Chapter 217
The cold hairs all over Shen Guanyu's body were standing straight, and the person opposite him was no ordinary alchemy cultivator.

Fortunately, just in case, she left Ao Xian in the room when she came out.

She cupped her hands and said, "I have seen Senior Dan Tuzi."

Hearing Shen Guanyu's voice, Ao Xian quickly brought Senior Sister Xiang and the four of them into the medicine garden space of the alchemy furnace.

At this moment, it didn't dislike the pill furnace so much. Occasionally, this medicine garden is still useful.

Wan Fang, who was cultivating in the Huazhan Cultivating Soul Jade, was also awakened by the sound of Dan Tuzi. Now she is confined in the Jade, and she can hear what is said outside, but cannot see what is going on outside.

She thought to herself: I hope that the foundation-building disciples of the Taiyi Sect can escape the siege of the disciples.

Ao Xian flew stealthily onto Shen Guanyu's shoulder, looked ahead, and saw that Dan Tuzi standing far away in the air and said:
"Shen Guanyu, I'll give you a chance to kill yourself, otherwise, if you don't understand the poison of your fellow brothers and sisters within two hours, it will turn into a puddle of blood.

The body and soul are gone, the kind that has no afterlife. "

"Is he stupid?" Ao Xian complained.

Shen Guanyu replied, "I'm afraid I'm afraid I'll blow him up again with Master's Purple Thunder Saber.

You see, how far he is two miles away from us, it will be better than the limit of spiritual consciousness in the later stage of foundation establishment.

This is to know your existence and deliberately stay away. "

Then she said to Dantuzi again: "Senior, do you think I look like someone who can commit suicide?
Why don't we have a discussion, you let us go, I will give you what spirit herbs are needed to refine the broken limb regeneration pill. "

As she spoke, she stretched out her right hand, with a thunderbolt lying in her palm, "Otherwise, we will die."

Tianlei can blow up the formation a bit, but it can easily destroy her own cloud piercing boat. Both are very expensive, and she is reluctant until the end.

On the contrary, she has spiritual herbs in her medicine garden, and also picked them in Tiger's Yifu and Cang'er in the past.

Dantuzi's pupils dilated slightly. In the past, he could make a furnace of pills casually, and he could exchange for a box of Tianleizi.

But in recent years, because he accepted the task entrusted by Yuyuan to dig the wind spar mine in Xiyu Mountain, he was recruited by the Immortal Realm, and he couldn't even get the elixir for refining a broken limb regeneration pill.

He snorted coldly and said: "You are not going to save your senior brother.

And because of his enemies, he dragged them to die together. "

Shen Guanyu raised her eyebrows, and if she didn't take the next step to change the formation, it meant that the other party was moved, she said: "The antidote given by the senior, forgive me for not daring to use it.

I have a regeneration pill on me, even if I think about it, seniors will not be able to use it. "

"Use it!" Pill Tuzi knew that Shen Guanyu couldn't make pills, and I heard that all the pills on his body were bought.

Shen Guanyu patted the storage bag, and there was an extra pill bottle in his hand, "I'll hand over the pill, you close the battle."

Dan Tuzi: "Take two more Tongtiancao and Doushuangcao that are more than 1000 years old."

These two kinds of spiritual herbs are very unorthodox, but they are indispensable for refining regeneration pills.

However, there happened to be one in the medicine garden, but the spirit energy in the medicine garden was not enough and the quality was not good, so Ao Xian transferred two plants to Shen Guanyu.

Shen Guanyu pretended to flick the storage bracelet again, took out two jade boxes and said: "There is only one plant for each."

"Throw it over here." Dan Tuzi saw that the box she opened was indeed what he wanted.

Shen Guanyu disagreed: "I called three two one, you shut down the magic circle."

Dan Tuzi lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment: "You can still teleport away yourself, how many flower cups are okay?"

The bad thing is, after this girl rushed out of the barn, she opened the formation that isolated the consciousness inside, and now he can't see the state of those few foundations.

