Chapter 396 Rolling

Several people from Maple Leaf Country were stunned.

The smile on his face has long since disappeared, this Ning Fang is a bit cruel.

Although his own Phil didn't stop, he swung the ax at times fast and slow.

And Ning Fangna, as long as it sounds, it basically happens every five seconds.

In the lens, it can be seen more clearly.

Phil was already panting heavily, his cheeks flushed, and his breathing sounded like a bellows.

Ning Fang's forehead was also covered with beads of sweat, and his coat was also taken off, but he could feel that he still had strength left.

A branch four or five centimeters thick can be broken with a single axe, simply and neatly.

The branches were almost handled, Ning Fang turned his head and took a look, over there, Feier just started the third one.

No loud shout.

Ning Fang just bent down and hugged the wood with both hands. The veins on his arms, neck, and forehead popped out, and it was obvious that he was not as relaxed as he imagined.

Nini felt that she was trembling slightly, Lao Hu was sweating all over, Zhang Yi's small eyes kept staring at the contestants on both sides, and Lao Wang's voice was almost hoarse.

"Huaxia team is awesome!"

"That man is awesome."

"This is the game."

"If I were there, I might cry with excitement."

With a sound, Ning Fang threw the giant log in his hand on the ground.

Even he has to relax his tense muscles, it's so heavy.

Charles' complexion was a little gray.

He could see that the former Chinese general was pretending to be cautious, bewildered, and hurt, all fake.

Fair's strength is clear to him.

It is not easy for this man to gain an advantage in front of him in the logging project.

Ning Fang did not rest, and the game continued.

He found two stones and put them together, picked up the wood again, and put it up.

With a step on his right foot, he picked up the saw.

"Wow, the leader of the Huaxia team, Ning Fang, has already started sawing the wood. There are a total of three pieces of wood, and there are nineteen sections to be sawed.

Oh and Fell has the last log down too, he's still competitive and hasn't been thrown off too much"

Is there really a chance?

Do not!
Absolutely not.

If we talk about the first half, the two are still anxious, but in the second half, they are not on the same level at all.

The saw in Ning Fang's hand stabbed without stopping, one section, one section, another section.

As for Ferna, after sawing two more pieces, his speed dropped significantly, and even when he pulled his hand, not much sawdust was brought out.

The time came to 41 minutes.

Ning Fang was already working on the last two sections of the thickest wood, and Feier's side had barely finished the work of thirty centimeters.

The gap between the two sides has been irreparable.

"never mind!"

Charles waved his hand, making Phil stop.

It doesn't make sense anymore, it can't catch up at all.

"Are you going to give up the game?" the host asked.

"Yes." Although he was very reluctant, Charles nodded: "Yes, we admit defeat."

yeah yeah yeah
Nini and the others rushed up and shouted around Ning Fang.

"Let him sit down first."

As if taking care of a patient, Lao Hu helped Ning Fang to the side to sit down, delivered water, wiped his sweat, and massaged
On the other side, morale was obviously greatly reduced.

The expectation was too high. I thought it was crushing the opponent, but in the end, I voluntarily gave up the game, and the opponent scored a point first.

"Yes, it's 1:0, the Huaxia team is invincible, and that man is invincible."

"Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me, it's too strong."

"You can give up a long time ago, why insist on it, it hurts others and does not benefit yourself."

"Express, the third variable opener, Ning Fang 1:0 Fell, take the lead"

Huaxia's audience and fans who like that man are very happy.

In 21 games.

I saw the man's sense of responsibility, courage, and various survival skills.

Today, another force came.

Ah, I remembered, that man walked for several hours carrying a reindeer weighing several kilograms on his back.

This sustained endurance is terrifying.

"Sure enough, eating enough all the time and sleeping well will still have a great impact on the overall state."

"Fair is too imaginary."

"Big, flashy."

"Try it, you can't eat well or sleep well in 21 days, and you have to chop wood. There are differences in performance, which is not normal."

In addition to celebration and annoyance, the outside world also has various arguments.

Ning Fang actually feels okay, but everyone thinks he should be very tired.

Well, it's tiring then.

Gudu Gudu drank water: "The other side doesn't seem to be fooled anymore."

Lao Hu raised his head and took a look: "Not only did he notice that there was hatred in his eyes, hey, Avril is so beautiful."

Old Wang: "...then we won, let's invite her to have a picnic together, show off your charm?"

"If you dare to call me, you dare to strike up a conversation," Lao Hu said indifferently, "I didn't marry her, so what's the problem?"

The fans of Maple Leaf Kingdom were furious when they heard this, Mad, it's fine if you lose the game, are you even following someone?


Phil blamed himself there.

Charles shook his head: "This is a good thing, don't forget that our plan can lose a round.

Moreover, it is their chief general who came out, and his strength may not be as strong as yours.

It's just that we overlooked one point.

The Huaxia team's ability to go to the resort shows that they have gained a lot in food. We haven't eaten much in the past few days.

Physically there will definitely be a difference.

People are full of food and drink, we only drank a little water in the morning, and it is not ashamed to lose.

However, in the next step, we must pay attention to it, and we can no longer take it lightly. "

The host is talking strings of words here, which is also giving the players a little time to review the game.

In fact, there is really nothing to replay.

Ning Fang has completely taken the advantage. If it really wants to end, according to the state of Fair behind, even if he is given another hour, he may not be able to finish it.

Too tired, and all my energy was used up in the early stage.

Charles naturally knew that Ning Fang was in good condition, and the others were certainly not bad.

But now I can only think about the good, and I can't put pressure on my teammates.

"Okay, Maple Leaf National Team, please send out players for the lottery.

Please note that both of you are five members, so in the recorded game, Ning Fang and Feier cannot play again. "

Charles came out by himself, took out a small ball without giving it to the host, and opened it directly.


"Okay, Huaxia VS Maple Leaf Country, the second event is a fishing competition, and the fishing tackle will be provided by the program team, including false bait.

I will announce the specific rules after both parties have selected the contestants. "

Zhang Yi and Wang Kai are candidates for fishing.

It was decided last night that if you get a fishing item, let Lao Zhang go.

The main reason is that Lao Wang is also good in other sports, and he is younger and has better physical strength.

When the two of them are at the same level, they should preserve their youthful strength first.

In this regard, Zhang Yi has no opinion, and the arrangement is very reasonable.

So, with a few casual words, he stood up.

"Wait first!" Seeing the contestants sent from both sides, the host said, "Please come out of the Huaxia team and draw a small ball!"

(End of this chapter)

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