Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 503 Brother Beard fell from the tree

Chapter 503 Brother Beard fell from the tree
At 07:30 on the second night of the National War, there were 29 players left, and a total of five teams scored.

The two players meet, but, not on the same team.

Now, the two of them are sitting by the campfire, drinking tea, and preparing to be interviewed by the program team.

The players talked a lot to themselves, even if they weren't teammates, it would be nice to sit down and chat with each other.

Monte Yedi was very capable, and it took him 10 minutes to get his shelter.

What's more, all the firewood needed at night is done without Ning Fang's hands.

What he meant was simple.

He came to Ning Fang's territory by himself, and he was regarded as a guest.

In that exchange, everyone gets what they need. As for who gets the most money, it's hard to say at the moment.

Not important anymore.

Because it's over.

Since I came here, I should help with some work.

Discussions continue online, however, mostly among netizens in Ecuador and Britain.

Howell also asked Bell, if you, as a companion of Montyedil, knew that your teammate had exchanged arapaima's killing certificate for a meal, how would you feel?

"I can't give an objective answer.

After all, he is not a player now.

Also, this answer is subject to change at any time.

If you haven't found arapaima in the future, then the exchange is worthwhile.

But what if we met.
From Ning Fang's point of view, he may not feel that he has taken advantage of it.

After all, four fish can last for three or four days when needed.

In particular, it is still provided to the opponent.

In fact, as long as the contestants personally feel ok, you, me, the program team, including the audience's suggestions and opinions are not important.

They are the ones who survive.”

His answer received a lot of support, but this was obviously not enough.

So, after sitting down, the first question for the program team was: "Do you think this transaction is profitable?"

Montyedil spread his hands.

"I'm hungry and I need food.

no food,

My physical strength will decrease, my concentration will decrease, and maybe, after a short period of time, I will be eliminated. "

Ning Fang next to him smiled, and Montyedil is also a wonderful person.

Obviously, literally speaking, most people would choose the former for the killing certificate of arapaima, four small grilled fish.

Because they are not in the jungle, they cannot experience the true feelings of the players.

However, it is interesting that Monte Yedier is so fresh.

The program team does not intend to simply let him go: "Why not use Red Bull or chewing gum?"

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't say to use an axe," Monte Yedi pointed at Ning Fang's arm, "I think an interesting scene will happen next.

See which player has more yellow cloth strips in his hand.

Personally, I am a fan of Ning Fang, and it is an honor to meet him in the jungle.

Off topic.

When I saw the yellow cloth strip on his arm, I was not surprised at all. It is normal for the champion to get one point.

Oh yes, no digression.

I clearly remember that in the first season of the National War, the Huaxia team got three cans of Red Bull, but it took more than 40 days to drink them all.

It's only the second day, and I can assure you that Ning Fang's Red Bull must be in the bag.

He already has, then the attraction is not enough. "

"No, no, no!" Ning Fang interrupted: "If you take out the Red Bull, I will change it too, and quickly replenish my strength."

Red Bull Group smiled.

Ning Fang is the advertising spokesperson for the Huaxia Region, and it will last for two years starting in March.

Well behaved.

"Then I'll trade Red Bull for two fish with you?"

"no problem."

"Let me think about it all night." Montyedil was also laughing.

He was really moved. There were more than 30 fish, he took four, Ning Fang ate five, and some were still roasting, and he could smell the aroma all the time, which was quite tormenting.

However, a listen to Red Bull can bring a lot of energy.

If you change ten.
Ning Fang is absolutely not happy.

"Would you rather let you go?"

"Me? Of course I took advantage of it." Ning Fang laughed loudly: "Of course, this may be just a piece of waste paper. I may not be able to meet it. If I do, I have to think about how to capture it.


If I catch it," he put his arm around Montyedil's shoulder: "I'll treat you to dinner. "

"Just have a meal, then you can't take me to play in Huaxia for a month, dozens of kilograms of meat can make you spend a long time."

"no problem."

The audience didn't expect that the opponents in the competition could sit together and chat and laugh, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

Who can find teammates earlier among the two talked about.

