who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 247 Awards

In the secret realm of Luoyu Mountain, Shen Congyun, who pointed out that there were treasures everywhere in the secret realm of Chenshui, suddenly had a feeling in his heart.

He quickly stepped into the forest of steles: "Help me protect the law."

Chenshui shrunk to an inch and stretched out more than ten feet, forming an array with lightning protection grasses. "Senior, please, within a radius of ten feet, you can avoid thunder and lightning for half an hour."

When Shen Congyun nodded slightly, he touched Soul Sea with his right thumb, and began to write with his left hand and the air.

The words on his side slowly appeared in front of the golden body of Xianglong City God.

The scene that Shen Guanyu saw just now disappeared like a mirror image.

Whether it's the young man who looks like my father or the master, I can't see them all.

She nervously stared at what appeared in the circular pattern: Thunder Dragon Stone in Luoyu Secret Realm of Dongming.

These words were only fleeting, but Judge Cui Tang, who cast the spell, fell to the ground as if he lost his support, and the fairy sword fell to the ground with a bang.

He said: "You immediately go to your teacher and send someone to the Dongming Realm to retrieve your Thunder Dragon Stone from the Tiannan Realm."

The words are very simple, but Shen Guanyu knows how easy it is to retrieve things that have entered the secret territory and are in other people's realms.

However, these are not important, what is important is that she knows that everything is safe with Master.

Shen Guanyu said: "I will send a message to the sect immediately, and ask the judge to open the restriction on the hall."

Just now, before Judge Cui cast the spell, he isolated the entire Town God's Temple into an independent space.

The people who passed by nearby couldn't see the spiritual lights scattered over the temple at all.

She saw that Judge Cui was a little bit out of strength at this time, and amidst the urging and thoughts of fleeting years, she took out two jade boxes and said: "Gastrodia japonica, East China sea three-headed fish."

They are all top-quality spiritual objects that quickly replenish soul power and qi and blood, and can be eaten directly.

These two items were given to Shen Guanyu by the ink ink demon king when she left from Xingyun Island.

They all grow in a specific environment, one requires strong soil spirit, and the other needs strong water vapor.

It used to be the favorite of the tenth-rank monster, and the monks who transformed themselves into gods craved it.

If you take it to the secret market, the monks after the Yuan Dynasty would have to buy it at a price. For those who have cultivated above the gods, these two things are also effective. .

Judge Cui took Tianma Feizhi unceremoniously, but the fish did not move: "I don't eat raw."

Lu Youshen rubbed his hands aside and took it, "Judge, let me roast it for you, just divide the fish tail into pieces."

"Hmph, do you know why this little girl gave me these two things?" Judge Cui cast a sidelong glance at Shen Guanyu.

Lu Youshen looked at Shen Guanyu who was standing with his hands down, looking at his nose and heart, and asked, "Her master is with the Chenghuang?"

Judge Cui was condensing Tianma Feizhi Liquid, but instead of answering, he asked Shen Guanyu, "If you have anything to ask me, this is the only chance."

Shen Guanyu's hand that was hidden under the sleeve tightened, and Fleeting Nian kept urging, but she stretched out a breath stone in the palm of her hand, "This junior wants to send a senior straight into human reincarnation."

Judge Cui swallowed the liquid medicine just as she bowed and stretched out her hand, then closed her eyes and meditated.

Lu Youshen pointed to the three-eyed fish in the jade box in his hand, and made a wine cup gesture.

Shen Guanyu realized it immediately, quickly took out a set of grills from the storage ring, and lit the spiritual fire in twos and twos. In a short while, the whole hall was filled with the fresh and tender fish fragrance.

The judge opened his eyes and gave up eating three small seven-inch fish, "Bring it here."

He only snapped his fingers twice, and the restriction in the temple was naturally lifted.

Shen Guanyu offered it respectfully: "Can't the juniors go and have a look together?"

