Chapter 271 Don't Fight Anymore
Stewed ray tastes good.

The taste of the meat is definitely not as good as the Dong Xing Ban at dinner. This fish is mostly cartilage and has a special flavor.

Nini and Xiao Ailing quietly share the supper.

"She should be fine."

Seeing Ning Fang coming out of the shelter, Xiao Ailing asked with concern.

"Well, it was a low-grade fever. I drank the medicine, and now I'm sweating. She should be fine after a night's sleep. Don't let her work tomorrow, and take a little rest."

"Understood, you should hurry up and eat, and go to bed after eating."

Da da da.
After an unknown amount of time, Ning Fang woke up from his sleep.

When I opened my eyes, the girls were eating by the side, and outside, it was raining again.

"Reba, are you alright?"

"Brother Ning Fang, you're awake."

The girls turned their heads and smiled.

"This fish is delicious."

"thank you."

"We are not lazy, we got up to work in the morning, but then it rained and we couldn't work."

No need to remind, Ning Fang also saw the scene outside, no thunder, no lightning, just rain.

"Early in the morning, the wind was quite strong, and the sky was very dark. It was estimated that it was going to rain. Sister Meng organized to do things first, and she came back in less than 10 minutes."

Ning Fang scratched his head: "Excellent, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Reba shook his head: "When I wake up, I feel relaxed."

"She ate two bowls of fish." Song Tie made a small report.

"It's good to eat."

Nini brought Ning Fang another bowl of fish soup, which contained a large piece of meat.

When he woke up, the young ladies didn't need to huddle together, six of them sat in a row, holding bowls, enjoying the rain scene, and having breakfast.

"Ning let you see!"

Wang Meng stretched out his chopsticks and pointed to the opposite side.

Through the rain curtain, I could see the man making a mess for that.

Not that there is no shelter from the rain.

It will be after nine o'clock. After finding that the weather is not very good, the frame of the shelter is improved and a waterproof cloth is laid. The effect of sheltering from the wind is average, and the rain is still no problem.

After getting it done, I wanted to find some food before the rain fell.

From yesterday morning to now, I haven't had a decent meal, and then Lao Zhan made another mistake.

Forget about moving the bonfire.

It took a lot of trouble to get some tinder out of the wood before the fire was kindled again.

A group of men hid in the shelter, roasting their clothes, starving, watching the falling rain and worrying.

The program group is meeting again.

The rain did not come suddenly this time, and another tropical depression appeared hundreds of kilometers away.

To put it simply, it is the least powerful typhoon. It may change into a typhoon, or it may dissipate as it walks.

The impact is wind and rain.

According to the forecast given by the weather, it will rain for two or three days, and it is not unexpected for a week.

After research, it was decided not to inform the players specifically, and not to prepare additional variables.

Wind and rain, normal phenomena of nature, you can figure it out.

As for the variables, it's only been the sixth time, and if we arrange it again, the players will go crazy, and the effect will not be good.

After making a decision, Li Rui was asked to appear on the scene, announcing the situation that the players will face next.

This is still interesting.

Even if it is a clover, if you face a week of continuous rain, you have to think carefully about what to do.

Their shelter has not been fully completed, whether it can withstand the toss is a question.

Then there is the food.

For the Gang of Men, who have nothing, how to spend this time is a big test.

The program team predicted that if it really rained for a week, it would be normal for two or three people to leave.

There is also good news.

Reba is back to health!
Last night, it wasn't just that Ning Fang Nini didn't sleep well, the director on duty and the doctor kept watch together.

Seeing Reba get up vigorously in the morning, he was relieved.

However, I still remind the audience responsibly that if you are sick, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, and try not to ask for medicine by yourself, as it is easy to cause problems.

"This rain is a bit like spring rain, it's continuous."

After breakfast, Song Tie boiled a pot of water from the dandelions that Ning Fang picked more, and forced everyone to drink it together.

"I don't feel well!" Ning Fang looked at the dark sky.

"what happened?"

"This rain, I'm afraid it won't stop for a while."

"what is it now?"

"Could it be another typhoon? It's quite windy today."

"Probably not, typhoon, the program team will notify us."

"If it really takes two or three days, we will make a mistake." Song Tie looked at the empty pot: "Such a big ray will be made in one meal."

Reba appears to have fully recovered.

"No, Ning Fang said that the stingrays cannot be released, otherwise we will have to smell the smell of the toilet."

Seeing that everyone was interested, she probably repeated what she heard last night.

