who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 249 Water

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Shen Guanyu's backhand was a random teleportation talisman that was activated on his body.

"Be careful behind you!" Ao Xian already felt a huge force coming.

Shen Guanyu has been wrapped in the teleportation aura at this moment, she can't affect the teleportation by flying at this time.

So the leg outside the well pushed back, and the foot that stepped into the well was retracted, and he neatly drew a straight line by the side of the well.

The fire talisman in his hand was thrown in four different directions.

boom boom boom

The wandering spirits and ghosts approaching around were immediately cleared away.

And just when the teleportation was about to be completed, a red arrow shot from the slanting stab, Shen Guanyu could see it clearly in his spiritual sense, it was a wonderful statement!

When the teleportation aura was hit, she threw a thunderbolt without hesitation.


Shen Guanyu didn't know the life and death of the witty words, and after hearing a tragic sound, he was also involved in the well of ghosts and sorrows because of the destruction of the teleportation talisman.

Not long after the endless darkness hit, both she and Ao Xian fell into a coma.

But the two of them never saw that the Star Grass was shining green and starry, opening a passage for Shen Guanyu to nowhere...

At the same time, the first outer door of the Taiyizong Yanghun Hall and the second inner door student's soul lamp suddenly had lights flickering on and off.

The monk who first entered to guard the soul lamp frowned. Are there any outer disciples about to perish?

And the guard who entered the second time quickly rang the soul chasing bell, which alarmed the suzerain Changju who was watching the suzerains and patriarchs compete for places.

She swept the chasing soul jade, and immediately said to Yousheng: "Junior brother, do you want to run?"

"No problem." As soon as Yousheng came out of the hall, the light under his feet had just extended, and he saw his little apprentice Su Changwen Yujian flying towards him and said, "Master, it's the soul lamp of Junior Sister Xiaoyu..."

With his yelling, Chang Ju and Shen De in the hall rushed out at the same time, and all three Nascent Soul cultivators disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Changwen slapped his hand to cover his mouth, and murmured: "I mean, Junior Sister Xiaoyu's soul lamp went out for a moment, and then suddenly turned on again."

He looked left and right, and immediately flew towards the mission hall in Waifeng to pick up the mission. He had better get away from the eyes of his master and uncle first.

Alas, I don't know what strange things have happened to Junior Sister Yu, I hope everything goes well for her.

Don't let Master Chen Shui come back from Jiyuan, and he won't see his junior sister again.

At this time, Chen Shui didn't know which of Shen Congyun's juniors had an accident, he was only curious about the momentary loss of consciousness of the other party, "The juniors who are guarded by the seniors with their souls must also be elites in the clan, and they will surely turn dangers into good luck."

Shen Congyun withdrew his mind, stepped into the stele again and said: "I actually don't know which junior she is, but just now Cui Tang used her blood to find me. In less than twelve hours, if she is in danger, I can only help her." She one two.

After that, it's up to her. "

"Today I have been too busy, I need to rest for a while, you can do it yourself.

Try to see if you can get out of this Thunder Bamboo Forest without guidance. "

"Farewell, junior." Chen Shui turned and left after cupping his hands, and the forest of steles and Thunder Dragon Stone behind him slowly disappeared...


Shen Guanyu was woken up by the heat, she opened her eyes, sweat flowed down her eyelashes into her eyes.

He shook his head vigorously, opened his eyes again, and saw the dry land, and the heat beneath him was like a volcanic rock formation.

Even wearing cassocks that are warm in winter and cool in summer can't withstand the transpiration of heat.

She communicated with Ao Xian with her spiritual sense, but she couldn't contact anyone. She lost contact with Dragon Ball Space again.

Shen Guanyu tried to absorb spiritual power, and sure enough, the fire spiritual energy here was extremely strong.

She straightened up, and after a few blows, she was startled to realize that the Qiankun room on her waist was gone.

"A Tian and Chaoyan are still inside." Shen Guanyu hastily issued a sound transmission talisman, and called Yan Youtian with a sound transmission conch.

However, the sound transmission talisman spun a few times in front of him and fell to the ground by itself.

Is it more than ten thousand miles away?Or did they not fall in one place?
She said a little to herself: "My Qiankun House has several restrictions on identifying the owner. The two of you, Ah Tian, ​​want to come out, unless someone erases the imprint of divine consciousness on the Qiankun House."

But she doesn't feel any discomfort now, which means that Ah Tian and Chaoyan are still in it.

"Crack!" Shen Guanyu patted his forehead, was she dumbfounded by the heat?
Ah Tian and Chao Yan are still in the Qiankun Room, how could they receive their voice transmission.

But there is still a distance of more than ten thousand miles between them.

I hope I can find them as soon as possible, otherwise I will be the one with high cultivation, not only will their future be unknown, but I will also be injured because the Qiankun House was disconnected.

She observed it spiritually, and found that there was no water or green in a radius of more than two miles and nearly three miles, and the patches of terraced fields had already been dried and cracked half a foot deep.

In this environment, no one would live here without thinking.

When she chose a direction and was about to take out the flying sword to fly, she realized that the flying sword was swept away by the flying stone pillar.

The Poyunzhou flew fast, but after thinking about it, she decided not to use it, it was too costly and too eye-catching.

But the flying instruments that I don't use often are all placed in the Dragon Ball space.

Shen Guanyu searched on his body, took out two or three storage bags handed over from Daguixiu, and finally found two inconspicuous flying magic weapons.

One is a flying carpet, and the other is a bamboo fan. Seeing how hot it is, she decisively chose the bamboo fan to imprint her consciousness.

Sitting on the bamboo fan and flying for nearly eight hundred miles, when the sky was about to darken, Shen Guanyu finally saw a small forest and a thin stream.

She accelerated and flew to the water's edge, raised two handfuls of water to wash her face, and then heard someone rushing from behind, shouting, "Don't waste water like this."

The alarm bell in Shen Guanyu's heart rang loudly. Although he was in the early stage of foundation establishment, he still had a later stage of spiritual consciousness. This person who came out suddenly came to him without being noticed by him.

She secretly took precautions and looked sideways at the person coming.

I saw the other party's bone age in his 20s, tall, short and healthy figure with wheat-colored skin, and he looked like a person who often travels in the wild.

Moreover, this girl's cultivation has already reached the Dzogchen Foundation Establishment Stage, but what she is wearing is not a cassock, but an ordinary coarse cloth.

Shen Guanyu only observed her with his naked eyes, and did not release his consciousness, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

On the opposite side, Wan Yi also looked up and down at Shen Guanyu with wide round eyes, but after a few breaths, she withdrew her gaze and said, "You came in from the outside, right?"

Shen Guanyu nodded lightly, thought for a while, it is not surprising that there are so many people.

She arched her hands and said: "Forgive me, Fellow Daoist, I came back to your place, I don't know there are rules on water here."

Wan Yi nodded and said: "I won't pursue it the first time I come.

In the future, you will slowly follow everyone to learn and understand. "

Shen Guanyu was a little puzzled, "Fellow Daoist is holding several heaven and earth gourds, are you going to fill them with water and take them back?"

"Of course." Wan Yi opened several gourds, chanted the mantra silently, and the stream flew into several gourds at the same time.

Shen Guanyu was startled by her hand.

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