Chapter 328 Walleye Bass
During the waiting period, Ning Fang's mood changed in three ways.

Just started for a while: I can definitely catch fish, stew it in brown sauce at noon, stew soup at night, and make the rest into smoked fish,
And then: Just give me a fish, a fish,
Now: I'm here to relax, to catch whatever fish, what kind of fish to catch.

While thinking about whether to go back to help with work, suddenly,

The thread in his hand tightened, and the coil in his left hand almost followed him out. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and was caught.

Fishing requires walking fish, especially big fish.

You have to let it flutter and lose its strength. If you pull it forcibly, it is very likely that the fish will run away after the line breaks in the end.

Ning Fang doesn't understand,

Just go with the feel.

Pull it, it feels too tight, loosen it, send some thread out, and pull it back again.

The hands cooperate with each other, and the eyes are fixed on the water surface, even if there is no sign of the prey at all.

"Have you been hooked?"

"Fuck, didn't someone say just now that I have to go back empty-handed today."

"Come on, bring a crocodile up."

When the fishing line is tight, it sinks deeply into the palm of the hand, and it hurts.

Ning Fang didn't dare, and was unwilling to let go.

After pulling back and forth like this for a while, I felt that the force coming from the water seemed to be a little weaker.

Without hesitation, use both hands to retrieve the thread.

Obviously, the prey also felt the danger, and started a new round of struggle.

The main broadcast room also switched over at this time.

Under the interpretation of survival experts, everyone knows that this fish should not be small.

A normal fish weighing about one kilogram has long lost its strength after walking for such a long time.

But Ning Fang, although his movements are not very standard, but he has instincts.

Know when to push and when to let go.

As long as the fishing line can hold up, Ning Fang will definitely win in the end.

In an instant, everyone became curious about how big a prey it was that could fight such a strong man for so long.

On Ning Fang's hands, a Dao Le mark was clearly visible, and sweat flowed from his forehead, cheeks, and back.

Is fishing such a tiring job?
Such thoughts flashed by, and there was no time to dwell on them.

Before he knew it, the sunlight that was still far away shone on his face and also on the surface of the lake.

Because of the reflection, he couldn't see the water surface even more clearly.

Finally, Ning Fang felt that the force from the other end of the fishing line was much weaker.

It's now.

He bowed left and right, frantically retracting the line, one meter, two meters, three meters, five meters
A white shadow appeared on the water.

"so big!"

Ning Fang held his breath, and the strength came again, and he could see the fish writhing underwater.

The fishing line that was originally retracted was released again.

He was afraid of breaking the thread.

Freed up his hands, wiped his eyes, sweat flowed in, a little uncomfortable.

Before he could recover, he felt the power decrease again, closed his eyes, and took up the line again.

This time it went well, the fish surfaced and was pulled in front of him.

When the entire body of the fish was pulled up, many viewers in front of the screen raised their jaws and lowered their gazes.

"Don't drop, don't drop, don't drop!"

All domestic audiences have exactly the same idea as Ning Fang.


When the prey finally landed behind Ning Fang, he sat down, and everyone's hanging hearts also fell.

"It's really big!"

This is a large-eyed bass, which is not small in size except for its big eyes.

It is estimated to be at least forty centimeters or more.

Maybe it was due to the exhaustion of being underwater, but when I landed on the shore, I jumped a few times, except for the gills and tail of the fish, the body was motionless.


After sitting for a few seconds, Ning Fang suddenly laughed out loud, and kept waving his fists, celebrating the harvest.

"Thanks, CCTV, thanks to MTV, thanks to sister Xiaolan!"

My head was a little confused and I said some nonsense.

However, Ning Fang never expected that CCTV would actually respond the next morning: Although I don’t know what we did, since you thanked me, then accept it.

This is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.

The reason why they are so happy is that besides getting food, there is another big factor.

