Chapter 339 The Second Variable

"Old Zhang wants to take a bath, why is it so difficult!"

"Hahaha, there are always emergencies."

"I feel sorry for Zhang Yi for five seconds, but I still think it's funny."

Zhang Yi packed up all his things, but the buzzing sound made him stay again.

"Players, now announce the second variable
Before that, let me remind all seventeen teams that the first variable "Three Gifts" will end on time at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Afterwards, all gifts will be recycled."

This one has nothing to do with the Huaxia team. They got all three gifts, but it's a pity that there are only three, or they will all be exchanged.

I can also guess that it is mainly to remind some teams whether to continue chopping firewood.

It is believed that most people do not have the ability to exchange food. After all, it has rained for three days, and eating and drinking for five people will consume a lot of supplies.

"Second variable"

"Hush!" Nini told the men who were chatting to shut up.

""The Ability of Members", collective survival requires cooperation, so what will happen if there is one person missing in the team?
The second variable will be revealed, what will happen to the collective without one person, and the individual person.
There is only one rule:
Stay as long as possible than everyone else.

You can quit at any time, but you don't know how many players are left on the field at this time. You need to judge for yourself when to leave. Of course, if you become the last one among the 17 people, the program team will notify you!

Just a reminder, don't quit too early.

Because, only the top six teams can get rewards.

No.1, designate one item as a reward, and randomly draw two items. (Existing ones will not be provided repeatedly, including tools, food, daily necessities, etc.)
No.2, take two samples.

The third to No.6, draw the same,
The rest of the players have nothing"

Ning Fang and Nini looked up at the same time and exchanged glances: Here we come.

"Tomorrow morning, each team needs to send a team member. Please note that there is no gender limit, tools and materials are not limited, and start a journey of survival alone."

The Huaxia team was not surprised, nor were the remaining sixteen teams.

The personal survival battle is a more classic variable, and it is not uncommon to use it in the national war.

It's just that there is one thing that makes everyone feel more difficult.


In the Huaxia version, the others are similar, but Flintstones will give an extra copy.

Now, there is no explanation, just tell the players that the materials and tools in your camp are freely distributed.

To survive alone, the flint and steel is a must, and it is impossible not to carry it.

Another meaning is that everyone in the camp must keep the fire, if it is accidentally lost, then
Why do the audience think that the Huaxia team has an advantage, material.

It is impossible to carry firewood with us, and there are two or three more tools, which have little impact, and the most important point is food.

When an individual player goes to a strange place, what is the first thing to do?

Definitely looking to build a shelter too.

In the past three days, most of the people were not in good condition. When they went to a new place, they had to work and look for food.

It's easy to burn out.

What about the Huaxia team?

Sleep well and eat well, besides tools, bring two catties of meat.
That's why the program group has to issue an announcement stating that all variables are arranged in advance.

Just when everyone thought that the variables were just like this, an accident occurred.

"Tomorrow morning at 10:[-] and [-] minutes, there will be boats coming to the river to meet you, and I have a small reminder.

Those who participate in personal survival are not allowed to be the main general. Okay, I wish you good luck and see you tomorrow! "

Oh my God!
Such important news was said lightly, so many teams felt that they had heard it wrong.

What?Can't be the chief general?
"The program group is 666, I give full marks to this wave."

"Look at their expressions, they are all confused."

"Let's just say, Ah San doesn't have a leader anymore, it's not a blood loss."

"Rookies have more fun pecking each other than experts."

"It disrupted everyone's plans."

Others didn't know, but Zhang Yi's plan to take a bath was temporarily stalled anyway, so he took the initiative to put down his clothes and sat by the campfire.

"All program groups are the same all over the world, and the contestants are not happy." Nini couldn't help complaining.

On Golden Skull Island, there were many accidents and surprises, and now the national war has continued.

"Okay, let's rule out two objects first," Ning Fang clapped his hands: "Me, and Nini.

I don't mean to belittle you, mainly I don't want you to suffer, let the stinky men go out and survive alone. "

"Okay!" Nini nodded obediently.

She naturally understood what Ning Fang meant.

