Chapter 325

There are traces of human life in the north and south poles, not to mention the deep mountains and old forests.

During the survey, many teams found some garbage that should have been left by the previous hunters.

Pretty Country is no exception. In the past two days, several broken jars have been collected.

The stuff was unpackable, but Lewis strung cans and placed them around the camp as sirens.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang.
Xiao Lizi, who was sleeping soundly, was the first to be woken up. He listened for a while, and after confirming that something was walking outside, he woke up the others.

"What is it?"

Even with all his muscles, Dwayne Johnson was a little nervous at the moment.

He is not afraid of dealing with people, but he can clearly hear voices outside, but he can only see darkness, and the feeling is completely different.

"Could be a bear, or a puma, a big animal."

Lewis picked up the axe, and just now there was a sound and shadow, not small in size.

"Grizzlies come on, give the beautiful national team a head-on blow."

"There's a bonfire, so I guess I can't make it through."

"It's so exciting, you're sleeping in the shelter, and the grizzly is patrolling outside."

The audience in the live broadcast room already knew that the uninvited guest was a grizzly bear, and it was a certain distance from the shelter, but they seemed to be attracted by something and did not leave.

"Grizzly bears, omnivores, don't mind eating meat at all, can reach a maximum of 550 kilograms, have five times or more physical strength than an adult, and know that they are at the top of the food chain."

The subtitles don't forget to popularize science.

The five people in the beautiful country have long since lost their sleepiness. The enemy is in the dark, and the enemy is in the dark, and they grab all kinds of tools around them as weapons.

It was so quiet in the shelter that one could hear a heartbeat.

clang clang clang.
The voice came again.

"Fire the cannon." Lewis said decisively.

Dashi Johnson didn't say much, and put the bear repellent cannon outside the camp and lit it.

Bang bang bang.
The huge sound and light surprised many spectators. Isn't it just fireworks, which can also drive bears away.

Under the infrared camera, the grizzly bear was obviously frightened and disappeared after running wildly.

"Is it really that powerful?"

"Wouldn't it be played by the staff of the program group,/Manual dog head"

"Foreign friends, fireworks and firecrackers are very powerful. They were used to deal with monsters in ancient China."

"Monster, why don't I know?"

"Hahaha, he said the year."


When the smoke dissipated, the people in the beautiful country still didn't relax their vigilance. Why didn't they use the horn to repel the bear?
Mainly there is no place to hide in the shelter, if it is attracted by the sound, it will be troublesome.

In this way, the five contestants waited quietly for more than ten minutes.

He didn't hear any movement, so he judged that he should leave.

"Huh" everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Or, take turns keeping watch at night."

Lewis' proposal was agreed by everyone, five people, two hours each, almost one night passed.

"It is still necessary to build the shelter earlier."

"Give up the first variable?"

"It's not giving up. It's too stupid to exchange firewood for clues. If you can hunt large prey, then consider this issue."

Compared with the Huaxia version, even if the first variable of the National War is slightly flawed, overall, it is a success.

After all, there are programs we can learn from.

The endless forest, the diverse species of animals and plants, especially the grizzly bear who comes out from time to time to brush up the sense of presence, makes the audience nervous just watching the show.

In this way, the third night in the survival place passed.

In 72 hours, only one player was eliminated due to illness, less than Golden Skull Island.

Can also understand.

The preparations of the contestants on the two sides are different. In China, the selection is basically completed, and it will not take long to start filming. Most of them are novices.

The national war has the most here, and has been training for more than two months.

Even if you don't take it seriously, you can remember a lot of things.

The same is true for the body. I exercise while eating and drinking, and now I am fine except for being hungry.

Fortunately, they couldn't see each other's state, otherwise, the Huaxia team would definitely become a public enemy.

When people are thinking about what to eat, they are already thinking about what to eat and how to eat it.

Today's chef is Zhang Yi. His craftsmanship has always been good, and he usually cooks by himself at home.

When I was in the hot springs, I also specially practiced the techniques of grilling and stewing.

In the wild, basically these two ways of eating, nothing else.

After discussing with Nini, who got up early, I decided to try some wild onions first, but I have never eaten them.

I went to the lake and washed it. I didn’t even want to throw away the roots below. I kept it and put it in when I stewed the soup to get rid of the smell.

After Ning Fang and the others finished washing, breakfast was ready.

For dinner, there was porcupine pork fried with wild onions, a lot of it, a drink, Red Bull, and a piece of chocolate for dessert.

Wang Kai was reluctant to eat it, so he put it in his pocket.

With contrast, the damage is greater.

Not to mention those teams that at least had food, more than half of the remaining 89 people could only drink plain water.

Either the main focus is on building a shelter, or it's just bad luck, the forest is so big, and there's a lot of food, but you can't find it, and it's useless to say anything.

Some people have already regretted it. They knew earlier that they should choose food. Ghosts know that food is so hard to find, and the taste of starvation is too uncomfortable.

Today, many teams began to adjust.

Five people, with limited tools, can come in rotation.

Assign some people to go fishing and look for food, so that it can be more balanced.

There is no way for individual competitions, and everything has to be done by yourself.

The team must work together.

Britain, for example, is a representative of such teams.

They have gotten some food in the past two days, but not much, they can only fill their stomachs a little.

There is nothing wrong with Bell, although he is old, but the foundation is there.

Worrying that other people can't stand it.

So, in the morning, the troops were divided into three groups. He himself was an expert in the jungle and went directly to the forest. The other Bell was very good at fishing, and the remaining three continued to build the shelter.

Sakura Country is now facing a choice.

The five members got up early in the morning, and had nothing else to do, just sawing wood and chopping firewood.

After eight o'clock, the last bit of beef was shared among several people.

Several people looked at a large pile of firewood in front of them.

They figured it out by themselves, the approximate weight of a piece of firewood, and how much it is now.

It is estimated that [-] kg is enough.

At the moment, there are three options.

First, switching to C-level clues can save a lot of supplies,
Second, allin, change to B-level clues,
Third, save some more. I guess I can exchange for an A-level clue by the afternoon.

Shan Shang Shan Xia is obviously not a qualified captain, he is indecisive, and the way he gets along with the stars feels inferior to them.

Talking and arranging work are all in a negotiable and flattering tone.

The audience in Sakura Country didn't seem to feel anything wrong, and other audiences looked sideways, what the hell.

"Kimura-san, do you think we should change the clues, or continue chopping firewood?"

Brother, you are the main general, you are the backbone of the team!
The point is, these unprofessional stars really started to discuss.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that I can't waste any more time, let's change it, the B-level clue should be good.

Then, with the firewood I got after a day of hard work, I returned with a new signal receiver.

All the people on the island cried out.
The Huaxia team was full and set off with equipment and Red Bull.

It took two nights of hard work, the meat was all taken out, and the smoking work had to continue. Lao Hu carried the grill as usual, and Wang Kai really slept with the adze in his arms.

Others came to the construction site with charcoal fire.

After putting down his things, Zhang Yi couldn't wait to pick up the ladder.

Yesterday, some smoked jerky was put on the tree stand.

He has to check check!
(Thanks to Jiang Shangyu boss for rewarding 1500 points, the boss will make a fortune!)
(End of this chapter)

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