Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 289 Are you here to kick the gym?

Chapter 289 Are you here to kick the gym?

The heat of the relationship lasted for four days and was snatched away.

""Survival on a deserted island-International version of star large-scale variety show reality show" is about to start.

brutal wilderness,
eighteen countries,
1+N mode,
Survive indefinitely,

3.6 million bonus,
the only survival battle,


The official blog of Jianzhou TV Station simply posted a Weibo, without a specific time or specific participants, but it still detonated the entire network.

The influence of "Survival on a Deserted Island-Star Large-scale Variety Show" is still there.

Adding 3.6 countries and a bonus of [-] million, it directly drove everyone crazy.

"Fuck, how much is 3.6 million US dollars, more than [-] million, it can directly go to Forble."

"Excuse me, is it too late for me to learn how to survive?"

"It's equivalent to the Olympics in the survival world, and the prize money is too scary."

"Is this a competition with a foreigner?"

"Who does our country send, and is there any selection?"

"I recommend Ning Fang."

"When will it start, I can't wait."

A layer of rocks stirred up a thousand waves, not only domestic, but representative TV stations such as Beautiful Country, Eagle Country, and Bangzi Country also released the same announcement at the same time.

No matter which country you are in, 3.6 million is an astronomical figure.

Even if you don't know what kind of program it is before, you will be interested in it because of this number.

Moreover, the concept of the national war does not require the TV station to take action, and netizens have already started arguing among themselves.

In particular, Bangziguo and Ahsanguo had the most fierce quarrel on social media.

The former satirizes the latter to drink water from the Ganges River every day, and does not need to take various vaccines before participating in the competition. 3.6 million, which is probably the GDP of the whole country.

The latter ridiculed the former as a subsidiary country of the beautiful country, how could it send two representatives to fight, or should respect the suzerain country Huaxia and just help and serve it.

In addition to bickering among netizens, there is another key point.


There is not enough information given so far, but one can guess that they must be in the process of being scouted and selected.

Regardless of whether they are domestic or foreign, ordinary people or celebrities, either express their opinions on their respective social platforms, or directly contact TV stations, and record various videos to express their attitudes.

One day after the news was released, more than [-] celebrities in China alone expressed their desire to participate.

There is no other reason.

After the game, the six Clovers who won the game were so popular that they were so envious.

Not to mention the fact that [-] countries have joined forces, and the level of attention is so high that you can imagine it with the back of your head.

It doesn't matter if you don't have professional knowledge, I will work hard and strive to win glory.

It's just that the celebrities who expressed their views in this way have gained some attention, but they are all sneering.

Male idols wear eyeliner, are sissy, and go to the wild to survive, you are not afraid of losing face, we are afraid, please don't pollute the public's eyeballs.

And the 1 in that 1+N has become a favorite.

Jianzhou Satellite TV has answered thousands of phone calls and countless emails.

They didn't say they were looking for 1 at all, they were all self-recommendations.

Abroad is more lively.

Foreigners are more realistic, 3.6 million, which is already very attractive.

Furthermore, there is a reason why there are few foreigners. Some people really want to challenge.

Some wilderness masters also expressed their interest through social platforms, while others did not express their views. Netizens are guessing whether they have already been selected.

Within a few hours, netizens from each country selected their dream team.

Here at Jianzhou Satellite TV, in addition to various phone calls and emails, friendly stations are also communicating.

The international version of the program is an immeasurable big cake.

Seeing greedy, I want to get a piece of the action and seek opportunities for cooperation.

With such a large battle, the attention of muddy cp has only slightly declined.

The main reason lies in Ning Fang.

In the competition, his dominance was obvious to all. Regardless of the others, the two foreigners were true survival experts.

In the interview, they also praised Ning Fang, saying that even if the two were in their heyday, there was no guarantee that they would beat him.

One's own people boast, with a polite element.

Foreigners are obviously more convincing.

Many netizens and fans have suggested through various channels that it is better to let Ning Fang become the 1. He has been verified in the competition and is a soldier, so he is more reliable than others.

And N, to get PK, to screen, can't be like before, focusing on the effect of the program.

After all, if you really want to go out, you will represent Huaxia!

While there was a lot of commotion outside, Ning Fang quietly sneaked back to Binhai.

These six people have not been idle for the past three days, the chief director stepped forward and adjusted the schedule.

