Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 353 The Birth and Death of the Fish King

Chapter 353 The Birth and Death of the Fish King
The arrow hit the tree trunk very close to the squirrel.

"Hey," Nini looked at the escaped prey with regret, "You should have come."

Ning Fang shook his head: "I'm not sure about this distance. Almost all the ones I caught that day were aimed at under trees or on the side. Don't think too much, no matter how powerful a hunter is, there will be times when he misses.

The squirrel is small, and there are leaves to cover it, so the difficulty is too high. "

After speaking, he got up and went to the tree without taking off his shoes, climbed up, took the arrow back, and put it in the quiver.

"Next time there is prey, you should come." Nini took the initiative to carry the bag and gave the bow to Ning Fang.

"You have to practice, Lao Zhang's stinky level, when he came, he said he wanted to hunt!"

"Hahaha!" Nini was amused: "Let's go."


This walk took another two hours, and there was no chance to shoot arrows again, mainly because I didn't see the prey.
The harvest is very average, a few mushrooms, a dozen wild onions, and a small bag of fruits.

In this regard, they are used to it on Golden Skull Island, and often the physical effort is not proportional to the harvest, but it does not mean that they will not be disappointed.

It's a long way to go, it's time to go back.

Viewers watching TV feel the advantages of the NO.16 area.

There are also mountains, but they are not high. The two of them walked around the outside, and they didn't make the sound of breathing in the earphones because of climbing the mountain.

Tens of meters, like a small slope.

Of course, it also has something to do with the choice of players.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the two returned to the camp.

"Hey, Ningfang you see, it's not bad!"

They came from behind.

When I left, I just laid a tarp. Now, the whole shelter seems to grow out of the soil, lush and integrated into nature.

Ning Fang stepped forward and lifted the upper branch, and the lower part was covered with thick moss, with at least two layers.

"Hahaha!" Nini, who went to the front first, waved again: "We have a yard."

Really, wooden shelves extended out from the left and right sides of the beam, and there were all kinds of thorny plants on them.

"Why isn't the front sealed up?" Nini lightly touched the little thorn on the top, which was quite piercing.

"It is estimated that it will not be a gate."

Ning Fang made a random guess and won.

"Old Hu Old Wang..."

Nini entered the house, but no one was there.

"Oh, come again!" Nini waved for the third time.

You followed her in, and instantly understood what she meant.

There is only one feeling in the room: hot!
"I'm afraid it's more than [-] degrees." Nini fanned her face with her hand: "It's winter, don't worry."

"The temperature is not low today, and the door has been closed, so the temperature will naturally rise." Ning Fang poured cold water on him: "When it snows in winter, the effect will not be there. If it can be above zero, it will be good."

"Hmph, no matter, I'll sleep well at night."

Nini didn't care, she squatted proudly beside the campfire, shrugged her little shoulders, and added two sticks of firewood.

"I still need to make a few benches later!"

"And a table to eat."

The two came out of the house, and it is not known where the other two went.

Take a small variety of food and go to the river.


Before it arrived, Wang Kai's laughter was heard.

Smiling so happily, is it a harvest?

The two exchanged glances and quickened their pace.

"Old Hu, here we come." Nini shouted forward.

Just seeing the scene in front of me, I was a little confused.

Laughing like that, it should be Lao Wang who is catching a fish.

Now, Wang Kai is soaking in the bucket, and Lao Hu is rolling up his sleeves and giving him a shoulder massage while sitting.

Hearing the voice, the two greeted each other: "I'm back!"

"Hey, I'm quite interested. It's only a few hours, and I'm taking a hot bath."

"Did you see the shelter?" Old Hu's hand still didn't stop: "How is it?"

Ning Fang gave a thumbs up: "It's great."

"The heat preservation effect is very good. I just went in and stayed for a while, and I was sweating." Nini gave two thumbs up: "The guardrails are also well made, which makes me feel safe."

"That's fine, we spent a lot of effort." Wang Kai leaned the back of his head against the edge of the barrel.

"What's the situation with you two?" Ning Fang felt something was wrong.

Apart from other members, there is absolutely no problem with their enthusiasm for work.

But it's only before five o'clock. According to them, the work in the shelter will be finished by noon. Is it impossible to spend the whole afternoon in a hot bath?

Lao Hu looked down at Wang Kai, and the two shook their heads at the same time: "It's okay, I just feel quite tired, take a rest!"

"There must be a problem." Nini could see it: "How could Lao Hu take the initiative to massage you? Did you do something outrageous?"

Wang Kai was speechless for a while: "I have made meritorious service."

he yelled.

"Oh, what merits have been achieved."

