Chapter 210
After a while, there was a group of people, oh no, a group of ghosts came from the dark with the help of a group of ghosts, cupped their hands and said, "Thank you immortal for saving us from danger."

Two days later, those errands who guarded one side will disappear in the world.

Chen Shui didn't say anything else, after accepting their gift, he said: "Send the people in the city away."

The City God stepped forward and bowed again: "Immortals are very kind! I wonder if I can order a piece of spiritual incense for them to guide the way?"

Chen Shui nodded slightly, and not only lit the soul-inducing incense, but also took out the spirit fruit, spirit wine and yellow paper from the storage ring, and recited the mantra of rebirth for the unjust souls in the city:
The imperial edict of the Supreme Being surpasses your lonely soul.

All ghosts and ghosts are blessed by the four lives.


When the ghost messenger was summoned, he was stunned to see nearly a million souls, and he said to the City God: "You call people again, there are too many ghosts and I can't finish them all.

Also, with so many mortals dead, why didn't you report it in time?
No matter how chaotic we are during this time, we will receive them in time. "

The City God hastily handed over his hand, and quietly compared his merits and virtues to those of ghosts, and then told the whole story: "It's hard to explain in one word,... In short, please give a good word to the King of Hades."

The ghost messenger accepted: "It's easy to say."

The City God summoned another ghost messenger, and while waiting, he asked this person: "Is the messenger busy recently?
To tell you the truth, I am afraid that there will be no people in this city in the future.

I'm still thinking about going back to the underworld to find a job with my brothers in the temple. "

The ghost messenger thought for a moment, and said: "A hundred years ago, there was a ghost king who failed to cross the tribulation, and the little ghost kings under him refused to accept each other, so they fought."


"Then many places in the underworld that were connected to the Yang world were broken, and many ghosts escaped to the Yang world."

On the surface, Chen Shui didn't watch their movements, but actually listened to them without saying a word.

Could it be that the ghost bird forest is also a place?It's not good for him to inquire about this with the ghost messenger, he just hopes that they will catch the ghost who escaped from the underworld as soon as possible.

When the second ghost messenger arrives, the two ghosts work together to open the ghost gate.

Qing Gai, who had just finished sending off the ghosts in the city, asked Chen Shui, "Can you still command the ghosts in the underworld?"

"It's not an order, I learned it in Ghost Cultivation City." Chen Shui set up a stall in the underworld to draw symbols, but it wasn't really just a practice stall.

As soon as he finished speaking, a black ray of light flew towards him quickly.

"Who are you? Tell me your name." Jimo Qingyun asked immediately as soon as the Ghost Saber came out.

Chen Shui threw a formation plate to protect the Town God's Temple: "It doesn't matter who I am, you are from the Jimo clan, a family of magic cultivators in Tangyao world?"

"Ask if you know?" Jimo Qingyun's ghost knife slashed at one stroke, "If you don't want to say it, die!"

As soon as the ghost knife moved, the dark wind came, Chen Shui glanced at it indifferently, it was a lightning arc knife when he jumped on the ground and flew into the air.

click, boom

"Ah!" Jimo Qingyun's Ghost Saber slashed halfway, and was about to run away with his head in his arms.

What are ghosts most afraid of, Ray!
But countless purple thunderbolts danced wildly from the sky, Chen Shui basically didn't use the second trick, and the smoke from this ghost cultivator who advanced in sorcery disappeared.

To be able to cultivate to the ghost cultivation of Nascent Soul, there is still something in the storage ring.

Chen Shui had seen the jade slips inside, and when he asked the City God, he realized that this was the Hollow Realm of the Seven Luminaries Heaven.

He remembered that Juewu once said that there are more monsters like butterflies in the Dongming Realm and its adjacent Gonghua Realm.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the spirit world first...


Not to mention how the ghost messenger invited by the city god led the soul into the underworld, and how Chen Shui found the teleportation array between the cave and the spirit world.

