Chapter 351
rub rub rub.
Without any hesitation, Nini took a few steps back, her face full of vigilance.

"What are you doing?"

Ning Fang is inexplicable.

"Isn't there some danger? Is it a snake or some strange plant?" Nini blinked: "You met a golden bark tree before, and that's how you gave little Ailing a hand."

"Hahaha!" Ning Da laughed: "Don't worry, there is no danger, you may have discovered something extraordinary."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and pushed aside the weeds and bushes on the side.

A plant less than half a meter high, about the thickness of chopsticks, with five leaves appeared in front of the two of them.

"What is this?" Nini didn't recognize it.

"I'm not sure now." Ning Fang took the wooden stick in her hand and carefully paved the ground there.


After a while, Ning Fang smiled when he saw the roots.

"American ginseng."

"Is this American ginseng?" Nini called out the voices of many audience members.

After a while, when a whole plant appeared in front of the camera, many people let out a cry.

Although the roots are still stained with a lot of soil, but the shape and the roots are all recognizable.

"Nini, you have done a great job."

Ning Fang said with a smile.

"It has nothing to do with me. I didn't recognize it at all. This is a tonic, right?"

Nini took it, and the root part was not small. The thickest rhizome was about the size of her thumb, about seven or eight centimeters long, and the roots of the lower branches were even longer.


Ning Fang picked two beards directly, turned on the kettle, and washed them clean.

"Come on, open your mouth."


"How to eat?" Nini widened her eyes, a little at a loss.

"Chew it for a while, and then swallow it, it will be a bit bitter." Ning Fang stuffed the remaining one into his mouth.

This thing is a good thing, and it has too many functions. For the two of them, the anti-fatigue and qi-invigorating functions are the most important.

Nini was very obedient, trying to remove the soil from the roots while chewing.

"do not."

Ning Fang hurriedly stopped it, pulled a big leaf aside, took some soil by the way, and wrapped it up.

"Although this stuff is good, you can't eat too much, it's easy to get angry, especially we haven't had a good rest recently, don't need too many, three or four small whiskers, and you will have nosebleeds at night, if the soil is gone, it won't take long to air dry , the leaves are wasted.”


The two looked at each other, and the tacit understanding came, they separated directly, and began to search around, in case there was any more.

"Ning Fang, how old is this American ginseng?" Nini asked loudly.

"I don't know either." Ning Fang's eyes searched in the grass: "There should be some in six or seven years, or they won't grow so big."

His guess was overturned immediately, and the supernatural netizen made a judgment, at least for more than ten years.

The reason why it is so expensive is that the growth cycle is long, and in the wild, they can escape from the mouths of so many herbivores. One can imagine how lucky they are.

I went around in a circle, and there were no new discoveries, and it was not surprising.

"I feel like my whole body is getting stronger!" Nini said after meeting.

"Well, it means that your physique absorbs it quickly. From now on, you guys should eat a little bit every day."

"Aren't you either?"

Ning Fang smiled: "For my appetite, I guess it will be effective if I eat this one. It's too wasteful."

With the harvest of an American ginseng, the confidence of the two has greatly increased. In terms of medicinal value, it is no worse than a porcupine.

And when it was lunch time, Ning Fang plucked half of a beard and gave it to Nini, and he was completely fine.


It's fun when it pays off.

If there is nothing, it is another mood.

Nini is hungry, and she doesn't know if the American ginseng has played a role, so she won't be too tired.

They had been walking through the woods for hours.

"Take a break."

With the sun in the sky and the unstoppable progress, both of them were extremely hot.

After entering a forest, I found a shady place and sat down.

"Is it okay?"

Ning Fang moved Nini's leg to his thigh and massaged her gently.

"I came here to survive, not to eat dog food!" the audience roared.

"It's not a big problem." Nini narrowed her eyes, enjoying her boyfriend's service: "It's much better than I expected.

I thought I would have to go hungry on the second day, but ten days have passed. "

"Compared to Golden Skull Island, isn't it much more difficult here?" Ning Fang laughed.

"Well," Nini nodded, "It's mainly because it's too big, and it's so cold. I'd rather die of heat in summer than freeze into a dog in winter."

"Then you still come."

Nini didn't answer, but gave her a charming look.

If it was a foreigner, this would definitely be a kiss.

Ning Fang knew that people all over the world were watching, so he was not embarrassed, but raised his head.

It doesn't matter if you look up, and shake Nini's leg.

"There's a squirrel in the tree from my ten o'clock direction."

Nini followed and saw the little furry guy, not far from them.

"You come." Ning Fang handed over the bow and arrow.

Nini didn't refuse either, she took the bow, put on the arrow, took aim, and let go of the bowstring.

Having passed the night safely, Zhang Yi was relieved.

Still didn't sleep well last night.

Not a nightmare.

Probably, my heart is still nervous and worried.

However, after four o'clock, after falling asleep, I didn't wake up until ten o'clock in the morning.

Completely replenishes the spirit.

The other players got up early, either looking for firewood or food.

Seeing Zhang Yi squinting his small eyes and putting on an obedient expression, Huaxia's audience felt relieved.

He stopped eating breakfast, packed his bedding and protected the bonfire, and Lao Zhang went into the woods with an ax and a bag on his back.

He thanked himself for coming yesterday.

After frantic preparations, there was more than enough firewood to burn for three days, the shelter was strengthened, and there was a pile of stones that I hoped would not be needed.

Not much to add about the camp.

Ning Fang said, leaving aside the spiritual and inner aspects, unless a player gets a big fish, or is lucky, he can catch fish every day.

Otherwise, he has a great chance of reaching the final.

Zhang Yi thought the same way. Although he didn't know how many people were left, but it was the fourth day, and there must be people who couldn't stand hunger or were lonely and left.

He didn't dare to have such an idea.

It's here, it's for the championship.

I still have a few catties of meat, so I don't believe I can't survive you.

What Lao Zhang didn't know was that during his entry into the woods, the contestants from Luxembourg contacted the program group and withdrew from the competition.

Also, it's possible to drop out of the whole survival game.

He ate the wrong thing.

I went out in the morning and found a few fungi, and when I came back, I made soup in a hurry. Not long after I finished drinking, I developed nausea and vomiting symptoms.

According to the contestant's self-judgment, there should be a problem with one of the mushrooms.

Immediately soaked a large glass of thick salt water and drank it into the stomach, and then induced vomiting.

The symptoms of poisoning eased a little, but the whole person still felt unwell, so he could only quit.

Since then, the second variable has one less person, leaving 13 people.

"We the common people"

This song was sung by Lao Zhang as a meme, a meme that all foreigners know.

As long as he sings, it is when he has something to gain.
(End of this chapter)

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