Chapter 433 Big Cat Says Thank You

Notice: Medical examination is coming.

The medical examination for the national war came later than expected.

But it's not too late, exactly one month.

There are the same rules in the national war: if the medical staff feel that the player is unwell and can no longer continue the game, they can let you withdraw from the game.

Why are they nervous? Many people rely on their bodies to hold on.

Constant lack of food supplements, malnutrition, and various other conditions.

It is certain that some players will be eliminated during the physical examination. As for how many players, you can tell just by looking at them.

The Huaxia team is under little pressure.

Everyone must have lost weight, including Ning Fang, who lost nearly ten catties while eating and drinking.

His amount of exercise is not necessarily more than other players.

Some teams really have nothing to eat and have to go out every day.

The Huaxia team has basically never run out of food, and their days are still going on.


I was a little flustered when I heard that there was going to be a physical examination.

In other words, I cooked a whole pike at noon, not because I was greedy and making excuses.

But in order to supplement different nutrients, you must eat.

If you eat too much venison and wolf meat, the fish looks extra delicious.

Especially, seasoning is added.

I'm not willing to use chili peppers, so there are only two taels in total, and adding one to the others is already a luxury enough.

After eating and drinking enough, taking a nap, the four of them went to look around, while Ning Fang stayed in the shelter and continued to fix the gillnet.

Even though he was paying attention, it still took more than three hours to mend a few more threads and finish the gillnet again.

The physical examination scheduled by the program group is at five o'clock, and the others haven't come back yet.

Not in a hurry.

Carrying the pole first, head to the lake.

"It's probably going to snow soon!"

On the way, Ning Fang glanced at the sky, it was gray.

Halfway through, the palpitations from last night came again.

he turned around

In the grass on the right,

A big gray and yellow cat is looking at himself,

One person, one lion, four eyes facing each other.

"Oh oh oh, shit!"

"The cougar is coming."

"It's the one that Lewis met last time."

"Meow meow meow?"

The main broadcast room discovered this scene and switched the screen instantly.

The Hungarian audience wept.

We didn't have many shots here, but today a player is not feeling well, and the doctor is explaining to him how you have been, and if you keep going, what might happen.

In other words, it is about to quit.

As a result, it was cut, and even a farewell scene could not appear.

The program team has no time to care about you.

The distance between Ning Fang and the cougar is too close. Judging by the naked eye, it is about 40 to [-] meters away.

The big cat looked directly at the Twolegs, and except for its ears turning from time to time, its whole body remained motionless.

The breeze blew lightly.

The grass in front of one man and one lion swayed from side to side.

Ning Fang couldn't understand the meaning of the big cat's eyes, but judging from its movements, it shouldn't be attacking.

Because there is no bending down, but a normal standing posture.

The ax and knife were all taken away by others.

At this time, Ning Fang was unarmed.

Here, big cats are protected animals, but they are allowed to be hunted if they take the initiative to attack.

The wisdom of the predecessors still makes sense.

Cougars don't take the initiative to attack humans. It seems that the big cat in front of them is more curious.

Don't be nervous, it's fake.

From this distance, within three to four seconds, he could probably rush forward.

five seconds,

ten seconds,

15 seconds.
"So nervous!"

"Run, big cat, the one in front of you is a ruthless man."

"So it's a confrontation now, let's see who will persuade first."

"Do you need a bow and arrow to shoot?"


Countless earphone parties were taken aback.

Ning Fang yelled without warning, transferred the wood on his shoulders between his hands, and rushed straight ahead.

Apparently, the big cat didn't expect this, turned around, and disappeared into the woods in the blink of an eye.


Ning Fang didn't stop roaring, and rushed all the way to the place where the big cat was just now.

But it can still be seen.

"I finally know where Lao Zhang's arrogance came from."

"That scares you away?"

"Big cat, say thank you, thank you for not killing me."

"The Huaxia team is more brutal than the other."

Audiences, whether they are domestic or foreign, witnessed this scene and constantly uttered various modal particles.

The players who can participate in Survival are indeed extraordinary.

Normal people think about how to escape, but he takes the initiative to attack.

Too bullshit.

The guests beside the commentary were at a loss for words.

Rarely, even for survival experts, has the opportunity to come face-to-face with a cougar at such a distance.

Most of them are observing from a distance.

And Ning Fangmang went up to scare the big cat away, and couldn't say anything except sighing.

Cougars rarely attack people, but that doesn't mean they won't.

In the confrontation, Ning Fang won the victory and scared away the opponent, which showed that it was the right choice.

However, how many dare to do so?

I thought that Ning Fang was at least excited and made some speeches.

After confirming that the big cat had left, he walked back with a calm face, as if nothing had happened.

big heart
Afraid, more or less.

However, after fighting the pack of wolves, Ning Fang's courage was tempered.

The fighting power of the five wolves must surpass that of the puma.

Moreover, the latter is much smarter and more cautious than wolves, and will flee first when encountering unknown situations.

Happy, definitely not happy.

There is a big cat near my shelter, even if it does not pose a threat to people, I still feel worried.

Without a word all the way, I came to the lake.

Another gillnet that had been lowered in the morning was picked up and inspected, but nothing was found.

I didn't bother to run far, the two nets were placed about ten meters apart.

When Ning Fang fixed the wood, there was the sound of a speedboat in the distance.

After waiting for a few minutes, the speedboat docked.

Ning Fang stepped forward to give a hand, and took several staff members off the boat.

The one who took the lead was Da Lao Hei, and the ones behind were, of course, the medical staff with all kinds of boxes and instruments.

"Ning, we have notified your team members, now go to experience, let them come first, you accept the interview."

On the way here, Mars received a notice from the director team and temporarily added an interview session.

"Oh good."

Although he didn't fight the big cat, the move to chase it away caused a lot of heated discussions in the outside world. It is estimated that he wanted to ask about his mood and thoughts.

"Don't worry, it won't come normally!"

Obviously, Mars knew what was going on and was on the road, watching.

"Although this is its territory, if something dangerous happened to it, it will basically never happen again."

Da Lao Hei showed his teeth and smiled, but he was still nervous.

Back at the camp, the four of them waited at the gate.

clap clap!

Ning Fang clapped his hands: "Captain Hu, stop chatting, let's talk about something.

I was out just now and I met a cougar. "

ha? !

Several people got up at the same time
No, you are too calm.

Those who didn't know thought that you went out and met an orange cat.

That's a cougar!
"what's the situation?"

Ning Fang stood here, indicating that he was fine, but the expressions on the faces of several people were not very good.

"Our area should be the territory of this big cat. I was peeped by it."

"And then, didn't attack you?"

"Nonsense!" Ning Fang glared at Lao Wang angrily: "If I attack, even if I don't die, at least I will be injured.

It was a confrontation for a while, and then I scared it away. "

To say that would be an understatement.

It seems that except Lao Wang, everyone else has the experience of facing a predator.

Lao Hu and Nini have seen grizzlies from afar, let alone Lao Zhang.

That kind of tension and oppression will make people's legs weak.

You are fine, just like a normal person.

"Don't be too nervous, it looks cute," Ning Fang smiled: "Just as I said, every time you go out, two people together, with weapons and horns, there will be basically no problems."

"Could it be that what you felt last night was a cougar?" Old Hu asked.

Ning Fang shook his head: "I'm not sure, I just feel like I'm being stared at by something. Let's talk about it in detail at night. Let's have a physical examination first."

(Thanks to Gouzi and Boss Lele for rewarding 2100 points, the boss will make a fortune!)
(End of this chapter)

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