Monte Yedi pointed to Ning Fang without hesitation.

"I have already left the initial survival area, and it will take me about a day to rush back for an hour downstream.

Of course, this might lead me to the crates that Ning Fang missed.

Who knows! "

"Ning Fang, what do you think?"

"Why did we come to look for it? It's very strange. Can't you let your teammates take the initiative?"

The interview lasted for half an hour, and it ended before the two of them had enough fun.

The meaning of the program group is that they don't want to disturb the players' rest.

As for the two of them, they wanted to pass the time.

After the interview, Ning Fang wrapped all the grilled fish with three layers of banana leaves inside and three layers outside.

Monte Yedi looked enviously, and simply lay down.

When Ning Fang packed his food and took out his sleeping bag, he was really sore.

After saying goodnight to each other, they closed their eyes.

No matter how good the sleeping bag is, Ning Fang can't let Ning Fang take off his clothes in the rainforest.

When it was getting dark, the appearance behind Mont Yedier made many people shudder, with more than a dozen leeches all over his body.

However, it adds a lot of security.

Soon, he fell asleep in the pot.

I don't know how long it took before Ning Fang was woken up.

Montyedil is ready to go.

"Ning, I'll help you fill up the kettle. It's all boiled water. Don't worry, drink it. I'm leaving first."

Ning Fang looked up at the sky, it was still dark, not yet five o'clock.

"You be careful."

"Well, I hope to have a chance to see you again."

Monte Yedi waved and turned to leave.

When Ning Fang woke up and could no longer see the other party's headache, he remembered that he had made a decision last night and gave him two more fish.

Now that I'm awake, I won't stay in bed anymore.

After finding a convenient place, I came to the campfire.

The kettle was full, and there were a few small flowers in the pot. He could recognize them as wild roses, and they were good for making tea.

Tired, someone is by the side, there is a sleeping bag, even so, Ning Fang woke up several times last night.

The jungle at night is so lively.

Meng Yedi was in a hurry to hurry, rather than worrying about it.

This will go out, the road can not be seen clearly, not to mention the danger, and it is easy to miss the yellow cloth belt and signs.

He drank tea slowly, and took out a pack of three piranhas for breakfast.

After eating and drinking for a while, the sky gradually became brighter.

"I think he's figuring out what to do next."

"Maybe it's precipitating."

"I still like Ning Fang with a long beard."

"Don't like it, famous grass has its owner."

Ning Fang just posted it for a while, but netizens interpreted it into hundreds of meanings.

When it's dawn, we have to start.

Ning Fang went to the river first, and no surprise, the tree boa he hung on the tree had disappeared.

With mental preparation, there was nothing to say, and he turned and left.

He didn't care what animal ate the anaconda.

The weather will be cool, Ning Fang is going to rush forward.

Calculating the distance, he covered a lot of kilometers in one and a half days, but the range was not large.

Five kilometers, if you haven't seen the sign and found someone today, you have to consider changing the direction.

Not only him.

The audience found that all the players got up earlier today.

On the first day, we all arrived in the afternoon, and everyone was in the stage of getting used to exploring. Facts have also proved that no team met.

The next day, I got a little familiar and started to move officially.

There are no more than three situations between the players, close, keep a similar distance, and stay away.

On the third day.

Everyone will feel, hey, I am about the same as my teammates.

Work hard, even if you don't get two points, you can still fight for the top few.

Tian Ning let go of the two with gusto, and his teammate Brother Huzi was not idle either.

The strategy of the two is that one is looking for and the other is semi-fixed.

Brother Beard is semi-fixed because he is holding a saber.

As early as in Binhai, he was already convinced.

Ning Fang showed that his understanding of the jungle was far beyond his imagination, and it can be said that he was very familiar with it.

There is no need to doubt his ability to survive, and he knows the jungle, so Brother Huzi has no complaints, so just wait.

However, these two days have not been purely waiting.

After disembarking, apart from making marks, he looked for a suitable shelter.

It didn't take long, found it, and started building.

