Chapter 385 Parade

The five people from Maple Leaf Country all raised their heads when they heard the sound.

"I don't know which country it is?"

"If there's no winner, there's no flag to see."

"I guess it should be difficult."

"I'm afraid I will fly back directly."

The movement is getting bigger and bigger, getting closer.

Well, here we come.

The helicopter emerges from the bend in the river.


A team member yelled.

"Which team?"

"It seems to be the Huaxia team?"

"Don't be kidding," someone shook his head: "How could it be the Huaxia team? I remember that the earliest list of combat power was eleventh. With them alone, it is impossible to win."

"No!" Raul squinted his eyes: "The five-star red flag is the Huaxia team."

His heart is not as calm as it appears on the surface.

How could it be the Huaxia team?

However, the flag on the helicopter does not lie.

"The Huaxia team actually won two championships in a row?"

"Oh my God, what happened."

"What kind of prey did they catch?"

At this time, the plane had already passed in front of them, and the wind blowing made the five of them instinctively squat down.

The national flag is clearly visible, and even the smiles of the players above can be seen.

"It's really them."

In just a few seconds, the five watched the helicopter leave.

"It's really them."

"It turned out that the Huaxia team won."

"I'm curious as to what was caught."

"I'm envious, I'm going to enjoy the hot spring soon."

The helicopter left the territory of Maple Leaf Country and came to the skies over Pretty Country.

Lewis and Curry are also looking forward to two pounds of rice, but they need carbohydrates very much.

"Our wild boar must be in the top three positions."

"Winning the second variable doesn't mean you can hunt big things."

"Don't look, it must be empty to go back."

"Not necessarily."

"Johnson, what did you say?"

"Oh it's okay, the plane is coming."

The helicopter passed over the top of the mountain, and the bright five-star red flag made Lewis, especially Curry, speechless.

"wtf, Huaxia team?"

"Why did they win?"

"I do not believe!"

Except for Johnson, the four of them were so surprised that they wanted to drop their jaws.

It's not that they didn't think that there might be a team winning, Maple Leafs, Britannia, Maozi.
Will win, shouldn't it be these teams.

The weak and mediocre Huaxia team, why?
You know, what your team caught was a wild boar, and it's impossible for other players to get nothing.

The Huaxia team's victory shows that they have gained a lot, and it should not be underestimated!

As the plane went away, Lewis calmed down: "It seems that we have one more competitor, Huaxia."

Curry, who has always been cheap, is nodding.

The two teams of Bangzi Country and Ah San Country saw the five-star red flag passing overhead.

Among the four countries in Asia, Sakura Country was eliminated early, and the main generals of the two of them also left.

But what about China?

Not only won the second variable, but also won the award of hot spring tour.
"It would be great if we were the ones sitting on top!" The contestants from Ah Sanguo were full of envy.

"That's right, getting the top three means that you must have caught the prey. What do you think it will be?"

"No matter what it is, it shouldn't be small."

A Sanguo is still calm, while Bangziguo is a little bit collapsed.

The remaining four people have been silent since seeing the plane, but the expressions on their faces have not been very good.

Before the game, their country was called Huaxia's subsidiary, the younger brother of the beautiful country.

On the surface, he doesn't care, but in his heart, he has been holding his breath, wanting to prove himself and their strength.

Ma Dongxi worked hard to obtain the second variable, which finally gave him some hope for his unsatisfactory survival life.

As a result, the Lord will destroy himself.

For a team, in the early stage of survival, if the most experienced person is eliminated, it is needless to say how much the blow will be.

Although the status of several people is not bad now.

Not to mention the finals, how many days can last is a question mark.

And Huaxia, the shadow they want to get rid of the most, is on the plane at this time, accepting the supreme glory. Presumably, the eyes of the whole world are watching them.
Britain, Italy, Holland, Denmark.
Helicopters are patrolling and all teams know about it.

The second variable champion, Huaxia, and the follow-up champion is still Huaxia.

Every team, everyone's expressions and thoughts are different.

Some people are simply envious. Being able to win means that the prey they caught is not small, and they must be full. Moreover, being able to stay in a hot spring resort for one night in such a cold weather has a great impact on the player's state and mood. help.

Some people expressed that they couldn't figure out why Huaxia, such a weak team, had won two championships in a row. It was incomprehensible.

Some people are jealous, why not our team, why.
The five people on the helicopter were in a good mood.

At this moment, they not only represented themselves, but also represented China, especially when they saw other competitors, they stood up straight.

Dude, you saw it, we, the Huaxia team, won!
The team is parading, and the audience in the live broadcast room is also shuttling between the major live broadcast rooms, nothing else, just to show off.

Less than 20 days after the start.

Even if the Huaxia team didn't do anything these days, they rested there, and the food left was still the most among all the teams.

what is this?

"Huaxia Team Wins Again, Two Days and One Night Tour at Xiti Hot Springs"

"awesome!Flag parades, opponents stunned"

"Never being favored, to number one in the combat power list, what is so special about the Huaxia team"

"Five members work together to impress the world"

All the major websites and popular searches have released the news impatiently.

Some netizens who were not interested and did not pay attention to the survival competition, the audience, also curiously entered.

The incident of killing wolves a few days ago was too sensational.

This is something that is basically unimaginable in China, and it is actually done by a star.

Still without a gun, with an ax and a one-handed saw.

Even if it's a keyboard man, after watching the video, he can't find the point of spraying for a while.

A pack of five wolves?
I really can’t say it, even if it’s just encountering a lone wolf, it’s not bad for a normal person to pee without being scared, let alone kill two and scare away three.


The result was somewhat expected, but after the victory was declared, they were all overjoyed.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

The cruise is over,

The program team captured the expressions of the seventeen teams and put them all on the screen.

In the middle, of course, is the smiling Huaxia team.

This belongs to the preferential treatment and glory of the winner.

Apart from them, there are not many players with smiles.

Mao Ziguo counts as one.

They obviously also thought about what Maple Leaf Country had considered.

Although two pounds of rice was lost, the winning team was a friendly partner, and I was more accepting. If the beautiful country or Britain won, I would be quite upset!

Furthermore, it also proved from the side that other opponents did not get particularly many or particularly large prey during this week.

Our own side has a certain advantage in the whole.

As for the hot spring, it's just a night's sleep, it doesn't matter.

"Everyone, wait a moment, the helicopter needs to be refueled, and then go to the destination immediately."

After a short stay near the base camp of the program group, the plane took off again.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, several people saw their destination.

(Thanks to the boss winsonliu for the reward of 14500 points, thanks to Mu Mu in the deep forest for the reward of 2000 points, and thanks to the book friend 2912, for the reward of 500 points for the mastery of the eye, the bosses are rich.

Really, everyone who sees flu patients must stay away and wear a mask! ! !

The monthly pass is very powerful, thank you everyone! )
(End of this chapter)

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