The contestants have all seen it before, there are a lot of men who are tall and thick, and she herself is of the thin type, so it is unwise to go out to compete.

The three of them were helpless, and Lao Hu made a gesture to rush out to do his best. After standing up, he found that the two people around him were not pulling him, so he could only sit down resentfully.

"Let's not rush to decide on personnel, we have one night," Ning Fang continued, "Materials are very important.

The flint and steel must be given. After that, we will have one more task in the camp, which is still a very important task, to protect the fire.

In fact, if it doesn't rain, the problem is not too big, so don't leave it to anyone, the four of you should pay attention. "

Everyone nodded. Indeed, if they fell asleep or something unexpected happened, the problem would be serious.

If the team withdraws because of this matter, then the player can consider changing his nationality.

So definitely have to bear it together.

"Then there is an axe, which is more practical than a saw. You can cut a small piece of tarpaulin, but you must bring it back."

This is understandable, but the shelter still has to be used later.

"One roll of the paracord, it seems that you don't need anything else, right?"

"You didn't mention the most important point, how much food did you bring?" Old Hu was dissatisfied!

Ning Fang laughed, got up and took the food bag, looked for it, and took out the rabbit meat.

All three of them nodded: "Almost, a rabbit can last for at least three days."

"No!" Ning Fang put the rabbit meat aside.

Bang, drop the whole bag.

"Take everything except the rabbit."

What the hell!

Not only the three teammates, but also on the barrage.

It's really not that Nai He is uneducated, but that he never expected Ning Fang to be so tough.

In the thinking of normal people, there must be multiple parties.

Who would have thought that he threw out all the bags directly.

"Ning Fang, think twice."


"What a stupid move."

"Don't you need to eat for work?"

"Are you too confident?"

However, his movements did not stop.

The food reserves are placed in three bags, one for meat, one for chocolate red bull, and one for nuts.

Even if there is an accident and you accidentally lose one, you won't be in a desperate situation.

Take out half of the chocolate again, a can of Red Bull.

The program group and the team were also shocked.

Here, there are at least seven or eight pounds of jerky, forty chocolates, and a liter of Red Bull.

What is he doing?
Ning Fang quickly answered.

"My idea is very simple, take materials and pile up a champion.

Why are there only ten survival items initially? "

He glanced at everyone, not wanting an answer.

"Because it is precious, there are more things, and the difficulty is lowered, so it is not survival, but camping.

The program group obviously wants everyone to compete for the championship together, three things friends.

Although some of them are not necessary for survival, the effect of specifying one item is too great, and I really can't refuse it!
Think about it, even if the other two items are food, they can still play a role. In addition to the nails, whetstones, and adzes obtained from the box, we are sitting on fourteen items.

Others are thinking of substitutes, we have the real thing.

Forget the adze, if there is no such thing, just digging a hole will cost at least five rabbits more meat.

The right tool can do more with less.

I think this investment can be done, what do you think? "



"Sure enough."

"There seems to be nothing wrong."

"However, if you take so much food in exchange for a chance, if you don't win the championship, it won't be a bad loss."

"It must be hard work. If you don't have confidence in food, what about the others, which means you have no bottom."

Many viewers have been successfully brainwashed, and in the logistics group, professionals are also thinking.

Obviously, Ning Fang is taking a risk, but it is within the reasonable category.

Like the Huaxia team, after three rainy days, there is still so much food, from the perspective of God, there is no one.

From his point of view, one or two at most.

However, everyone thought it was crazy, which meant that most likely the one who brought a lot of food was himself.

In particular, the participants cannot be the main generals. How can a normal player be particularly strong?

In this way, the advantages can be said to be infinite.

You said that you hunted a deer with a bow and arrow, but there is no way to study it, everyone is fair.

Even if the personnel have not been selected, one foot of the Huaxia team has entered the final round of the second variable, at least in the top three.

It's just that they didn't know that the reason why Ning Fang dared to bet so much food was also related to the skills he had just acquired.

Take a bow and arrow and go out for a walk, but you can't get back some pheasants and squirrels.

If you met the reindeer last time, you are absolutely confident to win it.

Seeing the four nodding, he continued.

