Chapter 297
"Ning Fang, come here with your figure, let my sister take a good look at it!"

"Jia Lin, calm down, the Lord is here!"

"You really are."

The man who took the lead was dark and thin, with particularly energetic eyes. It wasn't Zhang Yi, who else.

"Teacher Zhang." Lao Hu and the two quickly got out of the water.

The scene in front of them made them unable to understand.

Five people came.
One male guest, Zhang Yi, understandably, three male stars are needed in N.

Hu Ge, Wang Kai, add him, exactly three.

However, five female guests came.

They are Jia Lin, Liu Yifei, Wang Ziwen, Zhao Lina and Nini.

Ning Fang was naturally very pleasantly surprised. When he sent a message at noon, his girlfriend said that he was on the plane and his relationship was flying to Jianzhou.

Nini even came to him generously, first gave him a hug, and then held hands.

"Hey, I can't get used to it, but unfortunately I can't do it!" Liu Yifei shook her head slightly.

"Oh, Nini, let me take a picture of your family, Ning Fang." Jia Lin walked over.

"No, what's going on?"

Hugo had a question mark on his face.

Xiao Liu didn't know when he appeared again, the three of them were the only ones in the swimming pool just now.

"Guys, let me introduce you.

The captain of the [-]th National Team, Ning Fang, team members, Hu Ge, Wang Kai, and teacher Zhang Yi. "

"Hello Captain Ning!" Zhang Yi smiled.

"Then how many are they?" Hu Ge was very puzzled.

"We are all reserve players." Nini explained.


The five nodded.

"For this competition, there are more than 200 candidates for female stars," Xiao Liu said from the side, "These five are the finalists. It's hard to choose at the moment, so they will join our training together. .

It is up to Captain Ning, the team members, himself and many other factors to finally decide who will form the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle of our Huaxia team. "

It was clear to everyone that they wanted to PK.

"I declare first!"

Jaleen raised her hand.

"Although I don't know why I was selected and entered the final round, but don't treat me as an opponent. I guess I won't be able to persist."

Wang Kai showed a smile on his face. He just heard from Ning Fang in the morning that he is fat and has natural advantages in survival.

At noon, the three of them watched a foreign survival show together. One of them was about 60 catties, and the food he got was much less than the others. In the end, he persisted for more than [-] days before giving up, relying on the fat on his body.

However, it is not appropriate to say this in front of people.

"Several, the supper is ready, why not chat while eating."


Ning Fang and the three changed their clothes and went to the restaurant. The two of them asked several times along the way before confirming Nini's arrival. He did not know about it.

Ten people formed a table, and the dishes were all meat, offal, fried food, etc., and the drinks were beer and cola.

"Hurry up, I'm so satisfied with the food here!"

Catch the plane, Jia Lin urged.

"Don't worry, it will be like this in the future!" Old Hu smiled and sat down.

"Are we going to gain weight?"

Zhao Lina deserves to be the retired goalkeeper of the women's football team. After systematic training, she can understand it at a glance.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Ning Fang naturally sat next to his girlfriend.

"I want to give you a surprise, don't I!" Nini squinted her eyes: "See me happy."

"of course."

Ning Fang under the table secretly took her little hand.

Only then did I understand why when Lin Tai asked about his team's score in the afternoon, the meaning of his smile turned out to be undecided.

Five backup players, five different styles.

Needless to say, Jialin has obvious advantages and disadvantages. She is heavy and can carry it in the later stage, but whether she can pass it smoothly in the early stage is a question mark.
Ambassador Liu Yifei,
Wang Ziwen, yoga master, good at sports, shortcoming, too thin,
Zhao Lina, a former goalkeeper of the women's football team, has excellent conditions in all aspects, but is not well-known enough.
Nini, needless to say, member of Clover, champion.

The reason why the 1+N model is adopted is that survival is one aspect, and the effect is also required.

It was difficult for the higher-ups to choose, so they simply sent several representatives over together.

If you can't even persist in training, there will naturally be no follow-up.

With everyone getting along and running in, the final participant should be selected.

After eating and drinking for a while, everyone talked happily.

However, after Ning Fang said that he would get up for a run in the morning, he ended up consciously and returned to his respective rooms.

The knock on the door would inevitably ring again.

During the break, Ning Fang also grasped the whole story.

There are many domestic actresses, and many of them are in good health and like to exercise.

However, exercise alone is not enough.

Those with physical strength and experience like Nini are what they need.

In addition, the company has not arranged an itinerary for her for the time being, so I promised to try it first.

Why try it first.

It is also because of the real participation, which is different from those audiences who sit in front of the screen and just watch with their eyes and listen with their ears.

How bitter and tiring she is, she knows very well.

This time is a national war, eighteen teams compete together.

It is very difficult to be on a small island like Golden Skull Island, which can be called rich in natural resources, and I have no idea about going to an even harsher environment.

However, she also knew how rare the opportunity was, so she followed along.

It cannot be denied that the boyfriend is also one of the factors.

Ning Fang woke up at six o'clock the next morning.

To be honest, the environment here is really nice.

Sleeping in a bamboo hut, but all the equipment inside is available, and the only thing you can hear at night is the chirping of insects and birds.

Standing in the small courtyard, what you can feel at this time is the moving coolness and breeze.

Just thinking about whether to call someone, one by one, they all came out of their own rooms with sleepy eyes.


"Gu Mao Ning!"


