Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 439 Old Zhang, Do You Eat Bark?

Chapter 439 Old Zhang, Do You Eat Bark?
The so-called good weather is also relative.

Still no sun, still cold.

There is real-time data in the upper left corner of the main broadcast room,

Remaining teams: 14,
Remaining players: 44 people,
Maximum temperature: 4 degree,
Minimum temperature: -9 degrees.

Two people go out, travel lightly, water bottle, axe, saber, bow and arrow.

Ning Fang has no fixed destination.

In the wild, there may be harvest at any time, or you may walk for a day without seeing a single hair.

The two still focus on traps.

In the morning, the traps that were set down were appropriately reduced, and some materials were recovered.

The land is too big and the snow is not thick enough.

If you want to find the footprints of rabbits, you need not only good eyesight, but also patience.

Perhaps, a slow mind will miss it.

There is another downside to lower temperatures.

Squirrels are rare.

When the weather is cold, they will reduce their activity. They can be seen every day regardless of whether they are caught or not.

Since it snowed and the temperature dropped, they all hid in their nests and slept soundly.

The nickname of Ning Song Rat Killer has almost been forgotten.

In the forest, you don't choose your prey, but what you have, try to get it.

No choice.

I had lunch early and set off early, so it would be a little bit more.

Walked for nearly two hours.

Just two traps, not to mention archery, Ning Fang's bow, there is no chance to get it from behind.

"Hey, I feel that Lao Wang's luck is still good. He left and couldn't catch his prey."

"Hopefully I can catch something today."

"It would be great to be a deer."

"Musk ox, a few hundred kilograms, take off directly."

"According to this trend, it is not bad to have a grouse."

In fact, the past few days have been the normal state of survival in the wild. It can only be said that the Huaxia team was too smooth before.

What do you want.

The audience can't accept it for a while.

It is commonplace for fans of other teams not to see their prey for a few days.

Ning Fang didn't just move forward blindly.

Feeling that it was almost done, he started to circle around, as long as he was out of the range of influence of the camp, even if he had been here before, it didn't matter.

Traveling, the purpose is different, the mood is also different.

If you are a tourist and come to the big forest with enough food and drink, it is called hiking, outing, and experiencing life.

Like the two of them, it's called survival.

For more than a month, the forest has also undergone considerable changes.

The trees became bare, the grass withered and yellow, coupled with the gray sky, the word depression is very appropriate.

"Ning Fang, is this bark edible?"

Lao Hu patted the pine tree beside him and asked.

"Well," Ning Fang looked up, "However, it's hard to swallow. If I'm reduced to relying on this to make a living, I think I'm about to leave the game."

"Can't I add some vitamins?" Lao Hu picked up a piece and looked it up in his hand, as if he wanted to take a bite and try how it tasted.

"A small amount, you can get it by drinking pine needle water, even if you eat a bunch of it in your stomach, it's useless.

We are not herbivores, we have such a powerful digestive system.

Those who are not used to it may have diarrhea and send themselves away directly. "

Hearing this, Lao Hu gave up the plan of tasting, threw it on the ground, clapped his hands, and looked elsewhere.

Forests are magical.

Logically speaking, with so much vegetation, it should not be difficult to find something to eat.

This is true.

However, there is a prerequisite, the climate.

In addition to winter, spring, autumn and summer, even if there are many competing animals, they can still find enough food.

It's cold, and everything is depressed.

Man cannot live off hay and leaves.

Can only try to find.

This time, Ning Fang has some regrets, the moose that the Lord General met during the challenge
But only for a moment.

Don't worry about it, it will only make you more uncomfortable.

The two wandered around until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and returned without gaining anything.

When we reached the camp, it was dark.

Today is another day of depleting inventory.

In the shelter, Lao Zhang took a saber and cut off several thumb-sized pieces of meat from a wolf's leg.

"Let's have more, that's all, it's not enough to fill your stomach." Ning Fang said after seeing him.

Why doesn't Lao Zhang want to eat more? For breakfast and lunch, there is such a piece of meat.

Even if you just lie down in the shelter, it's not enough to consume.

What's more, they are not idle.

"Don't you have to save it." He squeezed out a smile.

"When you are full, you will have the strength to work, and when you are finished, you will have the motivation to work!"

Ning Fang stood up, took the knife, swish, swish, swish.

I stared at the three of them dumbfounded, can it really be so extravagant.

"It's okay." He put the meat into the pot, and by the way, sprinkled some chili and pepper into it: "Tomorrow will be the same, Lao Hu and I will go out, you guys have a good rest today, just continue like this.

Then, get some firewood and put it in the warehouse next to it. "

Players survive most of the time like today, dull, busy, and without any gains.

It's interesting for the audience to watch.

First, stars, experts suffer, and fun.

Second, there are many live broadcast rooms to choose from, and there will always be some unlucky, exciting, and funny episodes.

How fun it is to quit a player every now and then.

Third, there are many people.

When watching a drama, you can’t laugh alone, but in the movie theater, some lines that are not particularly funny can still make you laugh out loud.

Finally, it is the most important point.

You have the home team.

Watching the game, the team or players who have support will obviously be more involved. Even if it is sleeping, they can watch it for half an hour before leaving.

After dinner, although it was still early, everyone went to bed.

"Hey..." Lao Hu was still sitting by the stove.

Stones burned in the fire.

I tried it before, and putting hot stones under my body can keep me warm in the middle of the night, which is very comfortable.

"Old Zhang, I found a piece of bark today, Ning Fang said it tastes good, but I forgot when I came back, I will bring you a taste tomorrow?
Old Zhang, why don't you talk? "

Zhang Yi was wrapped in the blanket with a wolf fur under his body, which made him feel a little dirty, but after using it for a few days, he got used to it.

She raised her head, glanced at him, and turned around as an answer.

"No, what does he mean!" Old Hu was puzzled.

"What Lao Zhang means is that he is not stupid"

Nini is tidying up her bunk, the first wave of stones is for her to use first.

"It's boring."

"How about something interesting?" Old Zhang Youyou said.


"You are now contacting the program group and announcing your withdrawal. Not only are we interesting, but the audience outside is also likely to be the same."

Old Hu: .
"Why is your mouth so vicious? What good will it do you if I leave?"

"I am Captain Zhang."

"Bah, I know you're uneasy and kind, and you've been coveting my captain's position for a long time, right?" Old Hu spat, "What's the use of being the captain? Who cares?"

"My pleasure!"

The three words of Lao Zhang blocked him back.

After a while, it was past eight o'clock, and there was almost everything that should be said and talked. Several people said good night and closed their eyes one after another.

Some viewers can understand slightly.

Why do those players who survived alone leave the game.

Even if the Huaxia team has four people, there will be a situation where there is nothing to talk about.

A person
Just think about how lonely it would be.

(End of this chapter)

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