In the afternoon of the second day of the award ceremony, the decision from above came down, and Ning Fang represented Huaxia in the competition.

He always thought that there was no one behind him, in fact.

If Ning Fang does not make mistakes in principle, and if there are other problems, someone will help him clean them up.

Some indispensable commercials were all filmed in Jianzhou, and all subsequent programs were absent.

The reason given by the chief director was related to the relationship, so it was announced. If the two appeared at the same time, it would attract unnecessary attention.

Obviously, the convincing power is not enough, even if Nini is not there, the remaining five people still cannot avoid being questioned.

But, it's just an excuse, I don't care if you believe it or not.

Similarly, the group of five was also very curious about the national war, and Nini didn't know anything about it.

Including inquiries from the brokerage company, they did not inform.

As for outside speculation, Jianzhou Satellite TV adopted a strategy of not responding.

All of this has nothing to do with Ning Fang for the time being.

When he returned to Binhai, he didn't stay at home, but stayed in the Binhai Hotel again, which was also the place where he worked before.

When Nini's assistant was cleaning the room, she found that because the house had not been lived in for several years, some parts needed to be refurbished, and it would take about half a month.

It just so happened that Auntie and Xiaolan would almost be able to come over.

Li Tong personally received him and his entourage.

Yes, Ning Fang also has assistants, there are still two, one male and one female.

The girl's name is Xiaocao, and she is in charge of daily chores, while the boy Dadong is in charge of various businesses, including negotiations with the Binhai Hotel.

The contract was negotiated within two hours.

Ning Fang continues to serve as the spokesperson of the hotel, although, for a hotel chain, it seems a bit extravagant.

But considering that he was originally a local, the previous effect was very good.

Li Tong, signed an endorsement contract of 100 million per year.

After seeing off the three of them, Lao Liu immediately put away his smile.

"Mr. Li, why did you add so much at once? Our original plan was only 30.

Besides, I don't shoot commercials, I just use photos. "

"You think Ning Fang is not worth it?" Li Tong drank his coffee with a relaxed expression.

"Not really, but we are in the hotel and catering industry after all, which is different from FMCG.

I admit that there are some fans who came to Binhai, after all, they are a minority, and 100 million is not a small number. "

"Don't we have hotels all over the country?" Li Tong smiled.

"However, Ning Fang is a native of Binhai, and has the greatest influence locally."

"Then what should I do? How about I talk to Ning Fang and let him give up?"

"Then it's not like, hey, 100 million, just treat it as a good relationship with him, and hope to stay in the entertainment circle forever."

Li Tong knew that if Old Liu objected, there would probably be someone to make an argument at next week's shareholder meeting.

However, she was not panicked at all.

The 100 million is worth it.

For a two-hour contract, the first hour was actually not smooth, and the two sides argued hard.

Li Tong got a headache from hearing it, so during the pause, he went to the French window, intending to have a chat with Dadong.

The other party mouthed two words, and immediately, not only agreed to the quotation, but even added 30 to it.

It's impossible, what Dadong said was "applause" or "hanging".

Even if he was a businessman, Li Tong had noticed the buzzing news.

Although Ning Fang just made a mouth shape, there was no promise, and he didn't even make a sound.

However, Li Tong decided to trust him, it was only 100 million, it was worth taking the risk.

Back in the room, the three celebrated there.

"Thank you for your hard work, please have a good meal tonight."

Although he was not used to having two more people by his side, Ning Fang had been taught by Nini before leaving.

Assistant, if you treat them well, they will repay you tenfold, so don't be too stingy.

"thank you boss."

Xiaocao is more lively and belongs to the type of social cattle: "I heard that the seafood in Binhai is good."

"Of course, this is the seaside, of course it's good, so let's make it so, and eat seafood at night."

"Yeah. But before we eat, I want to take you somewhere."

With that said, he picked up a bag of clothes that he had prepared earlier.

"Dadong, are you going?"

"I'll let it go."

When he got downstairs, Xiaocao took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat, looked at the navigation, and Ning Fang smiled.

"Have you been in touch before?"

"It's close."

"In the army, right?" Xiaocao was very clear about the details of the temporary boss, "but this one is completely different. For you, it will be helpful for future games. My plan is that I don't ask you to It’s very powerful, but at least it will be helpful in the future.”

Ning Fang nodded noncommittally.

The vehicle walked for about an hour in Binhai City, and when they arrived at the place, the two looked up: the Extreme Rock Climbing Club.

