Chapter 442 Huaxia VS Netherlands

At [-]:[-], all the remaining thirteen teams arrived.

No one gave orders, and each of them stood in a half circle according to the team.

More than a month ago, there were still [-] teams with [-] people.

What now.

The French team is the most conspicuous, the only one.

Four is too many for the Huaxia team.

A total of 42 people, 13 teams on average, only 3.2 people per team.

Ah, it turns out that I have walked so much!

Many people are sighing in their hearts.

No disdain, no joy.

Now, who dares to say how good they are?
Perhaps, they will be the next ones to leave.

Mao Ziguo and other full-strength teams are regarded as formidable enemies, of course, they have always been.

There are also a small number of players who are still curious about the Huaxia team and why Ning Fang has received attention.

In the cold wind, everyone still felt cold even though they were dressed tightly.

The Huaxia and Maple Leaf teams surrounded the two young ladies in the middle, and the camera was shown, which made many audiences praise.

"Good morning, noon, and evening, dear viewers, I am the host Howell.

The National War has been going on for No.30 for eight days. Behind me are the thirteen teams that have persisted until now, with a total of 42 players. "

Howell turned around.

"Come on, I think, as you who are not particularly professional, under the leadership of the general and with your own persistence, you can reach 38 days, and you deserve to applaud yourself."

Clap clap clap!

The contestants not only applauded, but also hugged and encouraged each other.

"No. 30 eight days, we ushered in the fourth variable.

I believe that not only the players, but also the audience are thinking about it.

What kind of link will it be?

First of all, today's variable consists of two parts."

The familiar box reappeared.

Howell turned around, looked around, came to the Huaxia team, and stretched out his hand: "Miss Nini, can I ask you a favor."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Ning Fang: "Please don't misunderstand."

Ning Fang smiled slightly and moved away.

Nini was led out.

"Help me pick two teams, they will be the opponents in the first part."

In an instant, everyone became tense.

Their fate is in the hands of Nini.

Crash, clatter, the hearts of the contestants are rolling up and down like balls.

It's not just that there are few people, or that the weak team is praying, even if it is a beautiful country, they don't want to meet Huaxia, Maozi.

Howell looked relaxed, and took the first ball that Nini took out.

It sold for a few seconds.

"The first team. Netherlands"

Ning Fang didn't know why he was clapping. Seeing other people clapping, he clapped too.

"come on!"

It was full of acquaintances, he yelled.

"The second team Huaxia"

Not deceiving at all, Christine staggered, and the smile on his face froze instantly.

Ning Fang was even more embarrassed, so he yelled to cheer up, but in the end, he became an opponent.


"Nini can still make effects."

"Is the ally going to change to the opponent?"

"This heroine is not weak, and she has been lucky recently."

Nini naturally knew that Ning Fang had made a verbal alliance agreement with the Dutch team.

She was apologetic and didn't know what to say.


The players on the side don't care about this, it's a good thing if someone makes a sample.

Apparently, the cheers from the Huaxia team were much higher than those from the Netherlands. More than half of the players from Maozi, Germany, and Pretty Country were cheering.

With no other choice, Ning Fang came to the host with the two behind.

Apart from Christine, the remaining members of the Dutch team also looked resentful.

What's going on!

"Everyone, please stand outside the red line and watch the battle carefully, because all the teams compete in the same competition."

A staff member sprayed a semicircle with spray paint. The main live broadcast room was probably afraid of being scolded, so he specially typed the subtitles:
The sprayed paint does not contain any chemical raw materials and will evaporate after a few hours without affecting the environment.

Hulala, the rest of the players moved, and each of them found a suitable place to watch the battle.

A long table was set up, with Howell standing in front, with the Huaxia team on the left and the Dutch team on the right.

"Everyone, please pay attention."

He took it out of his pocket and took out a wad of coins, all in denominations of ten yuan.

Slap, put it on the table.

Everyone is a little confused, what are you doing with the money?
Then, the staff at the side came up with a plate covered with a large round dining lid.

The left and right are the same, both are ten.

"Please ask the captains on both sides to open the lid in front of you, thank you."

Ning Fang and Christine heard the words and obediently uncovered the truth.

"What the hell."

"It's disgusting."


Contestants and spectators alike stretch their necks.

After it was uncovered, there was something the size of a duck egg on the clean white dinner plate, with black lumps on it, and red and white meat on the side.

"What is this?" Nini who was standing by the side frowned.

"Looks like the eyes of tuna." Lao Hu was not sure.

Howell answered.

"Dear players, during the 30-odd days of competition, they have had a hard time and have been in a state of malnutrition.

Therefore, our program team specially prepared food that is good for the body
Just like the tuna eye in front of the two, it is very fresh and weighs 210 grams, which is absolutely fair.

