Chapter 322

Maple Leaf General Charles, 39 years old, explorer, mountaineering enthusiast, zoology expert.

Because of being born and bred here, he has a deeper understanding of the map, environment, and ecology of this competition than others.

No way, the organizer chose this place.

In the past two days, the Maple Leafs team caught a total of two fish, one of which was brought by him.

Not only that, but I also found some mushrooms and berries, which is why I was able to produce [-] grams of food.

In fact, the team members were very happy, because the rest were fish heads.

There is no meat, just give it a go, it is not necessarily a bicycle to a motorcycle.

Therefore, after discussion, it will be passed soon.

Like the Huaxia team, the A-level clues obtained are very clear.

It's just that the journey is a bit long and you have to walk through the woods. Even though Charles set off four or ten minutes earlier than Ning Fang, he arrived later.

After spending two hours, I finally saw the huge spruce tree. After getting closer, I saw a tree hole at the root, and the box was hidden inside.

Charles also had the same idea. If he saw a big tree passing by, he would definitely take a look at it, but the chances were not high. If he chose the wrong direction, he would miss it.

Open the box, there are still four black bags inside.

The first one, a little speechless, was a whistle. He put it in his mouth and blew it, which was quite loud.

Second, two hundred grams of chocolate,

The third, 1 liter Red Bull,

The fourth one, a saber, was also one of the items that Maple Leaf Country did not choose.

Obviously, Charles is very satisfied. Except for the whistle, which is a bit tasteless, other items are good, especially the knife. It will be much more convenient to handle the fish next.

"Hey, can I use the chocolate to change another clue, oh no, no."

As soon as he finished speaking, he denied it himself.

Obviously, the program team did not give the nesting doll a chance, and only gave [-] grams of chocolate, otherwise, I would only ask for biological items, take the food I got and you and change a clue, it would not become a brush for equipment.

Furthermore, as a survival expert, how can I be willing to take out chocolates for exchange.

This is baby!
Now that he got the reward, Charles didn't delay and walked back directly. He had to tell the members that we still needed [-] grams of meat.

Everything in the picture came to the edge of the Luxembourg camp.

The early bird gets the worm, and the early bird gets more firewood.

Five people took turns to fight, and it took about three hours to get a pile of firewood.

Be the first to trade firewood for clues.

However, it is a C-level clue.

They feel that if they can solve it first, they may save a lot of effort.

In addition, it is also related to the identity of the chief general.

Jokisis, the most educated of all the generals, double doctor, wild survival blogger.

The boat of the program group arrived as scheduled, and unlike the other two groups, it brought a scale.

Not at all sloppy.

It took a long time just to weigh the firewood.

It is estimated that the staff is also heartbroken. This is already the case for [-] kilograms, so what about [-] kilograms?
In the end, it was a little short, and the team members picked up a few pieces from the side, and then they gave up.

However, after getting the clue and opening it, the five of them were stunned.

is a painting.

There are mountains, trees and stones in the painting, and the gifts are clearly marked and placed beside the trees.

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard."

"Cheap is not good."

"As far as this picture is concerned, what's the difference between having and not having it?"

"Look at their expressions, they are about to cry."

"The program group rewarded a big chicken leg, which is so interesting."

It's not a big deal to watch the barrage, everyone is having fun.

The members of Luxembourg had a bitter face.

In the previous analysis, if it is to decipher or analyze, the master will be a doctoral student, so I am not afraid.

As a result, I will give you a picture that was probably drawn by a kindergarten child, without any other clues, but if it is useful at all, it will not be useless at all.

Watching [-] kilograms of firewood being taken away suddenly by the boat, several people's hearts were bleeding.

If you don't change it, you don't need to chop firewood for a few days. If you are not in such a hurry, save some more.
The four looked at the general: "Jokisis, what should we do now?"

I worked non-stop all morning, and in exchange for this result, I was a little bit broken.

There are two options before them.

Give up decisively and do serious things,
Keep up the good work and get a better lead.

For a while, Jokiss also fell into a dilemma.

"What's the use of waking up to work at five o'clock to make you lazy!"

"Xiao Xiba, don't worry about other people, look at your own home, they also chose 200 kilograms of C-level clues."

"Oh, Xiba Smecta, don't!"

In the live broadcast room of Bangzi Country, wailing was everywhere at this time.

After getting up in the morning, Park Ritian took the four members to a meeting and analyzed it.

I feel that variables still need to be involved.

In particular, he has read all the variables in the Huaxia version, treasure hunting, and he has also played there. He is not familiar with it, so it will definitely be no problem to solve the clues.

There is no need for [-] kilograms at all, just go straight to C-level.

Seeing that the lord is so confident and has clearly explained the clues in the Huaxia version, the members naturally nodded in agreement.

Hang Chi Hang Chi started working.

The point is, they didn't choose a saw, so they had to take turns one by one.

Seeing that the efficiency was really too low, Park Ritian was so anxious that he decided to use the wood that was chopped down yesterday to build a shelter first.

Feeling enough, I contacted the program group.

As for the result, the same as Luxembourg's dime, a picture that does nothing at all.

It was Xiao Xiba from Bangzi Country who greeted Pu Ritian's [-]th generation of ancestors a hundred times a hundred times.

The members were so angry that they couldn't speak, staring at Park Ritian, the atmosphere of the team dropped to freezing point.

The happiest one is naturally the program group.

There is actually nothing interesting about choosing A-level clues, the main thing is that the audience will be interested in the moment they find the item.

Moreover, the two teams opened the box, and it was clear what was probably inside.