"The three survival items are crucial to future survival. Since we have this strength, we simply use it.

You don't have to worry too much about your opponent's strength.

They are all big stars, at most they are just slightly better than you.

However, our materials can not only ignore the gap in strength, but also leave most people behind.

Of course, it's not to let you eat and drink too much. I expect the competition period to be about ten days to half a month.

It's really not easy to survive alone.

So, I plan to give one more thing, fishhooks and fishing lines, it doesn’t matter even if these are lost, we have quite a few.

After building the shelter, there is nothing else to do except fishing. "

"Conserve your energy, right?" Zhang Yi said.

"It's not only to save energy, but also to give you one thing to do. Because it's too boring, you will think about it. After a long time, you will feel lonely, and you will easily collapse and quit the game."

After finishing speaking, old Hu Wangkai looked at Zhang Yi at the same time.

He is an avid fisherman and can sit by the pool all day without moving.

Apparently, Lao Zhang also thought of himself: "Otherwise, I recommend myself.

Young people, even more impatient, my physical strength is not as good as them, but it is no problem to build a shelter.

And as far as fishing is concerned, I should have a better chance of getting prey than the two of them.

In this way, food can be saved.

Ning Fang, when you participated in the personal battle, you brought back a lot of six-line fish. "

Ning Fang nodded and shook his head.

"The two sides cannot be compared at all, the environment here is a hundred times harsher, relatively speaking, Golden Skull Island is a paradise.

Don't even think about taking risks, just stay on the ground. "

"Huh? That's the decision?"

Old Hu asked.

"Didn't you both agree?" Lao Zhang stood up and said, "The work in the base camp is relatively heavy, and the four of you have worked hard."

"You are the key point. As long as the four survival items are not all personal hygiene and cleanliness, they are all easy to talk about."

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, then Lao Zhang will go out on behalf of our Huaxia team."

Ning Fang also stood up.

"Well, I'll accompany Lao Zhang to take a bath, and talk about the details by the way, you guys make the meal first."

"go Go."

"Old Zhang, clean up."

"enjoy it."

Half an hour later, many viewers would smile when they saw Lao Zhang soaking in the bucket with a comfortable expression.

Some people ridiculed that this is a "broken head meal".

Let you take a hot bath first, and throw it to a place where the birds don't shit tomorrow to suffer.

Immediately someone refuted it, not suffering.

In addition to being lonely, others are good.

Especially in terms of food, all the other teams combined did not have as much as he had alone.

Not bad, two words are not enough to describe it, it is simply a luxury.

The program group is also very bad, only released the screen of seven teams selecting players.

For the rest, simply block them all.

It's all for ratings and attention, old routine.

I was very angry with the attention, but it was useless, I could only scold the dog planner.

The domestic audience and audiences in Asia and other places were finally happy.

It was announced early in the morning, and it was night here, so it was no burden to watch.

Tonight is destined to be a restless night.

Many teams lay down early, but the chat never stopped.

exhort, remind, professor
Especially the chief generals, wishing to pour all their experience into each other's mind overnight.

The same goes for Ning Fang, whoops, whoops, when it comes to eleven o'clock, they don't rest until eleven o'clock.

The next day, everyone got up early, checked the items, and made breakfast.

Including Lao Zhang.

In fact, he woke up before dawn, excited, uneasy, looking forward to, and worried.

He just forced himself to continue lying down, as if in this way, he could get more rest and gain more physical strength.

At seven o'clock, everything was ready.

"Old Zhang, let's not talk nonsense about the rest, everything is still about safety."

"Don't worry!" Zhang Yi said cheerfully, "The only thing that can bring me back is the call of the program group. Be prepared not to see me for a month."

"Don't put too much pressure on me." Old Hu couldn't laugh: "Be careful when you're alone."

"That's right, remember to put the flint and steel away."

"Understood, you too, take care of each other, I'm leaving!"

With a bag on his back and an ax in his hand, Zhang Yi waved to the crowd and left gracefully.

It's not that it can't be sent, he won't let it.

It's not about life and death, giving something away, winning the game, and coming back right away.

(Just one chapter tonight!)
(End of this chapter)

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