Chapter 263 Infighting!
"bad news?"

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

When everyone was worried and curious, only Reba took a bite of eel meat: "It's delicious, it's not bad!"

The more we get along, the more Ning Fang feels that these five sisters are treasures, so interesting.

"I'm talking about cauliflower snakes!"

"Parasite?" Nini responded quickly.

"Hmm!" Ning Fang was very regretful.

After the men's gang left just now, he chose to deal with the cauliflower snake first. After cutting the snake's skin, it was a little scary inside.


Everyone is sighing.

"Then take it and bury it later. By the way, we have to keep it secret, and don't let the person on the other side know."


"Then I'll go now."

Xiao Ailing got up, picked up the shovel and ran, unable to persuade her.

During the meal, the duo went out and roughly talked about the information collected in the morning.

Not much information and time is limited.

The two had already found a place and left the fish basket.

Later, Reba found that it was difficult to get anything on the coast, so he went into the sea with a spear gun and caught the rare East Star Spot.

So casually, I cleaned it up at the beach, fished the fish basket out of the water, and put the viscera into it again as bait.

Xiao Duner gnawed a lot of bones yesterday, today when it comes to losing weight, fishing is more important.

"Tie Tie found Basho, and the fish caught by Reba and Sister Meng, let's save a little, it should be fine by noon tomorrow.

Nini and Xiao Ailing finished the toilet.

The only thing now, is here! "

Ning Fang pointed to his feet.

"Now, the framework has been built."

He stood up.

"Even if it can't be done today, at least the roof and the mattress must be done first.

All day long, the stone here is high, and there is a small slope gradually.

In the afternoon, everyone was doing activities nearby, taking food, hay, palm leaves, firewood, whatever they had. "

Clover simply arranged the task and began to take a lunch break to avoid the noon sun.

It's a bit pathetic for a man to help.

He was dying of thirst, but it turned out that no one was arranged to boil the water. One of the amateur contestants, Lu Yao, couldn't take it anymore, so he got some raw water to quench his thirst.

Then came the grilled fish.

They have all been hungry, and eight people share two fish, which is nothing at all.

I can see the food on the opposite side, I have seen the thick eel meat in Gu Ailing's hands, even if I had a big meal last night, I feel a little bit disappointed.

"Our progress has slowed down a lot."

This lunch, I ate it, but I didn't seem to eat it, there was too little food.

"My suggestion is, hurry up, Cameron, can you still go into the water?"

Cameron wiped the sweat from his head: "It's not impossible if you have to do it, it's just a harvest, I can't guarantee it."

"Then you choose one to go with, the three people in group B follow us to build a shelter."

"Start now?" Wu Jing couldn't understand: "The weather is too hot, it is easy to suffer from heat stroke, and the efficiency is not high."

"That's right," jungler Xiao Wan also felt inappropriate: "The one on the other side didn't make any sound, it should be resting."

"So," James spread his hands: "Our progress was already slow, so we have to move ahead."

"Why did you go early!" Peng Yuyan muttered in a low voice.

"It's useless to act in advance, the tools are limited."

"A clover is only an axe, but it makes a frame"

"You also know that their tools are not as good as ours, so why work all morning."

"Okay, okay, let's work."

Wu Jing didn't expect the two foreigners to quarrel first and come out to be a peacemaker. It hasn't been a day since the team merged, so it doesn't feel like a second!
After parting, Peng Yuyan and Su Bingtian rubbed their stomachs and looked at each other with some envy: "It would be great if Group C gave up on us yesterday."

As a result, Cameron happened to pass by: "Otherwise, you can ask the program crew, can you change it?"

"Just kidding, don't mind."

The four of them staggered awkwardly.

Watching him walk away, Peng Yuyan spit on the ground: "I can really walk, why don't I go!"

Wu Jing patted his back and shook his head slightly.

In the studio, the chief director was sitting in front of the big screen with the three bosses.

The change this time is a huge breakthrough, and the bosses seem to be watching it with gusto.

