Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 315 Knowing that there are bears on the mountain

Chapter 315 Knowing that there are bears in the mountains (addition for the angry Dongmu)

Bear, many people have seen it.

TV, movies, zoos, circuses.

Five to 600 meters apart, two people and one bear, each standing on a hilltop, with six eyes facing each other, probably not many people have experienced it.

At this time, Nini and Lao Hu did not dare to move.

Grizzlies can run at speeds up to 48 kilometers per hour, and humans can run at 10-15 kilometers per hour.

Wild, physical strength, huge body, thick bear paws, sharp teeth.

It's not something that the ax in Lao Hu's hand can handle.

"Old Hu, will it come over?"

Nini's voice was trembling, such a short distance, if you really want to chase, it is estimated that you will be able to catch up with the two of them in a few minutes.

"Bears generally don't take the initiative to attack humans." Having said that, Lao Hu tightened his grip on the axe.

The grizzly bear apparently also noticed the two of them, their bodies turned in the same direction, and their heads turned around, probably also curious about what the Twolegs were.

"Nini, slow down, get behind me, and take out the bear horn."

"it is good"

Nini backed away slowly, not daring to leave her eyes, as if the other party would rush over in the blink of an eye.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers were also watching this scene.

Compared with Ning Fang yesterday, the distance was much closer, and the whole bear showed its figure perfectly.

"Why is it the Huaxia team again?"

"Didn't it mean that NO.16 lives in a good place? It's only been two days, and I've seen it twice."

"Would it be good to use bears as food reserves?"

"Could it be tough to go up with an axe, and seek death."

At Huaxia Ningfang and Nini's house, aunts, uncles, aunts, and a few relatives were all nervous, and they were all praying that nothing would happen.

"Press it?" Nini got the horn.

"Well, press it."


The sudden sound of the trumpet and Lao Hu's shout sounded at the same time, and the grizzly bear on the opposite side was obviously a little panicked, and ran into the woods without looking back.

But the two didn't dare to stop, Nini also yelled, and persisted for a minute.

After confirming that there was no sign or movement of the grizzly bear on the other side of the mountain, it stopped.

Lao Hu's chest heaved violently, and Nini's feet went limp, and she slumped on the ground.

"It's so frightening!"

After a while, the two of them came to their senses, and Lao Hu said something leisurely.

"My legs are so frightened." Nini's hand was trembling when she took out the water bottle: "It's okay. Ning Fang let us work together. If I face the situation just now, I really don't know what to do."

"Just like me, if you pick up the horn and shout, you can be scared away normally."

Nini nodded, she didn't foolishly ask what to do if it's abnormal, it's unlucky.

After slowing down for a while, they all decided not to move forward, knowing that there were bears on the mountain, they had to turn around.

"It's so exciting."

"Hey, hundreds of catties of meat just ran away."

"Do you think there will be a bear hunter appearing this season?"

"I guess it's a bit difficult, the equipment gap is too big."

"How about shooting an arrow in a tree?"

"Friends, read less novels, bears are good tree climbers, besides, it doesn't even need to go up, it can just hit a tree and knock you down."

"Then the only option is to use a knife and a shovel."

The audience did not make fun of their performance. The black bear's huge body could be seen in the eyes, and when they ran, the flesh on their bodies followed duangduangduang.

Not to mention star players, even if Bell saw it, he had no choice but to avoid it.

In one morning, a lot of things happened.

Maple Leaf Country caught another trout, which was bigger than yesterday's pike. Kangaroo Country and other two teams got grouse, and Pretty Country and other four teams found mushroom berries.
Now, the only one that has not eaten for more than 24 hours is Bangziguo.

Pu Ritian issued an order, taking advantage of his good physical strength, to finish the shelter first, and talk about the rest later.

As for whether it can persist, the audience is waiting to see.

When Ning Fang returned to the camp, it was eleven twenty.

The others haven't returned yet.

I didn't bring the pot or anything with me, so I went to the river and brought back a pot of water.

One morning passed, and the water must have been drunk.

Nini was very thoughtful, she saved a lot of tinder yesterday, and specially baked it, and within a few minutes, the bonfire was lit.

At noon, marching with a heavy load, sitting by the fire, a little too much.

Don't worry about the meat. When they come back, they can roast it and eat it.

He picked up a branch at random, picked off the pine needles on it, and spread it on the ground.

Then dig out the nuts.

Some people who just came to the live broadcast room saw this scene, and they were amazed. After asking, they learned that the human squirrel nest was taken out, and they couldn't laugh or cry.


After finishing all this, Ning Fang picked up a pine nut, put it in his mouth and bit it lightly, peeled off the shell, revealing the plump flesh.

After chewing, although the size is only a little bigger than a grain of rice, the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes.

Being idle and bored, I took another hazelnut.

The taste is completely different from pine nuts and pine nuts. It is estimated that squirrels should have been selected.

The flesh is still full, the taste is sweet, and the aftertaste is endless.

"Can't eat any more."

Ning Fang slapped his left hand. This scene attracted many foreigners to hahaha, understanding what it meant.

The reason why they put it up is also to show off their needs to the audience.

Eighteen teams, too many superstars, the popularity rise is a bit slow.

Just when I was a little bored, I heard footsteps, raised my head, and raised my right hand: "Hello!"

"Ning Fang, we met a grizzly bear."

Before arriving, Nini began to complain from a long distance.

"It's just a mountain top from us, hundreds of meters away, and has been staring at us for a long time."

"Really, don't lie, I guess it weighs three or four hundred catties."

"We and it. Hey, is this a hazelnut?"

Nini walked closer and found a large pile of nuts on the pine needles.

"No, where did it come from? There are so many, you can't dig out the squirrel's nest."

Lao Hu was just joking, but in the end, Ning Fang laughed and said nothing.

"No, you really paid for it?"

"Yes," Ning Fang raised his hand, "Try it, it tastes good.

It turned out that a squirrel was found, but it didn't shoot, so it ran away.

When I got angry, I saw the tree, but I didn't expect to take out so much. "

The two immediately forgot about the grizzly bear, and a large pile of nuts attracted their attention.

Kaka, one of them took one and tasted it.

"Tastes good."

"It tastes better than what it sells."

"Ning Fang, I remember it's high in fat." Lao Hu stopped after eating one, "Can I save it first and take it out later to supplement nutrition."

"That's what I plan to do!" Ning Fang nodded: "Nuts are fine for next year. At this temperature, there is no need to deliberately preserve them."

"Then I'll eat another pine nut." Nini said carefully.

"It's okay to eat five!"

"Hey, that won't do, I have to keep it." Nini picked out the two smallest pine nuts, smiling all over her face.

"We're back!"

Zhang Yi's voice came from behind.

"Look, what we brought. Hey."

(Thank you Boss Dongmu for the reward of 5800 points. Boss, are you still satisfied? Thank you for your rewards. Bosses will make a fortune!)

(End of this chapter)

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