Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 426 You Didn't Seize the Opportunity?

Chapter 426 You Didn't Seize the Opportunity?

In the past six days, the Huaxia team has been fully staffed, which does not mean that everything is quiet as usual.

The rain and the sudden drop in temperature made some players choose to withdraw from the competition.

Currently, there are still 59 teams in the competition, but the number has reached [-].

For them, it's quitting, basically stress-free.

For twenty days, it was very powerful.

Some people have persisted until now just because they were hungry.

Among the withdrawn contestants, there are rookies who don't understand at all, muscular men, and master general experts.

The audience didn't find it strange anymore.

Moreover, it can also be expected that in the future, it is estimated that it will fall faster and faster.

It was exactly as the players imagined.

After returning to the civilized world, instead of being criticized, fans even picked him up.

After watching the live broadcast, we all know that it is not easy for non-professional players.

In addition to the interview, the program team also specially recorded a special video.

"The first thing a player does after a game".

Some people couldn't wait to take a hot bath, some ordered a lot of food, some opened a bottle of wine, and some fell asleep.

It was broadcast as a tidbit, and the click-through rate was very high.

The return of Ning Fang brought more laughter to the Huaxia team.

As long as he is safe, he doesn't have to care about anything else.

I simply ate something and didn't need to rest: "Old Hu, work hard, go outside and get a piece of wood and come back. It should be more than three meters long. It should be fresh, about seven or eight centimeters thick."

"it is good!"

Lao Hu got up, and Wang Kai took the initiative to follow along to help.

"What are you busy doing?"

Ning Fang found out the ball of thread for weaving the fishing net, looked back, and saw the other three standing behind him like followers.

"I'm busy with no work." Lao Zhang scratched his head: "It's been raining for the past two days, so I haven't gone out, so I'm free."

"Then sit on the side, you can't help with this job."

The three were obedient, and sat by the stove, their eyes still squinting.

"Do you want to make a gillnet?"

"Well," Ning Fang nodded: "It's going to be a month soon, and it happens to be raining. Prepare in advance, and you can put it down directly when you turn back."

"Gillnet, is it that easy to catch fish?"

Lao Zhang has also watched the video, but he still can't understand it.

The so-called gillnet is very simple.

Didn't Lao Hu and the others go to chop wood? That's the pillar.

What Ning Fang will do in a while is to weave a fishing net of about two square meters on top.

At that time, half of the wood is fixed on the shore, and the part with the net enters the water and is tied with a counterweight.

Time will do the rest.

"Of course it's not easy, but it saves effort!" Ning Fang explained patiently: "It's the same as a trap, no effort is required.

You go fishing and stay outside for several hours. If you get something, it’s okay. If you don’t have anything, it’s a waste of time.

Besides, the weather is cold now, even standing by the river, it might not feel good.

In theory, the income of gillnets is higher than that of fishing alone. "

Lao Zhang has the most experience, and he has been fishing a lot recently.

However, Mao hadn't seen it for a week.

If you live alone, or if you don't have any food, starve for six days, and don't GG, it's the end of your strength.

With gillnets, it is different. People can be freed to do other things.

"There is another advantage!" Nini said: "The gillnet is just like the fish basket we have on Golden Skull Island. It will bring anticipation. It feels like a lottery. It's very fun."

Lao Zhang can understand.

As mentioned before, in survival, there are not many things to be happy about, and taking gillnets will definitely count as one at that time.

However, be in a good mood.

Otherwise, there will be no harvest for several days and it will easily collapse.

"Is it a month so soon?"

"Indeed, it passed so quickly."

"I've already paid my salary once."

"I envy those who are paid."

"Ning Fang has been out wandering for several days."

After chatting for a long time, Lao Hu and the others came back, compared the length of the room, and measured it.
"Let's cook first!" Nini suggested, "Miss Avril will leave later."

"Oh, yes!"

Ning Fang is not in a hurry for this moment, the room is not very high, and there is a log in the middle, which is very inconvenient.

"You two have such a good relationship!"

Avril suddenly said something.

They are probably used to it. The young lady can clearly feel it from the perspective of an outsider.

After Ning Fang came back, the atmosphere in the entire sanctuary changed completely. Everyone talked more and smiled more.

The weather is bad, and the Lord will be outside, so he is naturally worried.

"Is there a bad relationship between your team?"

Nini was curious.

Avril shook her head: "It's okay, but only okay."

The audience could hear it quite clearly. The five players from Maple Leaf Country didn't meet each other before the match. Simply put, they didn't know each other at all.

Her personal training time is relatively short, plus the original personality relationship.

The relationship with the members is far inferior to that of the Huaxia team.


This also seems to be very comforting.

The conditions are limited, and nothing good can be prepared.

It's still broth, but with some wild vegetables added.

"Hey, we can still find wild vegetables at this time!" Ning Fang saw that Nini took out the black thing, and recognized it as dried wild vegetables at a glance.

"Avril Lavigne found it near our camp."

"Not bad!" Ning Fang praised: "Then what, Lao Hu, cut some wolf leg meat. After staying for a week, it's the last meal, so prepare more."


He simply stood up, and he realized that something was wrong. He looked back at Nini, and his girlfriend shook her head slightly.

What happened this week?
It's not suitable for asking at the moment, let's talk about it after dinner.

Simple broth, it doesn't take long, just put all the ingredients into the pot, and leave the rest to time.

Many viewers are extremely curious.

The word broth alone sounds delicious.

It's just that looking at the expressions of the members, it seems very ordinary.

However, some domestic bloggers with a keen sense of smell managed to obtain reindeer meat and cooked it in exactly the same way as the contestants.

The evaluation given is: the taste is completely different from what you imagined.

It can fill your stomach, but it has nothing to do with food.

This is the food that was evaluated as having nothing to do with gourmet food, and the six people ate all the food that they cherished very much.

And many viewers, drooling at the live broadcast as usual, thought it was supremely delicious.

Avril Lavigne gave two extra pieces of meat.

After she said thank you, she buried her head and ate everything, including the soup and meat.

Then, I started packing my personal belongings.

What happened next made Ning Fang even more curious.

In my memory, Lao Hu should have shown a little interest in Miss Sister.

As a result, he left immediately, saying that he would choose someone to send her off.

Avril Lavigne actually wanted Lao Zhang to accompany her.

After saying goodbye briefly, the two went out, and he couldn't help it anymore: "Old Hu, what's the situation?"

Old Hu smiled wryly: "It's just that there is no situation, so I let Lao Zhang send it."

He understood: "No, you stayed under the same roof for a week, and you didn't seize the opportunity?"

Old Hu stared at him without speaking.

"What do you see me doing?"

Nini replied leisurely: "Because, young lady seems to be more interested in you."


Ning Fang was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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