Just saying that after Shen Guanyu was rejected by his permanent residence in Yanghuntang, he didn't say that his master went to the underworld.

One is that this matter is related to the Xing Xingcao and she can't explain it clearly, and the other is that Master's soul lamp is in good condition, and she believes that with Master's ability, it is difficult for ordinary ghosts to cultivate.

And her current strength is too low, even if she finds the entrance to the underworld, she dare not go to Huangquan to look for the Breathing Stone.

When she left, she took a special look at Master's soul lamp and said, "Master, can I go to Jiyuan with Master Zhang and Master to deliver the soul beast?

I miss Master, and he must also miss me and Ao Xian. "

Ordinary residence is still not allowed: "Because of Cang'er's return, there has just been a shock, your cultivation base is too low to go.

Besides, your master and the others have to measure several mine veins, and they may not know where they will be, so it is difficult to meet them.

Next time, when you can reach him, write to him yourself.

Now go back to Xiang Zhunfeng and practice hard. "

Then, Shen Guanyu, who had to ask for instructions even to leave the gate of the sect, really practiced in seclusion for a month.

Of course, monks do not always sit still in retreat.

She practiced a few weeks a day, and when her spiritual power reached the limit of her meridians, she would stop to punch, look at the jade slips and then draw symbols, or engrave formations with array plates.

In short, apart from sleeping, Shen Guanyu didn't let himself be idle.

After she left the customs, she and Ao Xian ran to Xiyu Mountain to hunt monsters, and prepared a lot of monster meat for parents to send.

Li Chuan, who was basking in the sun, clicked his tongue several times in a row: "You remember that you have a pair of parents who can't get out of bed.

It really complied with the saying that there is no filial son in front of a long-term sick bed. "

At the beginning of Xia, he saw Shen Guanyu take the serving of spiritual meat porridge away from him, and raised his eyebrows and smiled.

After careful recuperation, although she can't move as usual now, most of her body can move like Li Chuan.

It's just that I can't walk on the ground with my feet. I heard that Xiaoyu's brother Zhang Jun can go to the ground two days ago.

She said: "Li Chuan, you must have a conscience.

Before Xiaoyu retreated, she went to find Senior Sister Xiang and Xun Hui who were good friends with her to take care of you and me.

Every few days, there are disciples from Lingquan Peak who come to help with medicinal baths. How come you say it's unfilial again? "

Shen Guanyu nodded heavily: "Yes, I also said that I will go to the market to buy some things for you later, it seems that Dad doesn't need it anymore."

"Just handle me!" Li Chuan also replied: I don't have a long memory.

In the end, I had to make a list and ask Shen Guanyu to buy it.

Yushanfang City is far away from Shen Guanyu in the Qi refining period, but she can fly with a sword in the foundation building, and she will arrive soon.

First I bought what my parents needed, and then I went to Tianma Escort to send some things to Ah Tian and a few friends.

Ao Xian hasn't been here for a long time, and I really miss the days when he and Zhuifeng went shopping with Master.

It said: "Shen Guanyu, there is a shop over there that sells siu mai and whitebait, let's go buy some.

It just so happens that you drew a lot of talismans this month, we can sell the low-grade and middle-grade ones. "

"The talismans I draw will be accepted by the sect, and the price is the same as outsiders." Shen Guanyu basically draws middle-grade or high-grade talismans, and there are very few top-grade and low-grade talismans.

"However, let's go buy something to eat."

"it is good."

The two of them happily bought siu mai to taste, and suddenly saw a group of monks surrounded in front of them.

Ao Xian was so lively that he had to go to see it, so Shen Guanyu squeezed into the crowd and found a young monk holding a sword in one hand and a drunken old monk with the other.

"You old liar, I found you. I asked a craftsman to help repair the fairy sword dug out of Guxiu's cave, but they said that the sword was not good.

Old liar, you pay me for the spirit stone and marrow washing pill. "

(End of this chapter)

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