If the first half of the show wants to show the process of ordinary people adapting to nature, then the second half is about adding conflicts between people.

The boss is obviously very satisfied.

In less than 24 hours after the merger, there was already a contradiction, which is a very important point of view in reality shows.

Last night, the lingering aftertaste of drinking happily and enjoying the future has not yet dissipated, and the conflict that the program group wanted immediately appeared.

Most importantly, this was the natural reaction of the contestants, and the program team did not intervene.

Not only the players, but also the bullet screen has changed.

From watching the excitement to discussing the players' practices, status, and various aspects, they were equally contentious.

Everything is developing in the direction the program group wants, which is great!
After watching for an hour or so, the bosses nodded in satisfaction, waved, and called the main creators into the conference room.

Ning Fang wakes up early and sleeps soundly, even if the weather is hot.

"Ning Fang, Ning Fang, it's almost time to get up."

It was after two o'clock that he was woken up by Nini and found that the girls had already gone out to work.

There are a lot of supplies outside and collected.

He got up quickly: "Why didn't you wake me up earlier."

"You woke up at five o'clock, and everyone told you to rest for a while." Nini handed him water and asked him to wash his face and wake up: "However, there were a lot of dark clouds, and I was worried about rain, so I shouted You get up."

Walking out of the shelter and looking up, a corner of the sky is covered with dark clouds.

It just means there is a chance of rain.

It depends on the meaning of the wind, maybe it blows to other places, maybe it comes to the top of the head, not necessarily.

There was no time to waste, Ning Fang left Nini behind and started working.

First job, get the roof done.

With a little violence, he took off the palm plantain leaf on the top, and asked Nini to find a harder stone and use it as a hammer. The ax is not here, so it must have been taken out.

Then choose the branches suitable for the roof and prepare the vines.

Move the bricks and stack them on the feet.

The job is very simple.

There is already a vertical frame, and the wooden sticks need to be tied horizontally, so that the force will be more uniform and stronger.

"Tie Tie, don't go out."

Half an hour later, Ning Fang had already finished the roof frame. Seeing Song Tie coming back, he pointed to the top of his head: "It may rain at any time, so build a simple shed there first, and move the fire there first."


People came back one after another, but they didn't go out again.

Everyone first worked together to put the tarp on the roof.

It has been used for more than a month, and there are many holes, there is no way, it is exposed to wind and sun every day.

This is why Ning Fang will make tiles later.

Before, I made two pieces, two shelters. After Ning Fang thought about it, I only used one piece. Although it was a bit shorter, it had tiles and banana leaves, so it was not a big problem.

The remaining piece, put it on the back.

In this way, there is no need to worry about water entering the back, and the space of the whole shelter becomes larger.

Ning Fang had planned it long ago.

"Ning Fang," Reba squinted her eyes, the wind blew her hair into a mess: "Do you want to go to the beach and put away the fish basket first, in case of a heavy rain?"

"Has the boat returned?" Ning Fang gasped.

He is putting up tiles, but the height is not enough, and he is struggling.

"On the shore."

"Okay then, go, put on the coir raincoat and be careful, this is not Golden Skull Island." Ning Fang urged.

"Don't worry!" Reba didn't waste time: "I only saw the snake this morning, so be careful."

It has to be said that in the past month of life, the skills of the ladies and sisters have improved by leaps and bounds.

It was the first time to build a shelter, and it was basically led by Ning Fang and Jiang Donghao. They couldn't do what they said or did well.

Now, Ning Fang turned around and probably knew what he wanted.

Over there, Wang Meng and Song Tie built the small shack according to his request.

"Ning Fang, look, how is it?"

Ning Fang temporarily put down his work and came to the side.

A row of branches rests on a boulder, leaving a space below.

The girls are very smart, the top is connected to the shelf of the shelter, even if it rains, the rainwater will mostly flow down the roof of the shelter.

The height is a little bit short, but it is completely enough.

"It's great!" He gave a thumbs up: "Move the firewood and stove in first."

The voice just fell,

Tick. Tick. Tick.
(End of this chapter)

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