In the stage set up, the protagonist is not the A-level clue team, but other teams who want to take advantage.

Thanks to Luxembourg and Bangziguo for their support.

Looking at the reaction of the audience, this play was sung quite successfully.

Besides, Ning Fang here, after drinking a saliva, walked into the forest.

The treasure was put away by the program team before the contestants set off, and the clues given also had benchmarks, and that was where they got off the plane.

It is impossible for the players to run dozens or even hundreds of kilometers to find a shelter, which is too unrealistic.

Therefore, Ning Fang only needs to identify the general direction of the base camp and find it.

This walk took nearly three hours and directly climbed over a high mountain.

Descended to the bottom of the mountain and found a shady spot.

In the process of climbing the mountain, it is not that there is no harvest at all. Apart from a dozen mushrooms, there are unexpected joys.

wild onions.

This is basically the same as onions in terms of appearance and fruit, except that the onions that are eaten every day have a red skin at the root.

It took half an hour to dig out more than [-] clumps, which probably weighed more than half a catty.

If you only eat meat, it is easy to cause constipation. With this stuff, it can not only supplement dietary fiber, but also increase the flavor of food.

Kill two birds with one stone.

For this reason, after sitting down, Ning Fang took the spray paint out of the bag and put it away, and then carefully put wild onions and mushrooms in it.

It was almost twelve o'clock, and the sun was shining overhead.

He put his down jacket in the camp. If he wants to go out to work, he doesn't need to wear too much, and if it gets scratched, he will feel distressed.

The zipper of the jacket was also untied, but it was still hot.

He took out the jerky that Nini had prepared for him, served it with water, and ate lunch.

The surrounding scenery is nothing to see.

left, tree, front, tree, right
Oh shit!
Ning Fang was about to take the bow and arrow, but it was too late.

A hare appeared in the grass in front of it. It was estimated that it was molting, and there was a pinch of white on the buttocks, which was particularly conspicuous.

Apparently, it also noticed the danger, and didn't give it any chance at all. After a few jumps, it disappeared into the grass.

"I'm blind again."

"So what did you see?"

"Ning Fang's reaction is so fast."

"Isn't it wrong to tease us?"

"It's a hare, I saw it."

"Unfortunately, I ran away."

It's not a pity for Ning Fang to fall down. The forest belongs to the home field of animals. Even if Ning Fang has a plug-in and asks him to chase rabbits and fight grizzlies, he has no chance of winning.

The main reason is that today's harvest has exceeded expectations, so I waved with the little rabbit and see you next time.

On the other side, the four members of the Huaxia team were also having lunch.

The menu is still barbecue. After smoking and roasting last night and this morning, the lean meat is half smoked, and Zhang Yi puts it on the tree.

The progress of digging the pit has obviously slowed down.

The top is floating soil, which is easier to get. The ground is not only solid, but also has stones and roots derived from the surrounding plants.

This is not bad news. The stronger the soil, the later the shelter will be firm.

The four of them also thought of a way, sharpened the wooden sticks, and in groups of two, smashed them with axes and stones, disintegrating bit by bit.

Wang Kai chewed on the barbecue, looked at the way he came here: "I don't know what happened to Ning Fang."

"What else, I'm looking for something."

"Of course I know I'm looking for something, but I don't have any news, which makes people a little worried." Wang Kai and Lao Hu bickered.

Nini handed the meat to Zhang Yi.

"In survival in the wild, no news is the best news, indicating that everything is normal."

The three of them nodded after thinking about it. That's right, if the program team will contact you, it's probably not good news.

Although the organizers didn't want to show Ning all the time, there was no way. At noon, the contestants were either resting or continuing to work.

This time, he has something to watch.

There was not a single piece of jerky left, all went into the stomach, and I didn't drink much water.

Ning Fang is not sure how long he has to go, so it is not a bad thing to save a little.

Not to mention, there is a lot of food. Along the way, I met hares and squirrels several times.

First, he focused on treasure hunting, and second, during the day, the small animals were very alert. If they saw Twolegs, they would hide first, and there would be no chance of hunting.

For him, the survival has come to the third day, and the nutrients supplemented in the early stage have not yet been officially used. There is still food for these two days, and the overall state is still at the peak, and there is not much decline.

Domestic audiences have a feeling that Ning Fang has made great progress this time, as if he has completely changed himself.

When he was on Golden Skull Island, it was not so obvious that he was so comfortable, even if he knew something.

But in the three days since the national war started, he showed leadership and personal ability, not only not weaker than those well-known generals, but even faintly overwhelming.

Of course, such evaluations are personal.

It has been said countless times that survival in the wilderness has too many chances.

Spotting porcupines, tough wolverines, all by accident.

Other teams, especially the seeded teams, obviously have their own set of complete plans, what to do every day, and how much to complete.

Going out less and acting in groups will naturally reduce the chance of encountering big prey.

This is just the beginning, just like running a marathon, the leader in the early stage is not necessarily the strongest player, the best is yet to come.

It is undeniable that Ning Fang has performed the best since the start of the game, and his ranking in the combat power list will go up.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the fun of the audience came again.

This time, Kangaroo Country contacted the program team, and they chose clue B, which was also the first team to try. Everyone is very curious, what kind of reminder will this time be?

(Thanks to the boss who went to bed after playing the game for rewarding 5000 points, and thanking the boss for time to cook rain for rewarding 1666 points, bosses get rich!
Guess what the B clue is, add one update, participation fee, a monthly pass, come or not! )

(End of this chapter)

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