stabbed it hard.

I took it off and looked at it, and there was a big hole.

I didn't catch anything, my clothes were torn, hey
Ning Fang let out a long sigh.

The audience is gloating.

"I think it's time for the program group to launch a new clothes change event, a catty of fish for a piece of clothing."

"One catty of fish is not enough, at least five catties."

"Five catty people can't be fooled."

"Why are these clothes broken? I remember there are only two of them."

"Sew it."

"How to sew in the wild."

"I'm not Ning Fang, how would I know."

Ning Fang just felt unlucky, but not worried at all.

Don't forget, even if he goes to the market to set up a stall, he can handle it.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, I didn't worry too much. When I was about to go back, I carried a piece of wood.

Walking cautiously in the grass, he suddenly stopped and took a few steps back.

Amidst the green, a plant that looks somewhat similar to rice comes into view.

"Good thing, I almost missed you. This time, I didn't come in vain. The clothes are so torn and valuable."

Ning Fang folded a short section and sniffed it, then smiled.

Then, all the plants in this small clump were pinched, but the rhizomes were left.

After searching around again, I found only this one. I found a vine and a big tree tied to it, and made a mark.

what is that?
Someone asked this question in the barrage, and there were various answers, and it was not clear which one was the correct answer.

I just watched Ning Fang happily return to the base camp.

"I thought you were lost!"

Song Tie said so, but there was no worry on his expression.

Little Dun'er will sit obediently on Nini's lap, staring curiously at the bonfire in front of him with big eyes.

Wang Meng slapped his thigh, then scratched again, and was bitten by a mosquito.

"what is this?"

Seeing the grass in Ning Fang's hand, she glanced at it.

"It seems that I haven't seen it before, what kind of wild vegetable is it?"

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count!"

Ning Fang picked out the old and withered leaves, and threw them into the fire.

"What is the taste?"

Soon, the effect came.

Not only did the members smell a special fragrance, but the buzzing around them immediately decreased a lot.

We all understand that it must be the effect of grass.

"It's called lemongrass. I found it by accident just now. It's not much. That's all. Tie Tie, let's see how to use it."

"Lemongrass, it sounds familiar." Wang Meng folded a bit and tasted it in his mouth. It was a bit spicy: "Is it time to cook fish?"

"Yes, this grass can not only repel mosquitoes, but also can be used as a natural condiment, especially when cooking seafood, adding a little can effectively improve the freshness and flavor."

"Then what are you waiting for, try it."

Song Tie picked up two, washed them with water, tied them into a knot and put them in the pot.

"Ouch..." Xiao Ailing followed suit, but she couldn't accept the taste: "Are you sure you can eat it? Why do I feel the taste is so strange?"

"This is like coriander. People who like it like it very much. However, as a condiment, it will not affect the quality of the fish."

"No. Why are your clothes torn?"

Ning Fang wanted to cry, but someone finally found out: "It's accidentally scratched, it's okay, I've already prepared the thread."

Under the curious eyes of everyone, he took out another roll of bark from his pocket, separated the fibers inside, and then began to rub it in his palm.

The movement is very familiar, and it is the same when making bowstrings.

It's just that much less fiber is used.

After a while of operation, soon, a somewhat thick line was formed.

"Where are the needles?"

"It's still in the pot." Ning Fang nuzzled.

"Fish bones?"

"Yes." Ning Fang nodded: "If it's a coat, it may take a little effort. The T-shirt is okay, cotton, and easy to pierce."

"No," Wang Meng said in amazement, "How can you mend clothes? Not many girls nowadays can do it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at several people, without exception, all lowered their heads.

Stars, how can there be a chance to learn.

"Who comes out of the army who can't do needlework?"


"However, this fishbone may not be usable. It has been cooked and softened."

In the time to speak, Ning Fang pulled out another fiber thread, probably enough.

"Can it be baked?" Nini pointed to the top of her head.

"Then it will be more brittle. It's okay. Don't worry about it. I'll catch a fish tonight and use fresh fish bones."

"Ning Fang, I have a small request." Reba came over.

"Go ahead."

"Can you make a grass skirt? It's the kind made of palm leaves. I've seen it on TV. It should be cool to wear."

Ning Fang rubbed his hands with the ashes: "You can do it, but I'm worried that you won't be able to wear it.

I didn't see that the people wearing hula skirts were all indigenous or local people, they were used to it long ago.

Even rubbed palm leaves are very irritating to the skin, are you sure you can adapt? "

"Definitely not." Wang Meng helped her to come to a conclusion: "I touched Reba's thigh, it's just two words, it's delicate, how can it stand the rough leaves."

"Sister Meng." Reba was a little embarrassed: "Or, just forget it."

I also admitted it myself.

Ning Fang didn't answer, turned his head, and picked up the dog on the ground.

"You pee messy again, do it again, and eat dog meat soup tomorrow."

As soon as these words were finished, they immediately became the target of verbal criticism from the ladies and sisters, and they dissed for a long time.

(Thank you boss Zhuye Wuxiao for your 1500 point reward! Thank you boss Zhuye Wuxiao for your 1500 point reward! Thank you boss Zhuye Wuxiao for your 1500 point reward! Important things are said three times!)

(End of this chapter)

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