"Sit still, I'll come, I'll come!" Lao Hu patted him on the shoulder, and said to Ning Fang and the others to wait.

Teng Teng Teng, ran to the shore.

The eyes of the two followed and saw what Lao Hu was picking up.

Ning Fang: Damn it.
Nini: I
Not one fish, not two fish, but three fish.

The two couldn't bear it anymore and ran over.

Good guy, they are not small in size, the smallest one probably weighs four or five catties.

"It's amazing."

"Strong buddy, a blockbuster."

The two of them boasted fiercely, this is what is called a surprise.

"So, it was all caught by Lao Wang!"

After the compliment, Nini said that Lao Hu was a little embarrassed.

"How did you know."

"Because you are giving him a massage." Nini turned her head and said, "Old Wang, the small universe exploded, and from now on, you will be the fish king."

Wang Kai raised his hand lightly: "It's just fishing, it's not as difficult as I imagined."

All three of them are nodding, ah, yes, yes, yes, you caught three fish, you are awesome.

"What's going on?" Ning Fang was equally curious.

"Is such that."

The two came to the lake in the afternoon and started fishing.

The bait Wang Kai used was grouse feathers, which were paired with the base of the previous pop-top cans.

Lure, he is a complete novice, he only knows to keep reeling in and setting out the line to make the bait move underwater.

As a result, within 5 minutes, the first fish was hooked, which was a white fish.

Lao Hu glanced at it, and at the same time he was praising, he was secretly competing, I tried it anyway, you are a pure novice, if you lose, you will lose face.

Half an hour later, Pharaoh took the bait again, it was a bigger river trout.

"If you can catch the third one, I'll give you a massage!"

Lao Hu is not angry anymore.

The two big fish are both food and meat. I wish Lao Wang could use his full firepower.

Wang Kai was really strong, and after 10 minutes passed, he came again.

It's just that, during the process of taking up the line, the hook was unhooked and ran away.

The two felt distressed for a while, but it was okay to run away.

However, Pharaoh's luck did not end today, and the fourth fish came.

It's a whitefish.
Lao Hu has completely surrendered at this meeting: "Old Wang, you continue to be busy, I will boil the water, and I will serve you later."

"Then why don't you continue?" Nini was curious: "It's such good luck."

"Hey" Wang Kai sighed: "Because the fifth fish did come, but it was too big."

"That's right, it weighs at least a dozen catties," Lao Hu said with a look of regret, "The fishing line couldn't bear it anymore, and it broke right away."

"My great bait is gone."

Lao Wang looked at the fish and was happy, but he was sad when he thought that the bait was gone.

Nini was stunned: "It's over, the fish king is dead!"

"It's okay!" Ning Fang comforted, "It's just grouse feathers. I'll find a way to get some for you. As for the bottom cover, don't we still have a Red Bull, or just drink it."

"Don't let it go for now." Wang Kai was reluctant: "It's not a particularly urgent time, so I have to go out recently, maybe I can pick it up again."

"That's fine." Ning Fang nodded: "Go ahead, both of you, the hero needs to rest, and we will leave the work of cleaning up the fish."

"Ning Fang!"

Lao Wang suddenly called out.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I be the captain?"

"Captain what?" Ning Fang was confused.

"It's okay, it's okay, you two are busy." Lao Hu hurried forward, and the two of them stood there, not knowing what to talk about.

Fish, compared to animals, are particularly simple to clean up.

Scrapping off the scales, cleaning the viscera inside, and picking off the gills, all alive.

Except for the swim bladder, all other internal organs should not be eaten. It is best not to eat freshwater fish.

Two people, ten minutes, got three fish.

"Let's go back to cook first, and come back early after you wash up."

"no problem."


All the way back, Ning Fang kept boasting.

Wang Kai's novice aura is too strong, without these three fish, today's dinner would be a bit bleak.

"Which part to eat?" Nini asked.

"Fish heads, just the way I did last time, three fish heads, four of us eat, almost."

"Okay." Nini didn't talk nonsense, and chopped it off directly.

Ning Fang cut the remaining fish into pieces and took them outside the house.

Now that there is a chimney, there is no need to put it by the fire to get in the way of smoking, but the three fish add up to more than ten catties, and I still have to work overtime at night.

After six o'clock, the sky was dark, and the two heroes came back, and the fish soup was almost ready.

Nini picked up a large piece and gave it to Wang Kai.

"Oh, what a shame."

After speaking, snort.

"How does it taste?"


The others couldn't wait, they didn't eat much today, so they just waited for this meal.

The four turned their heads together.

what's going on?
(End of this chapter)

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