In fact, as soon as the poisonous boat was intercepted, when he knew that there was a disciple of Zhenjun Shende inside, he already knew that he couldn't really kill the people on the boat today.

Otherwise, I will completely annoy Taiyizong.

Shen Guanyu smiled and said: "Senior, I heard that you entered the world of cultivating immortals from the medical hall in the mortal world.

And I have read the records, every time there is a plague in some places in the mortal world, you will try your best to save mortals. "

This is also the reason why the Zongmen replaced Bu with Zhui Dantuzi instead of issuing a killing order.

Dan Tuzi curled his lips, and said, "I am a real person who cultivates his own mind, not in vain.

Don't waste your time, give me something.

And the little dragon king beside you, let it come out, don't try to reverse and break out. "

They don't kill people, but these two Nascent Souls are personally heirs, and they are rich in wealth, so they can support themselves.

Shen Guanyu knew it was not going so smoothly, after all, he blew up one of his arms, and this grudge cannot be solved with a pill.

She must release the magic circle while handing in the elixir, "Senior, do you know what we are doing?"

Dantuzi was impatient in his heart, but the little girl had Tianleizi in her hand, if she threw one down, he would be injured if the formation broke.

He said: "It's just catching ghosts and cultivating, what can we do?"

"The place we are going to is Chu State, which is located between Taiyizong's jurisdiction and the Cultivation Alliance." Shen Guanyu stared at him and said, "It is just across the river from your hometown Song State.

There are many ghost cultivators in the state of Chu, so how do you know if there is one in the state of Song? "

"You bring out another million spirit stones, and I'll let you go." Go out.

Ao Xian said indignantly: "He's going to overdo it. There's no such thing as a doctor with a benevolent heart."

Shen Guanyu said, "Okay. I can give you 30 first, and I will give you the rest."

"Hehe..." This is the first time I heard that IOUs were paid for life, "You come down from the deck by yourself, and the little dragon king also comes out."

"Ao Xian, show him you." Shen Guanyu sent it to it with his thoughts at the same time, "I'll finish calling in a while, you come into the Dragon Ball space."

"I really don't want to leave the cloud piercing boat that hasn't been used for a long time." Saying this, the dragon body lying on Shen Guanyu's body has actually been revealed.

Dan Tuzi chuckled, is it a blue dragon body?The blood of returning to the ancestors is very pure, and dragon blood can make alchemy.

Seeing him staring at her, Ao Xian said annoyedly: "Friar of Danjie doesn't look straightforward at all."

Dan Tuzi returned to God and said, "Call it, I agree."

Shen Guanyu immediately raised his voice: "Three, two, one."

With a single word, the formation that trapped Chuanyunzhou opened a small path.

Shen Guanyu gritted his teeth and flew away from the deck with his imperial sword, while Dan Tuzi also flew forward in the air.

As soon as the two got close, Dan Tuzi stretched out his hand to grab the jade box and the pill bottle, and suddenly hit a palm wind with fire and spiritual power, and then a spiritual net followed and rushed towards Shen Guanyu.

Shen Guanyu threw out a lightning talisman, and the wooden escape talisman in her hand was also activated at the same time. Before she left, she used her spiritual sense to control the cloud piercing boat to crash into the spirit net and explode.

Dan Tuzi: "..." Damn it, it's another move, but it works.

With his remaining arm, when he grabbed a bottle of elixir, he couldn't free his hand to catch Shen Guanyu who was running away.

bang, bang

The cloud piercing boat is a low-grade magic weapon, comparable to the spirit net. The power of the weapon's self-explosion overturned the surrounding trees, and the formation was broken.

Dan Tuzi held onto a bottle of elixir in vain, and after flying far away, he turned around again, and there was no sign of Shen Guanyu.

He thought: There must be no one on the Yunchuan Zhou, but where did Shen Guanyu put them?Is it in the portable universe room?

Pill bottle opened, empty? !

"Smelly girl! How dare you!"

(End of this chapter)

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