Chapter 444 Difficulty of SB

The two contestants looked up at the same time and found the same meaning in each other's eyes.

"What the hell is this?"


Lao Zhang pushed him aside.

"Don't exaggerate, well, there is such a big reaction after smelling it."

"Come on, come and try!"

Howell didn't stop him, just smiled and watched from the sidelines. The director told him what it was through the earphones, so he let the contestants hear it first.


Old Hu was worried that he wouldn't be able to smell it, so he opened the gap a little wider, and stretched out his hand to fan it.

Now, everyone is even more surprised, is the reaction so strong?


Howell was reminded by the director team that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is very good and there is plenty of time, so we can chat for a while.

"We invite a few players to feel it, who is willing."

Hulala, a group of people raised their hands, all curious about what it smelled like.

Little Li, Avril Lavigne was invited out.

The former was okay, he was looking forward to it, waving his hands with excitement on his face.

The young lady was completely passive and didn't raise her hand.

Who made the two of them more popular? Shouting out is more effective.

Lao Hu and the others stepped back temporarily and gave up their positions to them.


Don't get me wrong, this is Avril Lavigne's swearing. After Xiao Lizi heard it, she went crazy and laughed all the time.

"I know what it is."

He naturally knew how to make the effect, and did not say the answer.

Nini patted Lao Hu on the shoulder: "Come on!"


Thousands of words, turned into a long sigh.

Seeing that the situation was similar, the host counted down to three and asked the two to lift the lid of the meal.


Not only the audience, but also the contestants on the scene had question marks on their faces.

There was nothing else on the dinner plate, but a grayish-yellow thing, and for a moment, I couldn't tell what it was.

"what is this?"

"Is it fat?"

"It's impossible for fat to stink."

"I haven't seen it anyway."

"It looks like some kind of animal meat."

Howell solves the mystery: "This is Icelandic specialty, dried Greenland shark meat."

Many people suddenly realized.

To put it simply, this thing smells like a urinal that hasn't been cleaned for a few years, the smell of ammonia that can make you unable to open your eyes.

First of all, the urine of sharks is excreted through the skin, so urea will remain in the meat for a long time.

The treatment method is not complicated. Just dig a small hole on the gravel beach, put in fresh shark meat, fill the hole with sand and small stones, place large stones on top, and squeeze out the excess liquid in the shark meat. Press it out.

After 6 months of fermentation, the shark meat will be naturally rotten. At this time, the shark meat can be taken out and hung in a special house to air dry. During this long process, the surface of the shark meat will gradually become dark. Brown, with the smell of old urine, people dare not take a step closer.

Many tourists come here especially to try the taste.

The locals will kindly remind them not to smell, but to hold their noses and eat, but even so, 99% of the people will be defeated.

A gust of wind blows.

The players in the downwind position felt the power of the dried shark meat.

"Normal people can't even eat it." Xiao Lizi gave his assessment: "There are thirteen of us, ten of us vomited and the remaining two? Oh, we vomited before we ate."

Everyone looked at the two contestants with sympathy in their eyes.

"150 grams of air-dried shark meat contains a lot of nutrients. If you want to continue to survive, such a meal can provide a lot of calories."

Howell is serious.

"It's timed for 3 minutes. During this period, if one side finishes eating, it wins directly. If it doesn't finish eating, it needs to be weighed, including the remaining meat in the mouth, which must be spit out."

It seems that the program group is well aware of the power of shark meat.

"Try to eat as much as possible, thinking about being good for your body!"

For eating, teammates can't give any substantial help.

Ning Fang's fish eyes and this thing are no longer on the same level of difficulty.

The difficulty of the latter is S, and the difficulty of the former is B. It can only be done by him personally.

"Ready. 321 beep."

The moment they picked up the shark meat, the two contestants expressed their sadness.

The texture of the meat was as hard as it looked, so the idea of ​​swallowing it without chewing was lost.

Old Hu is most familiar with air-dried meat, so using it as a hammer is probably not a big problem.

He opened his mouth and gritted his teeth to tear off a piece of flesh.

good guy! ! !
Even if you pinch your nose, you can clearly feel the smell of ammonia in your mouth.

The contestant on the opposite side chewed it a few times, and even trembled all over.

Are you sure it's food?

A question popped up in Lao Hu's mind, is there really someone to eat it?
The more you chew, the stronger the taste, which constantly stimulates the tonsils and produces a nauseating reaction.

Or give up.
The thought came to him.

His brows were furrowed, he chewed twice, his eyes filled with tears, the taste in his mouth seemed to reach the sky, the hairs on his back stood up, the veins on his neck stood out, and his toes were bent at ninety degrees.

Nowhere in the whole body feels strong, every cell is resisting, shouting, throw up.


The player on the opposite side vomited.

Lao Hu didn't dare to look at him, stopped pinching his nose, put down the remaining jerky, and covered his ears.