"Huangquan is too cloudy, if you are in the alchemy state, you can go there.

But you are the foundation builder, so it's best not to go. "The one who answered her was Lu Youshen who sucked up a whole fish and didn't even let go of the fish bones, "What's more, even if you send the Breathing Stone to the side of the Underworld, you can't enter the Temple of the Wheel.

You still have to find someone from the underworld to bring it in, and it costs more than a few fish and ganoderma. "

His eyes conveyed a meaning: please use the judge, you have taken advantage of it.

Shen Guanyu looked at the senior who was lying in the palm of Judge Cui and had never said a word to him, and secretly said: "Senior, I wish you to be reborn into a good family, and the future will be smooth."

She took out the Ten Thousand Miles Communication Talisman, penetrated it with her spiritual sense, picked and picked and recorded the ghost cultivators and stone pillars she had encountered before, and mentioned the Thunder Dragon Stone and the location of her master emphatically.

Then as soon as the spiritual power was sent, the communication symbol turned into a flash of spiritual light and flew away.

After a while, Judge Cui left the palace, and the voice of fleeting time came: "I accept your good words, and tell Xiao Aoxian that I will meet you in the fairy world in the future."

Shen Guanyu chased after two steps, but the judge was nowhere to be seen.

She bid farewell to Lu Youshen, "Senior Lu, here is the Wanli Communication Talisman imprinted with my spiritual consciousness.

If you have seen ghost Xiu appear near you recently, please send a message. "

"It's easy to say." Lu Youshen accepted it and said: "That little friend Shen, when the City God returns, please speak a few words of kindness for me in front of him."

Shen Guanyu laughed and said: "Senior Lu holds several positions by himself, and he is diligent and diligent. A few words from me won't be worth a ten-thousandth of your credit."

"Hahaha~~" Lu Youshen felt very relieved when he heard this, and even mentioned that she could wait for Shen Congyun to return and bring the fairy sword to practice.

However, the Nascent Soul cultivators who gathered in front of the Sound Transmitter for face-to-face communication were not so comfortable.

The reason was that the communication amulet sent back by Shen Guanyu was announced by Chang Ju.

Everyone didn't say anything, but murmured in their hearts, Taiyizong discovered the second of the nine dragon stones, and there is no way for people to survive.

Mr. Yuan Chuxing didn't care who discovered it or how he discovered it, he said happily: "The award must be awarded to Shen Guanyu."

Guiyuan Zong Lieyang Zhenjun mentioned: "Changju, your disciple's luck is also a bit wonderful, and the victory by chance can be regarded as a fluke in the same rank.

Maybe when, she will find out the whereabouts of all the dragon stones.

How about asking her to tell everyone about her experience of encountering Longshi now? "

Is this trying to push Xiaoyu to the opposite of all monks of the same rank?
Chang Ju's eyes darkened, he glanced at him and said, "Sect Master Lie Yang is joking.

It's just a coincidence, she, a child who is not even in the middle stage of foundation establishment, has a very good chance.

It's nothing more than teleporting to Cang'er once and getting some spirit stones and spirit grass. "

When Lie Yang wanted to confuse the public with the cooperation between Xingyun Island and Taiyi Sect in mining, Changju said without pause: "Our Xiaoyu, from the master to her own, is working hard for the stability of Jiyuan. .

He also made a bold guess about the location where the Dragon Stone appeared.

If you have time to envy her, a disciple who has never even entered any of the secret realms of qi refining in the world of cultivating immortals, it is better to send more people to find these speculation points. "

Someone was very concerned: "How to get the Thunder Dragon Stone back?"

Another humane said: "There were Nascent Soul Dzogchen who went to the spirit world before, we can send someone to inform them to go to the secret realm of the cave world."

"Who will go and who won't?" Another snorted, "We don't have many Leilingen monks, but the Thunder Dragon Stone is very easy to find in places full of thunder power. It is difficult for ordinary monks to get close, let alone bring back?"

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