Chapter 423 That Man Is A Little Yin

The weather was bad in the morning, and all the players who survived knew it.

The program group did not deliberately notify.

Let alone rain, snow is also normal.

But the audience got an explanation: sleet and snow, and the temperature was five to four degrees below zero.

For how long it will last, the given time is about five or six in the afternoon, at least one night.

Of course, it's not surprising that the weather forecast is inaccurate.

Lao Zhang could also see that something was wrong.

However, it looks like it won't change for a while, so it's reasonable to go out and try your luck.

Let Avril come over because she is worried that she will be bored.

Unexpectedly, she brought a surprise.

Not fishing.

I went to the river and stayed for half an hour. The young lady felt bored, and after talking to Lao Zhang, she went into the forest alone.

When he came back, he was holding a lot of shepherd's purse in his hand.

After Lao Zhang confirmed, he was stunned.

He didn't want to say that there would be gains at all, but just let the young lady walk around and play by herself.

This can be regarded as dark under the lights.

Every time I go out, I follow the previous route. In fact, there is still a large area between the shelter and the lake.

Selectively think that there may be nothing left.

Even if some of the leaves have turned yellow and dried up, this pile of wild vegetables is quite precious to the Huaxia team members who eat meat and have sore cheeks.

The young lady directly became a hero.

You know, cellulose is what the Huaxia team needs most now, and it can keep them healthy.

The apples and bananas that everyone takes are saved.

At noon, a few people happily ate a meal of wild wolf broth, which didn't taste too good.

They were happy, but the generals who went out had a hard time.

The sky above his head has been under pressure, and he hasn't made much progress in finding the target. He can only see if he can find a suitable place to hide from the wind and rain.

Some people are swearing as they walk.

too tired!
I can't eat well, I can't sleep well, and I have to go out to work, what the hell.
Some people don't even bother to speak, and may quit at any time.

In comparison, Brother Beard and Ning Fang are much happier.

After parting with Ning Fang, he carried his bow and went to the river first.

It's a pity that what I'm best at is actually fishing, but I didn't give fishing gear.

Fill the kettle first, and then walk along the embankment for a while before entering the forest again.

Unexpectedly, by accident, I came to the edge of the cliff and saw the long vine.

"Oh my God!"

What Brother Beard thought he came down from the cliff is completely different from what he actually saw.

He picked up the vine and shook it.

It seems that the leader of the Huaxia team is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Just the courage to use vines to descend from a height of tens of meters is admirable.

Cooperating with him is not necessarily the other party taking advantage.

On the other side, the man left for half an hour and got something.

Remember that Ning Fang didn't know the first nickname, Squirrel Killer.

Today's first harvest is the squirrel.

It is also strange.

In the past four days, Ning Fang has basically never looked for food except for the hare that was delivered to the door.

Also, no prey was found.

But after changing the mentality, it will be there immediately.

Pretty fat!
Ning Fang picked up the prey with satisfaction and looked around.

move on.

In the forest, as long as you look for it with your heart and enough strength, it is very difficult to starve to death.

For example, he walked for more than ten minutes and suddenly squatted down.

"What did you find?"

"Am I blind?"

"What's the situation?"


The audience didn't see what he shot until he shot the arrow.

It wasn't until Ning Fang laughed and ran forward and picked up a grouse that he suddenly understood.

What the hell!

Dude, I really don't know what words to use to praise you.

"Calm down, basic operation."

Huaxia audience is really happy.

They have no pressure to watch the show, the main general is scoring points, and the few people in the base camp are surviving honestly.

Unlike other teams.

Problems at one end are rare, basically, and both sides are very average.

Watching a game, you have to worry about whether your own players will be eliminated at any time.

The point is, this is still a long-term pain.

They all hope to catch a big prey and solve the problem fundamentally.

There are such teams, Huaxia, Beautiful Country, and Maozi Country.
It's not me!

The fans who saw them were elated. When they arrived at Versailles, they could only sigh and put their hopes on tomorrow.

Brother Beard, as the leader of the seed team, is not in vain.

He caught no grouse and saw no squirrels.

Not even an arrow was fired.

However, relying on his understanding of forests and animals, he picked up various deciduous branches from the dead tree hole, and made a hedgehog from it.

The German audience was relieved.

It would be too embarrassing if there was no gain after being compared once.

If it's an ordinary member, it's okay to grab a bite to eat.

Both sides are the main generals, and they cannot be weak.

After wandering outside for more than two hours, Ning Fang turned his head.

After dealing with the squirrels, Brother Beard brought the hedgehogs over.

Seeing each other's harvest, they are all very satisfied.

The other party was also willing to take the initiative to take on the job of cleaning up the grouse, but Ning Fang would not refuse, and took the water back first.

When walking halfway.


There was a coolness on the forehead.

Looked up,
Tick, tick, tick.
Sure enough, it's raining!

Before Ning Fang had time to feel emotional, he realized that something was wrong, something jumped on his shoulder, and then fell to the ground.

He raised his hands and waited for a few seconds. There were water droplets and tiny ice particles.


I looked at the sky, the clouds were lower than in the morning, and it was dark.

"God bless!"

He made the sign of the cross across his chest.

"Fortunately, I don't have to rest outside."

He ran back to the shelter slowly, added two sticks of firewood, and started the fire.

The wind and snow outside are getting bigger and bigger, hiding in the house, you can hear the rustling sound from the roof.

After a while, Brother Beard came back.

"The hedgehog is not cleaned up."

"It's okay, let's eat squirrels first." Ning Fang spread his hands indifferently.

"It's raining heavily outside!" Beard Brother said with a smile on his face, "But I don't think it's enough, and it needs to be heavier."

"You're right, I support you!"

There was something wrong with the German audience.

That man is a little sinister.

During this period, the two exchanged a lot of topics about the impact of the weather on other generals.

Clearly reveals a meaning.

I hope that the weather will get worse. In this way, it is very possible to persuade some of the other generals to retreat.

It's nothing, it's human nature.

However, think about it carefully.

All the hopes and expectations of the two of them came from Brother Beard.

Ning Fang is always on the sidelines.

He didn't say anything at all, hey, what do I want, what do I want.
But obviously, some radical fans from other teams have poured into the German team's live broadcast room, abusing them there.

As for Huaxia, everything is safe and sound.

It turns out that that man can also play tricks.

On the outside, he doesn't offend others, but on the inside, he and Brother Beard share a common language and can chat.


When the squirrel meat was roasting, the rain outside had already blocked out the sun. Although there was no sun, standing at the door, one could still feel the chill.

Brother beard is cheap, so I have to experience it.

As a result, I stayed at the door for less than a minute, and quickly closed the door.

"You made a wise decision."

Ning Fang handed over a piece of meat, very sincerely: "Thank you, if I really set off, now, I should hide under a certain tree and shiver, regretting that I shouldn't set off in the morning."

"Hahahaha!" Beard Brother raised his glass: "It's a pity that there is no wine, otherwise, today is a day worth celebrating."

"Thank you Britannia!"

"Yes, yes, thank you, Britain!"

(A small chapter in the evening, I am going to modify the poison point of the food delivery before, if you are interested in two days, you can go back and have a look, it will not affect the current plot development!
Ask for a monthly ticket by the way! )
(End of this chapter)

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