It's been a long time since I've lived, when do I need to cover my ears when I eat?
"It's no good, I have a reaction after watching this part."

"My mother has gone to the toilet to vomit."

"Excuse me, where can I sell it? I really want to give some to my leader."

"Old Hu is lucky."

Neither of them ate fast. Firstly, the meat was really too hard, and chewing was difficult.

Furthermore, the more he chewed, the stronger the "fragrance", and he felt unprecedented sobriety.

It is this sobriety that can clearly "taste" the unique flavor of shark meat.

"Old Hu, hold on!"

"Eating two more bites is victory."

"Don't give up."

"come on!!!"

Lao Hu glared at his teammates angrily, I can understand you guys come on, but I can't understand at a distance of three or four meters.

"I won't eat, I won't eat, I won't eat!"

In the Huaxia live broadcast room, Su Bingtian said it three times.

Wu Jing laughed at the side: "I didn't say anything."

"The look in your eyes says it all."

"Hahahaha. Ga."

Wu Jing was smiling happily, when suddenly, there was a foul smell in the live broadcast room, and she saw a staff member with a stuffed nose bring up a plate.

"Three teachers, try it, the audience wants to see it."


Anyway, it was a webcast, and the requirements were not as strict as those of the TV station, so Wu Jing swears directly.

"You are actually ready."

Not only in China, but also in the live broadcast rooms of several other countries.

And their responses are more authentic.

Some could not bear the smell, and some disappeared from the camera after taking a sip, which proves the power of shark meat.

"What about Reba, I should let Reba taste it!"

Neither Reba nor her company expected that shark meat, which is completely unsuitable, would make her a hot search.

The game continues.

At this point, a minute and a half had passed.

150 grams of fish meat, two or three, if replaced with other meat, it is estimated that two bites can be eaten.

But now, they only settled one corner.

Lao Hu fell into confusion.

Instinct told him not to chew, or the taste would get stronger and stronger,

Instinct told him again, he couldn't swallow, he would vomit if he swallowed.

"Take a big bite, and then swallow it." Old Zhang was in a hurry.

Lao Hu took a deep breath and coughed and choked himself.

According to the rules, there is no drinking water.

He stared at the piece of meat in his hand for three seconds: "Fight."

Bite off a third directly.

While chewing, while pulling hair.

"30 seconds left" Howell yelled from the sidelines: "15 seconds left"

Players on both sides are working hard.

time up.
Old Hu kept staring at the time, distracting himself. With two seconds left, he swallowed what was in his mouth.


He didn't need to stop here, he had already opened his mouth. Obviously, the opponent hadn't swallowed it yet, and was pulled by his arm, and his mouth was not allowed to move anymore.

The players stood far away and couldn't see the result clearly.

Go straight to the scale.

Opponent remaining: 76 grams,
Huaxia team remaining: 53 grams.

"Huaxia Victory!" Howell announced loudly.

After finishing speaking, Lao Hu walked up to the members silently, and suddenly hugged Ning Fang and Lao Zhang: "Haha...ha."

A biochemical attack was launched.

"Damn." Old Zhang was so smoked.

Ning Fang cleverly held his breath.

Gulp, gulp, both of them were gargling their mouths frantically, and there was the sound of retching from time to time.

"You two, do you still need the rest of the meat?" Howell asked.

No accident, they were all shaking their heads crazily.

And then, Howell's words shocked all the players.

"Among all foods, shark meat is probably the third or fourth most unpalatable."

This can be ranked fourth?
Some people have guessed in their hearts that certain foods will inevitably appear in it, it depends on who has stronger willpower.

For the Huaxia team, it's a good start.

Three food items, all winners, three bills in hand.

The other teams were envious.

Because of the particularity of the game setting, it can be said that there is no distinction between strength and weakness in the current arena.

Maybe the lady next door weighs more than twice your weight, maybe it’s been many days since I had a proper meal, maybe I can’t even lift thirty pounds.

However, after standing at the dining table and opening the food, it is really uncertain who has the advantage.

Dwayne Johnson hasn't had a smile on his face since the announcement.

He can't eat these things.

However, if you don't eat, you can't win, and your heart is extremely entangled.

There was no rest, and the fourth players from both sides appeared on the stage.

Needless to say, the Huaxia team must maintain the momentum of victory. It is not wishful thinking to win ten consecutive victories in the eating game.

The Dutch team is even more eager to get the first point and boost morale.

And they also have confidence.

The one coming up from our own side is a big man, a player who can eat up to four big hamburgers, and on the opposite side, a little girl like a flower like a jade.

Hula, lift the lid.

Another amazing dish!
"I think Nini is going to lose."

"Are you sure you can eat this stuff?"

"Wow, you will get sick if you eat it."

"so many"

(End of this chapter)

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