Chapter 376 The second

Among the remaining seventeen teams.

Select tackle: Seventeen,
Choice of Bow: Nine,

Choice gillnet: six,

Choice pitfalls: three.

Fishing is the most important source of food for all teams.

The wild fish resources in Maple Leaf Country are very rich, and freshwater fish weighing dozens to hundreds of catties have appeared.

However, with the equipment the players have now, even if they encounter one, they still cannot catch it.

It is impossible to use fish to defeat the reindeer of the Huaxia team!
And the beautiful country brings hope today.

They hunted a wild boar.

Just after one o'clock in the afternoon, Lewis took the two team members out to hunt together.

The prey was found about five or six kilometers away from their camp.

A boar.

The whole hunting process was almost the same as that of the Huaxia team.

It's just that Lewis shot at a much better angle. The pig was rolling in the mud, and the arrow shot through and hit the neck.

Then began to flee.

Only about half an hour or so, he fell to the ground.

Lewis is also fierce.

The wild boar's belly was still rising and falling, so he quietly stepped forward with a knife, gave the pig's head a blow, turned around and ran away.

The prey did not pursue, but quickly lost its vitality.

This surprised the audience of Sixteen Nations.

The three of them carried it back and weighed it.

With more than 155 pounds, he surpassed the reindeer of the Huaxia team and came to the first position.

It has been half a month since the competition started, and the performance of the beautiful country can only be described as quite satisfactory.

The shelter is set up. Although I am hungry, I have always had something to eat.

However, it lacks amazing performance.

What they did was not much different from other seeded teams.

The fans of the beautiful country feel a little embarrassed.

A strong country, no matter where or what project, must be strong.

After waiting for so long, happiness came suddenly.

The more than 100-pound wild boar directly turned the beautiful country over, and the food became abundant at once.

It appears that after each group was given food, the first thing they did was eat.

Maoziguo hunted deer and ate the heart raw.
Huaxia country hunted reindeer and ate it.
Beautiful country hunted wild boars, and also lit a fire by the lake, first made a piece of pork belly, and started grilling.

There was wailing in the Huaxia live broadcast room.

A total of three positions.

Before I was happy for a day, the number one throne was taken away.

The rapid changes in the arena confirmed Ning Fang's answer to Lao Zhang, that the game is not over yet, everything is possible.

Huaxia, the two teams of the beautiful country, will definitely not go out to hunt recently.

Going out in a state of food increases the risk.

After all, survival and your work life are two different concepts.

With so much meat, it will take days to process it.

But there are still fifteen teams, and there are such powerful opponents as Maozi Country, Maple Leaf Country, and Germany.

There are still five days to go, and no one can guarantee that they will be able to persist until the end.

By the lake, the Huaxia team had a very good atmosphere.

Lao Hu had a good time in the bath, singing there, and the others were working hard, as for the food, the more the better.

"Have a good time, you are already the second."

Even if Ning Fang knew, he wouldn't care too much.

To survive, you must have your own rhythm. In the final analysis, the game is also a comparison with yourself.

When someone catches a fish, you go into the water immediately; when someone lights a fire, you chop firewood immediately; when someone hunts prey, immediately enter the forest
It's not realistic.

His goal, of course, is the championship.

If you go out, you may not gain anything. If you run for nothing, it is equivalent to wasting energy.

Of course, everyone and every team has a different strategy.

Anyway, Ning Fang felt that the amount of food for two or three days was basically enough.

I didn't look at those big shots who survived alone, and it was common for them to be hungry for a few days.

Old Hu Xi was very happy, and it was Ning Fang's turn.

Don't say it, it's so comfortable.

And the whole reindeer, with the joint efforts of the team, was finally done before nightfall.

Five people were transported twice before they were all moved back.

Bone broth is not going to be eaten today.

There is also a deer head, throw it into the pot, add some offal, a big handful of pine needles, and a few mushrooms.

After cooking for a while, Nini quickly shook her hand.

"No, take the pot out, or I won't be able to sleep at night."

The pork ribs are still fragrant when cooked, but the offal
Lao Zhang went out with the pot in his arms.

I found some stones and built a simple hearth to draw a fire, and then just sit on the side by myself.

"You two continue to rest, the stove can't fit so many people here."

Nini gave them two ginseng slices, and Lao Hu took them and chewed them slowly in his mouth.

However, after a while, the air in the room also became normal.

The smell of barbecue, the smell of fungus, the smell of sweat.
"Open the door." Ning Fang thought it was too rich.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?"

After Zhang Yi asked, everyone looked at Ning Fang.

"Finish the meat first, Lao Wang and I will go get some firewood and come back."

Ning Fang came to the edge of the steps.

"For the winter, at least these two sides must be filled, and a lot of things can be saved later.

Others just barbecue. There is so much meat, it won’t take two or three days. "

For a reindeer weighing more than 80 kilograms, the meat under the piece is about 100 kilograms, and one piece counts as two taels. There are more than [-] pieces, and some are busy.