It is rich in fatty acids and various vitamins needed by the human body.

It is a very beneficial food for the human body.

All you have to do is to see who finishes eating faster.

After eating, you have to raise your hand, then open your mouth, and I say ok, which is considered a victory.

There are a total of ten foods, and each contestant must participate once. "

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the captain of the French team;
"Connell, congratulations, you can have a big meal."

The French general smiled awkwardly.
Although only one food was uncovered, everyone had a clue in their hearts. About the next nine were all disgusting foods like tuna eyes.

Today's variables do not require physical strength, but willpower.

Some things, if you don't feel hungry, you will definitely be able to swallow them.

Some contestants have already started to feel sick when they saw that the fish eyes they were about to eat were still raw and so big.

However, many people are looking forward to it.

I'm hungry, whatever it is, just bite the bullet and eat it.

These strange things, as the host said, are rich in nutrition, and they can only continue to compete if they eat them.

"Should we be thankful that Sakura Country and Bangzi Country have withdrawn from the competition, or else, eating eyes is definitely no match."

In the crowd, Xiao Lizi joked loudly.

Everyone laughed.

That’s right, the best place to eat tuna eyes is definitely in Sakura Country, I heard it’s quite expensive there.

The host also smiled.

"One thing to note here is that the food is random, and you won't know what's inside until you open it, so get on the players first, and then uncover the food."

The expressions of the contestants are different, with expectations, worries, fears, and hesitation.

"Of course, if it's just this little thing, it's a bit too petty to call it a variable."

Howell picked up the coins on the table again.

"There are a total of ten duels. The winning side will get a reward of 10 yuan each time. The losing side will get nothing. As for what the money is used for, we will reveal it later.

Everyone, "

He looked at the eight people on either side of the table.

"You all understand the rules of the game, right?"

Christine nodded.

She was relieved when she saw that it was for food. This project is considered a good one.

"Host, I have a question." Ning Fang raised his hand: "If you lose, can you still eat the leftover food?"

"Yes!" Howell nodded: "However, only the player can finish eating, and it is not allowed to give it to others, and it is not allowed to take it away.

The eyes of the first tuna have been uncovered and must be completed by the masters of both parties. For the rest, I will give you 5 minutes to designate strategies.”

Ning Fang burst into tears, and finally had something he understood.

This is the first time Blue Star has appeared, but it is not uncommon on Earth. In "Survivor", it has been played many times.

Why is it hard?

Because, even if he knew it, it was useless, and it couldn't help him in any specific way.

It's disgusting, it's still disgusting.

The four formed a small circle.

"Ning Fang, can you do it?" Lao Hu glanced at the sticky eyes of the tuna, thinking about the feeling of bursting pulp in his mouth, his hairs would stand on end.

"It should be fine, you didn't grow up by the sea." Lao Zhang then said.

"It has something to do with hair!" Ning Fang was speechless: "We can't catch tuna there. There are a lot of seafood, and they are all cooked. At most, we can eat fish fillets, eyes"

"I've seen people eat it"

Although Nini likes salmon and tuna very much, but only the meat is terrible to the eyes, let alone eat it.


"Stop talking!" Ning Fang sighed.

He really wasn't sure about eating this thing.

"The other side seems to be similar." Lao Hu secretly observed the situation of the Dutch team.

The expression on Christine's face was not much better than that of Ning Fang, probably for the first time.

"Tell me, why are these eyes so big!"

As I said just now, 210 grams, almost half a catty, well, I cut off the possibility of swallowing it in one bite.

"You just want to be good for your health!"

Ning Fang nodded, that's all he could do.

"What about the rest, of the four of us, two of us will have to eat one more round."

"It's okay, we'll see the status later." Lao Zhang glanced back at the ten plates: "I guess there is something more disgusting than fish eyes behind."

They were discussing countermeasures, and the other players were not just watching.

Generally speaking, I am satisfied with this kind of competition.

After all, you don't need to put in too much energy, you can still eat something to supplement your nutrition.

Especially Maozi, seeing the fish eyes, their eyes are shining.

The three of Wu Jing in the Huaxia live broadcast room arrived early, and they didn't need to introduce anything. The rules were very simple.

"Xiao Su, it should be fine for you to eat this eye."

Su Bingtian shook his head: "I guess I can't accept it, it's too much."


Wu Jing and Tie Tie said at the same time.

"Don't you Cantonese people know how to eat anything?"

Su Bingtian was speechless for a while.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the main generals of both sides took their positions.

Howell came to the two of them, reiterated the rules again, and made sure he understood.

The whistle sounded!

(Is there any boss who wants to name the chapter and change it, just drop it!)
(End of this chapter)

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