Fishing is not his forte,
Especially when fishing by hand, it is still in such a large lake without any bait.

However, I succeeded, and after a lot of struggle, I succeeded.

In his opinion, killing a wolverine is much simpler.

Not only was he successful, but the prey in front of him was particularly large, and his sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.

But sanity is still there.

The prey was not dead yet, Ning Fang picked up a stone and hit it on the head.

For him, food is food and there is nothing to be pitied about.

After confirming that the perch was dead, Ning Fang began to twist his body under the surprised eyes of everyone, and he was dancing.

The host clapped his hands and laughed: "I have always thought that Ning is a typical oriental person, upright, serious, and unsmiling.

Now it seems that he also has a cute side. "

Lin Tai was woken up by the phone again, and after hearing that Ning Fang caught a big fish weighing more than ten kilograms, he was also very happy.

However, by the way, I reminded the assistant that next time, if there is a harvest, it will be too late to inform the next day.

I looked at the time, good guy, it took more than 40 minutes to sneak a fish.

Grabbing the gills of the fish, he picked up the prize, which was almost the same length as his forearm to the palm of his hand.

To describe it in two words, it can only be: fat and beautiful.

"Made, the leader of the Huaxia team has caught another big fish."


"Just now, it was estimated to be in the twenty or so pounds."

"Is it so lucky?"

"Hey, I don't know what to say."

"I can only hope that our players will be strong."

On the afternoon of the first day after the start of the game, the support team of Pretty Country took the lead and asked the organizers to help, set up a group chat, and recruited the logistics staff of several seeded teams.

Anyway, the game has started, chat with experts and exchange experiences.

At the beginning, the players mentioned were quite mixed, no matter the weak team or the strong team, they would talk about it.

How is this person, what is that matter.

Gradually, more and more concentrated.

To be precise, Ning Fang, the Huaxia team, accounted for more than half of the chat content.

Some people can't understand this young man.

In terms of resume, his experience is the most inconspicuous of all.

Not to mention the main player, any stronger player will not give up.

However, since the start of the game.

As a dark horse, he led the Huaxia team into the seed lineup in the eyes of experts.

Say good luck, and it is.

What about ninety people, why can you meet porcupines, meet wolverines, and catch big fish?
But on the other hand, if you don't have archery skills or hunting experience, let alone archery, you may not have found the opponent and have already fled.

This has happened to almost every team. After finally seeing rabbits, squirrels and grouse, the arrows have disappeared before they hit it.

And wolverines!

Yes, there are really not many contestants who dare to be tough. Two axes can get it done, and they can only clap their hands and say they are beautiful.

As for the big fish that was caught, it weighed more than [-] pounds, more than [-] pounds.

It took nearly an hour with just hands, and it is estimated that most people would have already disengaged or given up when they encountered it.

Before the start of the game, more or less people have studied the main players and players of each team.

Ning Fang
Can't say, can't study it, probably just awesome.

Many domestic audiences are looking forward to it. Last time they sang "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain", which made this song top the list. What about this time?
Ning Fang did not disappoint everyone.

"I want to fly higher, fly higher"

"Is the curse that Mr. Wang will never grab the headlines coming to an end?"

The body is actually a bit tired, but Ning Fang is in a good mood, put away the fishing gear, and returned triumphantly with the prey.

Compared to when we came, the speed of going back was much faster.

Going to show off!
"I am back."

Before reaching the place, he shouted.

Going up and down, I found that the four of them were waiting for me.

"Damn, what a big fish."

"Ning Fang, I love you so much."

"This. This."

"The shock agency is dispatched."

When Ning Fang's voice was heard from a distance, the four of them happened to be drinking Red Bull for a rest, and Nini said directly: "I guess it's something to gain, otherwise they wouldn't be so happy, let's go and have a look."

She still knew her boyfriend well, but she didn't expect to give him such a big surprise.

Lao Hu hugged it directly: "It's so heavy, it's bigger than the shark you caught last time."