Xiaocao stood on tiptoe and pushed down the baseball cap on his head.

"Let's go, welcome to your first learning content."


Not to mention, there were quite a lot of people inside, Xiaocao asked him to wait for a while, and then followed a man in tights to the inside.

"Ning Fang hello!" The little brother was a little excited.

"Hello there!"

Xiaocao crossed her arms and looked at a high wall in front of her: "Mr. Zhen, how long does it take for a person to learn rock climbing?"

The little brother shrugged his shoulders and helped Ning Fang put on the equipment: "This is not necessarily the case. Everyone has different talents, or different motor nerves. You can master the basics in a few days, and maybe a month later. I couldn’t overcome my fear of heights, so I finally gave up.”

"Well, Ning Fang's physical fitness must be good."

"Of course," the little brother said with a smile, "but muscles don't mean everything."

With a quick hand, he fixed the safety rope and other equipment in a few strokes, and then walked in front of Xiaocao.

"Rock climbing requires not only muscle strength, but also your balance, flexibility, coordination, and core strength. Compared with ordinary sports, the threshold for entry is relatively high.

Have you seen those students outside? Some of them have been here for a month, but they can't even climb the simplest wall.

So, although Ning Fang dives, chops firewood, and swims very well, he can climb rocks."

Xiaocao blinked, stretched out her index finger and stretched out her hand: "Then, is this considered powerful?"

The little brother turned around: "Fuck!"

At this time, Ning Fang had already climbed onto the wall, and he chose a wall with a 5.11-degree corner and a difficulty level of [-]B.

This rock wall is not high from the ground, but there is no support point for the feet, and the distance between the rock points exceeds 1.2 meters.

There are several ways to pass.

Ning Fang used two methods.

First, swing. The moment you release your left hand, you can find the next rock point by swinging your lower limbs.

Second, hang, find the next support point with your heels, and go further up.

5.11B is the most difficult wall in the extreme rock climbing shop. I have completed it myself, and the success rate is about 5%, depending on the state of the day.

However, Ning Fang seemed to be very relaxed.

It takes about ten minutes for a master to complete the difficulty, but he can go up in just a few words.

After reaching the top, holding the rock point with one hand, the whole person hangs on it, without blushing or sweating, and greets the two of them.

Xiaocao quickly took out her phone and took a few photos.


The little brother shook his head: "Ning Fang, can you come down, can you do it again?"

"Of course!"

Ning Fang controlled the safety rope and landed firmly on the ground a few seconds later.

"Well, help me untie it, it's too much of a hindrance."

"This" the little brother was speechless again.

Ning Fang grabbed some chalk powder and patted it on his hand. He spotted a spot and jumped lightly.

Xiaocao learned to be smart and turned on the camera function.

It can only be said that watching him rock climbing is a kind of enjoyment, the transition between points is called silky, without any consideration, watching a particularly difficult movement, when you are still hesitating how to do it, He's done.

The hands, shoulders, waist, and legs seem to be integrated into one body, relaxing when it should be relaxed, and exerting strength when it should be.

There was no stop in the whole process, and it reached the top faster than the first time, and then descended to the ground amidst Xiaocao's admiration.

"It's not that difficult!"

In a word, the little brother of Ji was speechless.

Are you here to study, or to play gymnastics?
"Ning Fang, are you sure you haven't learned rock climbing before?"

"There is similar training in the army, and I have come into contact with it later."

"Miss Xiaocao, I think Ning Fang has completely graduated, the whole Binhai. No, I think, among the national indoor rock climbing coaches, there are probably not many who are better than him."

"No, coach, why don't you teach him again, such as some professional movements, or things to pay attention to?" Xiaocao is going to spend about a week to let Ning Fang master a basic skill.

The little brother smiled bitterly: "Professional? Didn't you understand what I said? His strength is far above mine. I dare not wear a safety rope. When climbing the difficulty of 5.11B, he is like drinking water. Rubbed up, are you sure you didn't come here to mess things up?"

"Ah" Xiaocao turned her head: "So you are so powerful."

"It's okay, it's okay, I haven't learned anything!"

Puff, the little brother was stabbed in the chest again.

(Thanks to boss Zhuye Wuxiao for the reward of 1500 points, and thanks to Tianji Yulong for the reward of 500 points, the bosses will get rich!)

(End of this chapter)

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