Chapter 501 Fishing Piranhas

The anaconda's body was still writhing, blood gurgling.

Ning Fang looked at the river in front of him and was a little lost.

He remembered a picture.

In the Amazon river, there is the same terrible creature, the piranha.

Piranha, also known as piranha, because of its ferocious character, sharp teeth, and exaggerated rendering in various film and television works, many people turn pale when they talk about it.

Fierce, indeed very fierce.

But after testing by some bold people, it seems that if you don't provoke them, they will not actively attack humans.

The picture that Ning Fang thought of had nothing to do with these.

He has watched a lot of videos, where someone puts fat meat directly into the water, and in a few seconds, they can catch a dozen or more piranhas at a time.

say fishing

Not very accurate.

It was Yu'er who was reluctant to let go and was pulled up.

Kick too fast and the snake's head is wasted.

Ning Fang looked down at the writhing snake body.

Just do it.

Ning Fang stopped after peeling off half of the snake skin.


"This is terrible."

"Goose bumps."

"Then, meat is not edible."

Not only the audience, Ning Fang frowned again, it was so fucking disgusting.

Inside the white body was an unknown number of filament-like bugs of various colors wriggling non-stop, probably hundreds of them.

Snake meat is useless and cannot be eaten.

The main thing is that not all parasites can be killed by high temperature, and their vitality is very tenacious. If they are eaten into the stomach, something may happen.

Huaxia, the supporters of the German team, looked disappointed.

It's true that you need to score to win, but food is the basis of scoring.

With such a big snake, it is no problem to save some food for two or three days, which means that Ning Fang can be completely liberated to find teammates and get more points.

Never thought.
In fact, the probability of snakes being parasitized in the wild is quite high, but he didn't expect so many situations like the one before him.

Bell also said that unless you are going to starve to death, otherwise, it is not recommended to eat it.

The opponent is happy.

Hey, I can't eat the food, I can't get angry, I can't get angry!
It's not uncomfortable at all, it's impossible, such a big snake, how many calories can it provide, it's true that he can go hungry, but seeing that the food he has already grasped can't be eaten, there will definitely be a gap in his heart.

Since it can't be eaten, I don't care about it, I can't waste it.

He took off the cloth on his arm, tied it to the snake, and threw the bait into the river.

"He's not going to catch piranhas, is he?"

The audience quickly reacted.

"But Ning Fang doesn't like fishing and doesn't know how to fish?"

"Piranhas are a little different."


"In other cases, I might collapse. A snake this big won't be able to eat it."

Ning Fang is really not good at fishing.

This is the first time to use meat directly.

In my memory, those who caught piranhas with pork, after putting the meat in, the water seemed to boil, splashing a lot, and then dozens of fish were pulled up.

It's not difficult, as long as you have hands.

After he threw the whole snake in, there was no similar scene.

Can also understand.

There are piranhas in every river in the rainforest, there is no doubt about it.

However, depending on the number, it may not necessarily be in the vicinity.

When fishing, you have to concentrate and feel the feeling from the fishing rod and fishing line.

Use tree boas as bait to fish in the Amazon river, and there are many things to be careful about.

Such as crocodiles.

So Ning Fang didn't dare to slack off, and kept observing the surrounding situation.

The red streaks of blood quickly disappeared into the river, get hooked quickly, he was praying.

After 5 minutes, Ning Fang clearly felt the movement coming from his hand.

Stand up and pull back hard.


I couldn't see how many of them were there, but there were quite a few of them anyway, about the size of a palm, and some of them fell back into the water.

Ning Fang laughed and picked up the stick beside him.

One hit and one hit.

Sure enough, piranhas are still greedy.

Even after being smashed, the mouth still bites on the prey, and some terrifying fangs can be clearly seen in the mouth.

There are seven in total, the big one is half a palm, and the small one is about three fingers wide.

It looks similar to the pomfret that I often eat, except that the back is dark green and the belly is a little red.

"Wow, is this a piranha?"

"Look, the eyes are red, so scary."

"Isn't it possible to catch hundreds of pieces at once?"

"Hundreds of them, can you handle them? The rainforest is sweltering, and it will probably rot overnight."

"The mulberry elm that is lost in the east is harvested, the east is dark and the west is bright."