After a group of people gathered, they went to the basketball court in front, and started doing warm-up exercises with Ning Fang.

"Mr. Ning Fang, how long do we have to run?" Jia Lin asked from behind.

"We don't have a fixed number of laps and practice," Ning Fang said with a smile: "It's just jogging. When you feel that your body has reached its limit and you can no longer persist, you will persist for another minute, then sit down and rest."

"Is it over?"

"Of course not, take a break for 5 minutes and continue"

Zhao Lina stuck out her tongue: "Ning Fang, do you know how the national team trains?"

"Hahaha, I checked some information." Ning Fang did not deny it.

"Xiaona, is this difficult?" Others didn't quite understand.

"Life is better than death!"

Before everyone could recall it, Ning Fang waved his hand, motioning for everyone to follow, and the first day of training began.

Just two simple laps opened the distance.

The boys and Zhao Lina were in the first echelon, and the three girls were in the second echelon. Jia Lin was already panting.

"There is no need to pursue speed," Ning Fang shouted, "Run at your own pace."

"I didn't pursue it." Jia Lin panted, "It feels like the extreme is coming."

"Sister, when the extreme point comes, you can get over it and run away."

"Ah, is that so?"

On the fourth lap, she had already been looped.

"Ning Fang, I can't run anymore."

"That's holding on for 1 minute."

"How long is 1 minute?"

"Look at the sidelines."

Xiao Liu didn't know when he touched it. Besides water, he brought several timers, and they also marked the names of several people.

When Jia Lin asked, he clicked, and the timer started.

The others couldn't help but laugh when they saw it. As for it.

Ning Fang couldn't laugh.

Although I thought of the poor physical strength, it was too bad.

A full lap is less than 100 meters, a total of three laps, still jogging, that's it, it's not good.

Finally, after 60 seconds had passed, Jia Lin tried her best to speak again, sat down, drank water, and her eyes were a little wandering.

The team changed again. After a few laps, the group disappeared, forming an incoherent line.

At the front is Ning Fang, then Zhao Lina, and Lao Hu, Wang Kai.
No one chatted on the field for a long time, replaced by panting sounds of different thickness.

Although Ning Fang said, don't care about speed, just run.

However, I kept being trapped, and I had some thoughts in my heart.

The more she ran, the more frightened Zhao Lina became.

There is only a distance of two or three meters between her and Ning Fang, so there should be twenty or thirty laps, or two or three kilometers.

Although I have retired for more than two years and gained about ten pounds, my foundation is there. I still play football in my spare time, and I am in good condition.
But the one in front is a bit scary.

Because of following behind, he can see clearly that the frequency of his running has basically not changed. It is the same as when he started running. He can hear the sound of breathing, which is very stable.

As a professional athlete, Zhao Lina knew that this kind of physical strength was definitely not easy, and after that, she also developed a competitive spirit.

I want to see how long you can keep it.

10 minutes passed.
10 [-] minutes passed
Zhang Yi and Liu Yifei are off to rest,
25 minutes passed.
Four 10 minutes passed
Wang Ziwen, Nini rest
10 [-] minutes passed
Wang Kai ends
two hours and 10 minutes passed
Except for Ning Fang and Zhao Lina, the others had already been on and off the court several times, and they couldn't run anymore.

But the two are still holding on.

However, the gap was already huge, and Ning Fang trapped her at least five times.

"It's too good!"

"I think Ning Fang can run all morning."

"Zhao Lina can't handle him either."

"After all, he's retired, and he's several years older."

"I'm really convinced."

huh. huh.
Coming behind Zhao Lina again, Ning Fang stopped.


Hearing this sentence, Zhao Lina's legs went limp and she almost fell down. Ning Fang supported him quickly, and Lao Hu also ran up quickly.

This will make it impossible to sit down, you have to walk, otherwise it will cause poor return of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and even shock in severe cases.

After walking around twice, he slowed down.

Asking her to jog for more than an hour is actually no problem.

The main reason is that I keep thinking about catching up with Ning Fang, and my breathing rhythm is messed up.

Sit down, drink water, wipe sweat.

"Ning Fang, how long can you run?" Zhao Lina was curious.

Ning Fang's chest and back were also soaked, full of sweat, and his chest was heaving.

But in the eyes of everyone, he was more than enough.

That's right, it's more than enough.

It seemed that two hours of jogging didn't consume much for him, it was just a warm-up.

Look at others, sitting or lying down, their faces are either flushed or pale.

The difference is not a little bit.

"It's hard to say, if you come for another hour, there should be no problem." Ning Fang took a sip of water and smiled.

Let alone two hours, he feels that as long as the water keeps flowing, he can run for half a day without any problem.

Keep it low-key and don't overdo it.

Everyone gave a thumbs up, buddy, you are awesome.

Liu Yifei whispered something in Nini's ear, but the latter blushed and did not answer.

At this time, the sun just hit the stadium.

"It's only after eight o'clock!" Zhang Yi was also choked up: "Why does it feel like I've been exercising for a day, Captain Ning, won't you come again in the afternoon?"

After saying this, everyone present was a little scared.

"Of course not, the teacher will come over later to see what classes are being taught, and I won't exercise during the day.

We are to reserve physical strength, not to toss people, we have to combine work and rest.

However, you can swim at night.

Let's go, go back, take a shower, and have breakfast. "

"Go, go, I'm starving."

(End of this chapter)

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