Ning Fang couldn't sit still here.

He got up, put on his coir raincoat, and picked up his axe: "Just stay inside, don't get caught in the rain, just like Reba."

Seeing that Wang Meng and the others wanted to help, they persuaded them to go back, and they can also help in the shelter.

The rain was pattering on my body, which was quite comfortable.

He planned to fix the side wall first.

In the morning, the girls went out, found a lot of wood and came back, cut it to a suitable length, and gave it to the girl inside, and tied it to the posts on both sides.

Leaning on the leafy branches, it didn't take long for the side door to be ready.

Since it was raining, Ning Fang did not stop.

The simple door made before is used as the front baffle.

Put it sideways during the day, and people sit inside, which can block the wind and not affect the light, and can see the rain scene outside.

Stand it up at night, people hide inside and sleep peacefully, so a simple door of about the same size is needed.

When I entered the woods, it was wet and I felt bad.

Ning Fang didn't look for those big trees, it was too much effort to clean them up. Fortunately, there were quite a few small trees with a thickness of three to four centimeters, with branches and leaves, which were very suitable.

In the live broadcast room, the evening before yesterday, the support rate of Men's Gang VS Clover for winning the championship was still 68.3%: 31.7%.

In just two days, it became 42.6%: 57.4%, with Clover leading.

There are many reasons for this result.

After a whole day, the progress of the construction of the two shelters, the departure of the jungler Xiaowan, the atmosphere in the team, and now.
It was also raining.

Ning Fang cut down trees in the field, Wang Meng ignored his objection, and went to help in his coir raincoat, and the others were not idle, tidying up here and there.

Look at the gang of men again.

Seven people, hiding in the shelter, resting
The attitudes of the two sides are completely different.

From the perspective of God, the audience knew that the rain might last for a few days, so they were anxious.

But the players didn't know, and still followed their own rhythm.

With Wang Meng's help, Ning Fang's speed is much faster, and he doesn't have to worry about the transportation.

After getting a dozen small trees, I felt that it was almost done, so I started looking for firewood.

It rains for a long time, the fire is very important, even if it gets wet, it doesn't matter, just roast slowly.

When he returned to the camp with a dead wood on his back, he found that the ladies and sisters had teamed up to make a simple door.

This thing is not difficult, Nini saw Ning Fang do it twice.

As long as it's fastened tightly, there's basically no problem.

Rather than join in the fun, he swung the ax and divided the three to four meter long dead wood into sections and put them in the inner kitchen.




After the girls erected the second simple door, the height was just right, and there was just enough room for one person to enter and exit near the exit of the boulder.


Rather put it here, it is to take a bath in the water.

Even he, after his whole body entered the pool, trembled, with goose bumps on the back of his hands and thighs.

But soaked for a while, with a warm feeling.

Amidst the teasing smiles of the girls, he quickly changed his clothes in the shelter, then opened the two doors sideways, and the six of them sat in a row again.

"Nini, Tie Tie, what would you do if it rained when you were filming?"

Wang Meng was sitting on the far side, Xiao Hua and Xiao Dun'er were leaning against each other again, dozing off.

"Not necessarily, generally speaking, it depends on how much the rain is, it is basically a rest!"

"Wouldn't it be possible to arrange a rain show?" Ning Fang was also curious: "It just happened to save the sprinkler or something."

Nini smiled: "That's not the case. The rain can be big or small. It's true that the actors are in the rain, but the machines and the like must be in a dry place, and the shooting effect is better.

Of course, this is not absolute. Filming is different from filming TV series, with different directors and different plots.

As for what to do when it rains, you can chat together, watch a movie, eat or something, just like ordinary people resting.”

A gust of wind blew and interrupted Nini. It was more like a reminder that it was just a moderate rain just now. After a few minutes, it was a big pot.
The sleeping dogs were awakened by the sound of rain.

"Ah, what a heavy rain!" Wang Meng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The heavy rain is over," Song Tie said with a smile, "This is called a downpour."

"It's not much better," Nini objected, "The whole sky and the earth seem to be connected together without boundaries, as if the whole world is soaked in water."



Inexplicably, it became a competition on how to describe the rain.

"Ning Fang, say something too." Reba invited.

"I don't know how!" Ning Fang shook his head: "I don't have enough culture, so let me do it."

"Change it!" Nini patted him.

"I think about it!"

Ning Fang fell into deep thought.

Don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore! "

Everyone: .
Program group:
(End of this chapter)

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