Chapter 365
Lao Zhang changed six dance positions, expressing his inner excitement with all his heart.

This also made foreigners applaud. Although your dancing ability is just that, compared to only singing two lyrics of one song in six days, it is much better.

The rain seemed to get heavier after twelve o'clock.

The weather is also a lot colder.

But it didn't affect Zhang Yi's mood at all. At this moment, he was completely drowsy, and his forehead was sweating.

I was so excited, I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

It has been proved with practical actions what it means to lie down and win.

Before the program team contacted him, he was really lying down and sleeping, and he didn't have any doubts about the so-called interview.

"Everyone should go to bed now, ha, I must be shocked to see me go back, and I don't know if they still have food."

Through the lens, the audience is emotional.

Are you showing off your wealth?

Before setting off, Ning Fang can be said to have exhausted the supplies of the entire team and provided them all to Zhang Yi.

Seven or eight pounds, that is, five or six pounds of jerky, and about half of it is left, let alone Red Bull, and there is not a single piece of chocolate touched.

Not only that, but with the addition of fish and rat meat, he lived for six days, which is equivalent to not consuming the stock.

Moreover, it was updated again, and the porcupine pork that took a long time was eaten up and replaced with fish.

In less than 10 minutes, everything was packed.

He started staring outside.

"Is half an hour so long?"

"Could I get lost?"

"I really want to go home."

"I don't know what the shelter is like now."

After thinking about it for a while, finally, I saw the shaking lights approaching.

"Congratulations, contestant Zhang Yi, for winning the variable championship."

The program team treats everyone equally. When picking up contestants, they all provide raincoats and umbrellas. Of course, those that must be taken back at the camp are resources.

"Because of your outstanding performance, the Huaxia team can get one designated item and randomly draw two items as a reward.

You can go back to the camp to discuss with the members, and at [-] noon, draw and exchange. "

"Thank you!"

With outsiders, Zhang Yi became very calm again. After extinguishing the bonfire, he officially returned with the staff.

The cold icy rain slapped randomly on the face, but the heart was extremely surging, wishing to return to the members immediately.

It turns out that you really think of the wild shelter as your home!

When he landed, it was already midnight for many foreigners.

But everyone is not sleepy, the champion is back, and I want to see how the members will welcome it.

The staff accompanied him to the Huaxia Camp.

"Wow, it's completely different."

Seeing the brand-new shelter, Lao Zhang suppressed his throat.

"It's so beautiful. What's on it? Oh, pine branches. The chimney is still smoking. It must not be cold in there. I don't know if the bed is set up properly."

The smile on Zhang Yi's face couldn't be restrained. After going around in a circle, he entered the yard and came to the door.

After pushing it a bit, I found that Wensi hadn't moved.

He used his knuckles,
Tuk Tuk Tuk!
Tuk Tuk Tuk!
No response.

He used his palm,

clap clap. clap clap.
No response.

He used his fist,

bang bang bang bang bang bang
In the room, Ning Fang woke up, and he heard the first knock on the door.

It's just that people were sleepy and thought it was an illusion, so they ignored it.

But there was a crackling sound, and Ning Fang was sure that someone knocked on the door.

"Wake up," he quickly sat up, "It seems that someone is knocking on the door outside."

After the remaining three were woken up, they tilted their heads and listened.

Bang bang bang.
"Fuck, it can't be a bear, right?" Lao Hu was about to find a weapon.

"Will the bear knock on the door?" Nini was still relatively calm.

"Could it be that Lao Zhang is back?" Wang Kai asked.

"Old Zhang? Old Zhang?"

Ning Fang yelled twice, but no one answered, and the knock on the door became louder.

"have a look!"

A few people were a little dazed, with no shoes on, Ning Fang picked up the saber, Wang Kai held the adze in his hand, and Lao Hu came to the edge of the top post.

"3, 2, 1,."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The four people in the room screamed strangely at the same time.


Not only Zhang Yi, but the staff behind him were also taken aback.

"Damn it, old Zhang."

"I thought it was some kind of animal."

Zhang Yi patted his chest: "I thought of ten thousand ways for you to greet me, but I never thought of holding a weapon."

Turn around and return the raincoat and umbrella to the staff.

"Welcome home!"

The four of them would not be sleepy at all, the surprise came too suddenly, and they stepped forward to hug him one by one.

"It's cold outside, hurry up and sit by the fire."

"Hungry, drink some hot water first, and get you something to eat."

"Thank you, it's the seventh day, right?"

"It's not hurt, let's take a look"

Before Zhang Yi could say anything, the bag was taken away, the person was pressed down, and hot water was handed over to him.
"No. Don't you all ask me why I came back suddenly?" He couldn't help it, so he spoke first.

"Ouch, it's good that people come back safely," Lao Hu stared at him for a long time.

The person seems to have not changed much, the beard has grown a little.

"Yeah, you don't even know how much we miss you." Nini felt like she was about to cry.

"Old Zhang!!!" Wang Kai gave him a hug from behind.

Zhang Yi blinked hard, this is the way he expected to greet him.

"Put on your shoes and clothes quickly, don't catch a cold, I have something to show you."

Although the temperature in the shelter is higher, everyone is wearing single clothes.

"it is good."