"It is safer to eat fish than snake."

"Have you ever teamed up to catch piranhas in the Amazon?"

This miraculous scene made the live broadcast room lively.

Ning Fang whistled, and patched another stick on the head. He dared to grab it with his hands only after he was sure he was dead. Otherwise, if he was accidentally bitten, he would lose a piece of flesh.

"The evening menu is here, grilled piranhas."

He went to the side to find a thin vine, and skewered all seven fish.

"Brother Beard, wait for Brother and I will catch fish for you to eat."

Seven fish, the largest is estimated to be about three taels, and the smallest one, with the internal organs and bones removed, is not enough for Ning to eat alone.

must go on.

The second time the fish was obviously much faster and more numerous.

Those viewers who were gloating at other people's misfortune were suddenly speechless. This must be the experience of finding a bug.

Bell explained.

Ning Fang is just lucky.

It is not so simple to really catch piranhas.

This area happens to have schools of fish.

He once fished on the Amazon River, changed several places, and had 0 catches.

In half an hour, Ning Fang closed the net six times and caught a total of 33 fish.

The parasites on the body are no longer visible, and the smooth body has also become pitted.

Ning Fang stopped.

After four o'clock, the shelter was not set up, the fish was not cleaned up, and all of them had to be grilled, which took time.

But the mood is really good.

He caught more fish today than in his two lifetimes combined.

Ning Fang believes that it should be his own luck and sixth sense.

When choosing a route, he didn't analyze it, but went by feeling.

If this tree boa was not caught, there would be no 33 piranhas.

Not to mention a point.

Yesterday was only half a day, today is the real beginning.

To have such a rich harvest is quite a morale booster.

"Man, thank you!"

Ning Fang hung the tree boa on the tree, this must not be taken back, for fear of attracting messy animals.

The best way is to dig a hole and bury it, and continue fishing tomorrow.

But the land in the jungle is not so easy to dig. There are too many roots of underground plants, and without suitable tools, it takes too much energy and is not worthwhile.

Of course he knows that hanging on the tree, [-]% of the time, he won't be able to see it when he wakes up tomorrow.

Nor can you point the tree boa through the entire game.

There is something to be desired.

Personal safety is more important than food.

However, Ning Fang's actions and gains in this half hour made many foreign black fans shut up.


This is the strength of last season's champion,

It's that man.

However, Ning Fang misses the saber a little.

The fish is not big, so it is quite troublesome to handle it with an axe.

For a while, I couldn't find a suitable tool, so I could only make a rough move.

Eat it yourself, it doesn't matter that much.

When the internal organs were thrown into the river, there was a lot of noise, probably those piranhas who hadn't left were grabbing food.

After cleaning up, Ning Fang didn't dare to wash his hands and fish here, but changed to another place.

It was already past five o'clock when we returned to the location of the shelter we had just chosen.

No time wasted.

Start the fire.

Overall approach.

Not only do we have to solve dinner today, but we also have to cook all the fish.

Otherwise, without waiting until tomorrow, it may rot and deteriorate within a few hours.

The sage that was picked before has another effect. It can be smoked and grilled directly in the belly of the fish, which can not only eliminate the fishy smell, but also increase the flavor.

He cut a few sticks and made a circle around the fire.

Fans who are familiar with the national war found that Ning's luck in food seems to have always been good.

At this point,

Some players, like Ning Fang, are preparing for a new shelter,

another part,

I haven't moved my location for the time being, and I'm still looking for food or supply boxes while it's still dark.

Because of the tools, most players eat wild fruits and vegetables.

Meat, not Ning Fang, he hadn't eaten it yet, and only three contestants had achieved the goal of eating meat.

They are a mouse and a snake.

In general, the status of the players, the points they get, and the eliminated personnel are all within the expectations of the program group.

It was a little over six o'clock.

Ning Fang built a shelter, finally sat in front of the campfire, and picked up the grilled fish.

During the working period, I could smell the fragrance all the time. After two days of hunger, I was already starved to death.

When he took a deep breath and was about to bite down,
Snack, Snack, Snack,
Suddenly there was a sound in the woods behind
(Ask for a monthly pass!)
(End of this chapter)

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