"Don't bother to chop firewood, just trade with each other."

"It's all right."

An hour later, dinner was ready, not to mention, although it smelled a bit nasty, it was okay to eat.

I don't know if it's the pine needles or the mushrooms.

Anyway, after eating, Lao Zhang went outside and chopped a few pine branches and came back, chopped them into small pieces, and put them in the fire.

I grilled a piece of meat and tried it, and it really has a faint fragrance.

Several people tasted it and immediately decided to add pine branches.

Nini was so hot that she clapped her hands to make room for Lao Hu.

He beckoned and called Ning Fang outside, she wanted to breathe.

"I'll report to you about the inventory. I think all kinds of mushrooms are almost roasted, so I didn't continue. I put them away and eat a little every day. They won't go bad. They weigh about three or four catties.

There is a little fish left, I plan to eat it tomorrow.

There are 75 more chocolates.

Two bottles of Red Bull.

You don't use the nuts, it's still the same as before.

I got up in the morning to look at the blueberries. I guess they won't last long.

Next, these venisons, after roasting, can weigh about twenty catties. "

"Ah" Ning Fang sighed: "It's not much, the average person is four catties, a week."

"Save a little food. Ten days will be fine. Besides, we can't just sit and eat. We usually catch fish and go hunting outside."

Nini paused for a few seconds.

"It's the green vegetables you mentioned, which may not be enough."

"It doesn't matter, we have survived for half a month, and modern scurvy has nothing to do with green vegetables," Ning Fang comforted: "The main reason is that without these things, you will be prone to colds, constipation, and various problems."

"That's it!" Nini breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it would be dangerous if I didn't eat it for a month or two!"

"Hahahaha, it's not that exaggerated," Ning Fang said with a smile: "It's really not possible. We can cook pine leaf water and eat tree bark to supplement vitamins. It's just that we have normal food and won't eat those."

"Then I'm relieved. Drinking pine needle water won't cause any side effects, right?" Nini continued to ask.

"It should be. Don't exaggerate too much. Make it a little bit, wash it, and drink it every two days. It's almost the same."

"I remembered. Also, Lao Zhang raised his mouth in the afternoon. The weather is much colder now. With so much meat, should we air-dry it first, so that it can be roasted quickly later."

"It's not impossible."

Ning Fang raised his head: "There must be no hanging under the eaves, squirrels, foxes, wolves...
Hanging for a long time, it is possible to attract these animals. I will try. "

After speaking, he entered the house.

"Nini, get me a paracord, three lengths, about three meters."

"it is good."

Ning Fang himself chose a bunch of meat from the bucket.

"What are you doing?"

"Try to dry it. You must not have time here at night. The temperature in our house is high. Don't spoil it, it will be troublesome."

He picked up a knife, poked a hole in the flesh, and took the rope Nini brought to test the size.

"Let me help you, what should I do?" Nini rolled up her sleeves.

"Pour out the water in the pot, put the meat in, add more salt, and knead hard."


Although the salt given by the program group is not unlimited, the amount is quite sufficient.

"Why add salt? Isn't it easy to spoil?" Lao Zhang glanced at it.

"Because adding salt to raw meat has dehydration effect." The answer was Nini, who knew this knowledge on the island.

"Remember, adding salt when pickling vegetables will also produce water, right?"

"That's right!"

Not only the Huaxia team, Maoziguo, and the beautiful country team processed the meat, but also took out a part of it to marinate and then air-dried.

"Shall we skewer it now?" Lao Zhang picked up the paracord, and his eyes stared at the barbecue.

"Wait, let it sit for an hour or two."

Huh. Bang.
A gust of wind blew by, the wooden door was slammed shut, and then bounced open again, startling several people.

Lao Wang got up and went out to have a look.

"It's nothing, it's just a wind blowing, there are no dark clouds, and the sky is clear, so it shouldn't rain."

"The weather is getting colder every day!" Lao Zhang looked outside the pitch-black door: "I still remember that when we first came here, we could wear short-sleeved clothes for work. During the hottest day, there were probably twenty several degrees.

After that storm, it took a turn for the worse, especially the rain in the past few days, it felt like it was from autumn to winter. "

"Yeah, I can breathe out when I wake up in the morning, maybe the snow will fall someday."

"When I came here, I specially studied the weather. The snow here doesn't mean a day or two, but two or three days. It may last intermittently for several days, and then officially enter the world of snow."

"So, we still have to work hard. Tomorrow, Lao Zhang and Lao Wang, you two will continue to fish, and the three of us can figure out other things."

Ning Fang here divides more than half of the meat, and the work is much easier.

Just chatting and doing trivial things, more than an hour passed.

When the lid was lifted, it was full of blood.

Ning Fang found a place far away to pour it out.

Now he finds that even though he has a lot of survival knowledge, he sometimes forgets it.

Probably, it's because I don't have enough to eat, not only the body slows down, but also the brain doesn't work so well.

"Where do we put the meat?" Nini came over.

Ning Fang pointed: "There!"

(End of this chapter)

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