Chapter 361
[Mission completed: Huaxia team's strength two,
The permanent shelter construction evaluation entered the top three,

Reward: random physical fitness points*2]

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, when the paving in the shelter was completed, Ning Fang received a notification from the system at the same time.

The reward is average, two points of stamina.

The selection is not judged by the system, but the professionals mentioned last time made the rankings of each team.

With 89.5 points as the benchmark, Huaxia's Shelter ranked second with a high score of 1 points, and No. 90.1 was Maple Leaf Country with [-] points.

This list is obviously very convincing.

Although the referees did not go to the field to inspect the experience, they and the audience saw the whole construction process, user experience, and the whole process.

Many people feel that although Maple Leaf Country is only 0.6 points higher, what they want to experience more is the pit house.

Dozens of centimeters below the ground, real solid wood construction, plus a warm low bed, a reliable fireplace
It's a bit of a snow-covered mountain, the feeling after finding a hunter's cabin, it's a special feeling.

"It's hard work!"

The four of them sat on the low bed, feeling the softness from their buttocks, and finally they could no longer sleep on the floor.

Lao Zhang didn't come back, the location was decided for him.

Changed it, let Nini sleep in the corner, the most secure, put Ning on the side, and then Lao Zhang.

The two positions were given to the two captains, the principal and the deputy.

Not only has the bunk been arranged, but the sleeping position is fixed, with feet facing each other.

"Let's cook!"

Tonight's meal is too simple, heat up the remaining snake meat, after boiling, put some wild vegetables, and it's done.

"I really want to eat rice." Wang Kai said suddenly.

Not only him, but also the other three.

Not counting the game time, it has been a month since I went abroad, and I seem to have eaten rice once.

"Don't be disgusted if you have food now, there must be a team that is hungry now." Lao Hu followed up and said: "Ning Fang, this shelter is almost done, what are we going to do tomorrow?"

Dry bear!

Ning said something in his heart.

"The tables and chairs are temporarily put down, we don't have any suitable tools, what to say when Lao Zhang comes back.

Here in the shelter, there are still some places that need to be repaired. The work is handed over to Nini. By the way, you have worked hard these two days and take good care of the mushrooms. This is very important and will affect us for a long time in the future.

Lao Wang, where do you want to go, fishing or forest?

The next focus is naturally to find food. Both of you seem to be quite good at it, so choose as you please. "

Keke Wang Kai coughed twice: "Where do you need me to go?"

"Naturally, it's the woods. In the long winter, you should be able to get meat if you think about it. However, wild vegetables and fruits will basically disappear when the mountains are covered by heavy snow."

"No problem, Lao Hu and I will go into the woods, and you, do you want to bring a bow and arrow?"

"Old Wang, you are drifting away, your archery skills are not as good as mine, what kind of bow and arrow do you want?" Lao Hu said speechlessly.

"Vice Captain, pay attention to your attitude. I mean, if he goes fishing, we must bring bows and arrows."

Ning Fang smiled and shook his head: "I'm going into the forest too, it's fine to eat three fish for a few days."

After dinner, the four of them decided to take a walk and go to the lake to wash up.

At noon, I was very careful because I caught a snake. After I arrived safely, I was a little disappointed.

Why didn't I hear the rustling sound? It's easier to catch snakes than fish.

"so cold!"

When they got to the lake, Nini shrugged her shoulders.

I haven't felt it in the shelter yet. When the wind blows here, it is obvious that the temperature has dropped a lot compared to the previous few days.

"Hopefully it doesn't snow too early."

Ning Fang looked up, the sky was beautiful, full of stars, and the Milky Way could be seen.

"Hey, shooting star."

He yelled, but unfortunately, when the other three looked over, they had already disappeared into the night sky.

"Have you made a wish?" Nini was still quite romantic.


"Oh! Make one next time, I hope we can hunt the big one."

The temperature has dropped, and a few people didn't stay by the river for a long time, saving them from catching a cold, which was not worth the candle.

There are a lot of things to do during the day, so they are naturally free at night. Except for Lao Wang, the other three are sitting by the campfire.

The pine needle tea is boiled in the pot, and the mushrooms are turned over by the way.

It is estimated that at most 5 minutes, Wang Kai's snoring sound came.

Lao Hu got up and covered him with the drooping down jacket.

I got up at five o'clock to cut wood, then went out for a long circle, and didn't rest in the afternoon. By this time, I should be sleepy.

The remaining three didn't chat for long and went to bed one after another.

Lao Hu used wood to prop up the door, and shook it to make sure it was secure, and then said good night.

This time, he fell asleep until seven o'clock, and even Ning Fang, who was used to getting up at six o'clock, didn't wake up.

"so comfy."

"Thank you Miss Nini."

"you are welcome."

Lao Hu was the first to get up and opened the door.

"It's so cold!"

A gust of cold wind came in, and he hurried back to put on his clothes. The other three were only short-sleeved, and they were scolding him.

Another beautiful and lively day has begun.

After a simple breakfast, they set off separately according to Ning Fang's plan.

Lao Hu took the "spear" he had made before, and Lao Wang needless to say, an adze.

They greeted each other and left.

Nini is also very busy.

There are two places on the roof where the moss is not fixed, and it has slipped. The mushrooms need to be turned over, and the fish continues to be smoked. She plans to get some gravel back and lay a layer at the door first, so as to save rain or snow After that, the ground turned into mud.

The walkie-talkie rang for a long time before Nini outside heard it, and the audience was panicking.

The result of the 2.5th variable came out.

Nini doesn't know, it's a little scary to contact the program team.

There are four people in the family outside, so it's better not to have any bad news.