Several people were naturally curious about Lao Zhang's ranking. Hearing what he said, he should have done well.

"Just sit on the bed and don't come over."

Lao Zhang took back his bag.

"Hey, there are so many mushrooms, it's amazing."

After finishing speaking, he swept the mushrooms aside.

"Nini, you will be busy later."

"Oh, good good!"

Nini was helping him make the bed.

Seeing that the four of them were seated, Zhang Yi opened his backpack to practice.

Unopened Red Bull, forty chocolates.

"You didn't even eat." Old Hu just said, Zhang Yi gestured for silence.

Meat, meat, still meat.
Ning Fang couldn't sit still anymore, he stepped forward and squatted down: "Isn't this fish meat?"

"No, Lao Zhang, have you been bigu for six days?"

"Huh, rat meat?"

The remaining three also surrounded them.

"I eat pretty well." Lao Zhang said triumphantly, "I can't help it, my strength is at stake, I caught two fish in the past few days.

I ate all the fish heads, thinking that porcupines are the most sought-after, so I killed those first and kept the fish meat. "

All four of them had light in their eyes.

The food is so plentiful, but the people are back, isn't it?
"Are you the champion?"

"Ahem." Zhang Yi stood up and swept his shoulders: "It's right here."


The members couldn't bear it any longer, rushed forward, knocked Lao Zhang down, and threw him into the air.

"Take it easy, take it easy, we're going to hit the roof!" Zhang Yi yelled.

"The Huaxia team is awesome!"

In the Huaxia live broadcast room, the audience is swiping, the fans are swiping, the reporters are swiping, and the stars are swiping.
Even though the competition has only lasted for thirteen days, no one doubts the strength of this team.

Apart from the word awesome, there is nothing else to describe.

Many people are already looking forward to the rain, and it will last for a few more days.

It can be said that Zhang Yi's return is just right.

He returned to the collective by himself, and he came back with the championship, which greatly improved morale.

And, having brought so much food, the major task of resupply was accomplished.

Coming back with almost zero consumption, far exceeded the expectations of the members, it's no wonder that they are not happy!

The five members of the Huaxia team reunited again.

"Zhang Yi's return, the Huaxia Five members reunited after six days"

"Superior Strength, Huaxia Stands in the Ranks of the Seed Team"

"Old Zhang, Survive Alone for Six Days, Crushing the Other Players"

"Huge advantages, the future of Huaxia team is bright"

The domestic news was swamped by the Huaxia team's performance in the national war. Before the meeting, Lin Tai was in a good mood, swiping his phone, watching the news, and accepting the congratulations from his colleagues and subordinates.

I was so happy, I took out my card and treated more than 30 people to coffee.

"Thank you leader."

One minute before the meeting, he answered the phone and got up.

"Today's meeting is cancelled. Everyone, immediately prepare some materials about Ning Fang's five people before the game, plus some highlights during the game. It will take about 10 minutes. reported on the news.”

"Received!!!" All the subordinates cheered.

The CCTV report is not a trivial matter, and, as I told you over the phone, it will be 3 minutes long.

This is a great honor.

Ning Fang and the others didn't know that they were going to be on the news, so when they were together, they naturally wanted to celebrate.

How about celebrating, have a supper.

Having something to eat is the happiest thing for a survival player.

Also, after a day of rain, I took a nap during the day, and now I am in good spirits.

The water was already boiling, so I threw a few pieces of meat into it, and picked two mushrooms of relatively poor quality, tore them up, and threw them in as well.

"It's really good, this shelter was built."

After returning for half an hour, Lao Zhang had time to appreciate the house.

Touch here, look there, the smile on the face never stops.

"No, Lao Zhang, did you forget something?"

Over there, Lao Hu picked up his backpack and turned it down, it was empty.

"What about the reward?" he asked looking up.

"Hi," Zhang Yi turned around, "Didn't I say that?"

The four nodded in unison.

"Okay, tomorrow at noon." He touched up and down, took out a piece of paper from the back of his butt and handed it to Ning Fang: "This is a list of items, we can choose one from it, and then draw two."

watched for a while.
The sense of happiness is overwhelming, many of the things inside are quite familiar, and many new objects have been added.

After taking a look, Lao Hu stood up.

"Let Ning Fang decide what to choose, draw lots tomorrow, and it's OK for any of the three of them to come."

Seeing that Lao Zhang didn't understand, Lao Hu pointed to the bucket next to him: "Didn't you find that there is more of this thing?"

"Yeah, where did it come from?"

"During your departure, a new variable of 2.5 times was added, betting on which team's players will be eliminated first."

Lao Hu roughly explained the matter.

"Ah, I seem to have missed a lot of exciting content."

"And you, it shouldn't be easy, do you know who is No.2?"

Everyone is also curious about Lao Zhang's personal life.

Zhang Yi shook his head: "The rules are exactly the same, there is no information, and when contacted by the program team, they lied to me and said it was an interview.

However, there is really a very exciting thing, I saw a wolf, and the distance is very close."

I heard that he drove the wolves away with an axe, even Ning Fang was applauding, what a cow, how reckless, and how I like it.

After eating and chatting, it was five o'clock before I went to bed.

After saying good night to each other, I closed my eyes and went to sleep!

(Ask for a monthly ticket!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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