Again, just a simple shelter.

Although we all know that it is unlikely that the two parties will meet in a short period of time, it is not impossible to spend three or four days, or even a week.

But at that time, he had already explored all the surrounding environment.

In other words, even if they meet, they have to leave.

The task is to score points, not to see who stays for a long time, there is no need to build the shelter too well, it is just a waste of energy.

Because I don't know where Ning Fang will come from.

Therefore, take the river as the starting point every day, go left on the first day, right on the second day, and move forward today.

Three directions, don't miss it.

Moreover, his marks are more than Ning Fang's, so that they can be seen easily.

Beard brother is not hungry.

The next morning, when I explored the road, I found a bunch of plantains that were not small, and besides that, there were some wild vegetables.

Unripe plantains are basically eaten by animals.

Cheap him.

Put it on the fire and roast it, and it is also delicious when served with wild vegetable soup with salt.

Moreover, when I woke up this morning, I also opened meat.

He used some plantains as bait and made several traps, one of which caught a mouse.

The skin was peeled off, the tail was removed, and the internal organs were removed, leaving only a little bit of meat.

However, Brother Beard was very happy.

Immediately put it on the fire and roast it, crunchy and crispy.

For veteran survivalists, eating a mouse is nothing.

With the intake of protein, Beard Brother feels that the whole person is more energetic.

same as usual.

Before setting off, he threw in a few pieces of wet firewood, and then built the fire with stones, leaving only a small hole.

Not just for preserving the kindling, too, for the smoke and smell from wet logs.

If Ning Fang happened to come nearby, I believe he would not miss it.

After finishing all this, Brother Beard clapped his hands in satisfaction, holding a knife, an empty bag, and a water bottle.

Today his goal and direction are clear.

"Ning, work harder, it's the third day.

Would we have taken only one point. "

Walking all the way, and thinking about it.

Brother Beard's popularity is still good, in the top ten.

Being handsome is one reason, being strong is another reason, and his favorite is popular science.

It's been that way since season one.

Whatever you see, don’t forget to educate the audience about what it is, what it does, what it is, and you must never touch it.

We set off at seven o'clock and chatted for two hours.

Brother Beard is still tireless.

This is his way of being.

He believes that if he cannot adjust his mentality, it will be difficult to face the difficult life of survival.

Reaching out to push aside the branches blocking the way, the bearded brother let out a sigh of relief.

Raising his head, he suddenly became excited.

"Hahaha, look, what I found." (a wild woman)

In front of him was a tree of indeterminate height, the size of a bowl.

Trees are not uncommon, even if they grow to 50 meters, they can only be regarded as younger brothers in the Amazon jungle.

The strange thing is the fruit on top.

"This is acai fruit, also called acai berry. It can be eaten raw, made into juice, or in any way you can think of. It is rich in polyphenols, iron, and dietary fiber. It tastes sour and sweet. I Already drooling."

The fruit is good, but how to pick it is a problem.

Acai berries also belong to the palm family and share the same characteristics.

The tree does not have any branches and is very slender. It takes some effort to pick the fruit.

cut off?

Don't forget, he has only one saber in his hand, and he wants to cut down this fifteen-centimeter-diameter tree.
"Although I am not particularly good at climbing trees, I can use natural materials."

After finishing speaking, Brother Beard went to the side, picked some vines and came back.

Wrapped around the tree twice and slipped his feet in.

"Next, show time"

Brother Huzi can understand the way he uses the vines to fix his feet on the tree, which is not easy to slip.

Just like that, one meter, two meters, three meters.
Just when everyone thought that he could pick the fruit smoothly.

An accident happened.

The knot he casually tied suddenly loosened, and the bearded brother let out an exclamation, and fell heavily from a tree several meters high.

The fall was so real that the audience in the live broadcast room heard it.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. No need to send someone over."

Clearly, the bearded man knew what might come next.

After lying on the ground for a while, he slowly sat up.

"Are you really all right?"

The bearded brother suddenly turned his head.
(Ask for a monthly ticket!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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