After nervously connecting, the voice of the staff came.

"During the task of "The Prophet", the Huaxia team bet on two survival tools, a saw and a whetstone.

Betting objects: Three Kingdoms, Italy, Maozi Kingdom, Britain.

Now the results are announced, the eliminated players are."

Not just her, all the teams were notified by the program group, and all the viewers knew nothing about the result, but a reminder appeared in the live broadcast room half an hour ago.

Who is eliminated, I don't know, but I can be sure, it must not be here in the base camp.

Unless someone has a bad brain and wanders out in the middle of the night.

Therefore, there is a high probability that it will appear on the single side.

Anyway, Huaxia fans are quite at ease.

In the second live broadcast room dedicated to variables, Lao Zhang's dead fish face appeared in front of everyone early in the morning.

Moreover, there are not only two little mice, but also a squirrel.

Under normal circumstances, squirrels are vegetarians, but occasionally, such as today, Lao Zhang Hongyun takes the lead, no wonder others.

Now that she has appeared on the screen, it is naturally impossible to be eliminated, and she is happily grilling by the river again.

According to him, he has eaten too much barbecue recently, and he has gotten a little angry.

However, the program team did not release all the shots, and there were still five teams who did not show up.

After half an hour, it was finally revealed.

Hearing that it was about variables, Nini didn't let go, it's about rewards!

"The eliminated player is...Josemp from the Italian team."

Nini blinked: "Isn't Ah Sanguo?"

Many viewers of the Three Kingdoms who watched the live broadcast almost spat out old blood. Miss sister, you all won, why are you still looking forward to being our contestant?
Obviously, the staff were also confused.

"It's not the Three Kingdoms."

"Oh." Nini nodded with some regret, and suddenly realized something was wrong: "Hey, is it Italy, that Italy?"

"That's right, congratulations to the Huaxia team for making a successful prediction. In an hour, the staff will arrive at your camp, return two survival items, and conduct a lottery draw. Please wait."

It took more than ten seconds for Nini to react, jumping and jumping in the shelter.

Then ran out: "Ning Fang, Lao Hu, Lao Zhang"

Naturally there was no response.

Is this a win?

When chatting, including Ning Fang, they all thought that Ah Sanguo had a better chance of being transferred.

Why Italy was chosen? According to him, it was just an impromptu thought, and he chose a country at random.

Nini is elated here, while the other teams are somewhat regretful.

For most teams, the game was over.

For a team that doesn't slip through the middle, it's not enough to say that he is weak, and it's not enough to say that he is strong, and he doesn't have a special sense of presence.

But overall, it's a relief.

No guess, it's normal, at least the survival tools are back.

Besides Huaxia, there are actually two other teams in the middle, namely Britain and the Netherlands.

Britain is happy, but they have three tools, in addition to Italy, it also includes China and the Three Kingdoms.

Why did he choose Italy, because Beckham said he had an intuition.

By luck, Bell chose to trust his intuition, and he hit the jackpot.

In the Netherlands, there is purely grievance between the generals.

The circle of survival is actually not that big, and the top figures in each country often meet, some have good relationships, and naturally some have bad relationships.

The two of them were old rivals, and they formed a rift during a certain competition, and they didn't reconcile for several years.

Participating in the national war now, and having this opportunity again, no matter what happens to other teams, I will choose the other team as a curse.

Unexpectedly, the Dutch team won the bet.

When they received the news, they regretted it. If they knew it, they would have to sell three things.

Although the leader of the Dutch team has a grudge, his reason is still there.

Now I only hate myself why I should be rational.

And the audience was right.

Josemp is the player sent by Italy to live alone.

It happened in the morning.

Nothing to do with other animals is purely my own fault.

After getting up, he boiled the water and found that there was not much firewood, so he took the ax and went out.

He didn't pay attention when he swung the axe, and it hit his left leg directly.

After the program team found out, they immediately turned off his personal camera, and there was no picture of him in the live broadcast room, so the audience didn't notice.

It is estimated that he is also unlucky.

Last night, Qiao Sump had nothing to do, so he found a stone and sharpened it specially.

Skin torn, bleeding, don't want it.

The program team looked at it, and there was nothing to say, maybe the bones were hurt, so they sent someone over directly, picked it up, and treated it.

On the No.13 day when the game started, there was one less person, leaving 79 people.

And the Italian team, like the three countries, has only three people left in the team.

The staff set off again to return the survival items.

In the live broadcast room, the host appeared, behind him was a huge KT board with fifty survival items on it.

Britain, China, and the Netherlands, in addition to getting back their own items, the three countries can also get 3, 2, and 1 lottery chances respectively.

These prizes are not included if the team already owns them.

These include 30 tools, 10 foods, and 10 daily necessities.

Shovel, fishing rod, bucket, 2 pounds of raisins, 2 pounds of flour.
These are good things.

There are also bad things like hammocks, ceramic bowls, spoons, and shampoo.

The hammocks are actually okay. Although you won’t use them, you can take them apart and use them as ropes, or weave them into fishing nets. Of course, you have to know how to do them.

Ceramic bowls or something really makes people speechless.

The program team is very good at it.

The three teams gave different times.

The time given to the Dutch team is half an hour.

None of their three players left, just waiting.

First, he conveyed the bet he gave yesterday, and then he took out a large box containing fifty small notes.

Among them, the female contestant was pushed to be the representative, stretched out her hand and shook it for a while, and drew a card.

What they want most is food.

However, contrary to expectations, what was drawn was a small-caliber gillnet.

Something is better than nothing.

The Huaxia team was the second drawn team.

Nini worked absent-mindedly for an hour, and finally saw the staff.

(End of this chapter)

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