The foreigner was stunned: what, he also caught a shark?
"Did you kill it, or did you catch it?" Lao Zhang has experience in fishing.

When Ning Fang left just now, he also said a few words, thinking that fishing with hair and rings is unreliable no matter how you listen.

"Of course I caught it. I didn't die. I added a stone to it."

Ning Fang proudly took out the bait he made by himself: "Nini, half of the military medal is yours, and half of the Red Bull."

Nini covered her mouth and smiled, while the Red Bull company outside was overjoyed: buddy, yes, we didn’t know it would work, thank you, old man, the effect of this advertisement is really good.

"It's a good thing you caught a fish, or you almost got angry." Nini blinked her eyes: "My hair is so precious."

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life." Ning Fang cupped his hands.

Afterwards, five people came to the shade of the tree.

Lao Zhang stretched out his hand to make a comparison, and he was amazed. I have never seen such a big freshwater fish. Then he picked up the fish with both hands, and said to Lao Hu, "Don't move, please take a picture from the audience, thank you."

After speaking, he tilted his head and exposed his teeth.

The others followed suit and came here again, and even Nini stepped forward to join in the fun.

Surviving in the wild, there are very few things that can make people happy, you have to find fun by yourself.

Ning Fang turned his head and saw the construction site next to him.

Sure enough, with the right tools, the efficiency has improved rapidly, and a trench half a meter wide and nearly one meter deep has been dug.

"Commander Ning, are you still satisfied?" Lao Hu came over: "Basically it's all thanks to Lao Wang. I guess he won't be able to do it this afternoon."

"Who said that, I'm fine." Wang Kai was not happy: "Take a little rest, and I'm a good man again."

"We're progressing smoothly, so don't worry too much. Wouldn't it be a pity if you collapsed and quit the competition?"

Ning Fang said a simple sentence, so Lao Wang handed the adze to Zhang Yi, and he didn't want to leave yet.

"How do you eat such a big fish? Hey, tell me, do you want to save some more?" Nini asked.

"The program team won't play the same routine twice. Don't we still have mushrooms? How about sliced ​​fish first, fish heads, fish bones and fish tails, and then make a soup." Ning Fang looked up.

"What's the matter, my saliva has already come down."

"It's decided."

"I'm going to kill the fish!"

Ning Fang stood up: "Let me go, you have worked hard all morning, I will serve you."

After speaking, reach out your hand.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Nini grabbed it with sharp eyes.

Only then did everyone realize that Ning Fang's hand was bleeding.

"Oh, it's okay!" He looked down and shook it casually.

Nini picked up his hand again and observed it carefully. Apart from two small wounds, there were also a few deep marks, which must have been left by fishing.

"Old Hu, the alcohol is in my bag."


"It hurts, it's okay."

"Who said it's all right?" Nini exerted some strength, but he stopped moving: "Alcohol is just used for disinfection, and it's just for use now."

After speaking, he took him to the shade of the tree, washed it with clean water, wiped it with alcohol, and then took out the black bag that Ning Fang got back yesterday and wrapped it around.

"I had nothing to do last night. I boiled the bag and dried it. I didn't expect it to have an effect today."

Ning Fang looked at the wrapped right hand: "Could it be a bit exaggerated?"

"No exaggeration," Lao Hu picked up the fish: "In the wild, be careful and make no big mistakes. You are the general, but if you want to lead us to victory, you can't affect the overall situation because of a small injury. Be good, be obedient, and kill the fish Leave the task to me and Wang Kai."

The two of them didn't stay long, took their sabers and went straight to the lake.

When he arrived at the place, Lao Hu had a strange idea: "If the lake is drained, how many fish will there be?"

Wang Kai was too lazy to answer such a stupid question.

He picked up the knife, poofed it, and inserted it into the maw of the fish.

"Hurry up, Hurry up"

(End of this chapter)

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