Ao Xian said through voice transmission: "Where is the space that recovers quickly, it is simply the star grass, which sent us here from that gloomy well.

Dragon Ball Space is what it locks down for a while. "

Shen Guanyu: "Why?"

"I don't know, after it teleported us, it fell asleep again.

Probably it was too much effort, and I couldn't hold it anymore. "Ao Xian also wanted to know why they were sent here, it guessed: "This is another home of the Star Grass. "

"Shouldn't its home be in Jiyuan?" Shen Guanyu still planned to try to go to Jiyuan earlier.

"Can't it have two homes?"

"Of course."

Ao Xian flashed out of the Dragon Ball space, leaned on Shen Guanyu's shoulder and said, "By the way, your Qiankun House was also taken into the space by the Star Grass.

I was worried that Ah Tian would find something unusual, so I temporarily sealed the Qiankun House. "

Shen Guanyu's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the space, and he saw the Qiankun House placed under the corridor of the bamboo building.

Inside, both Ah Tian and Chao Yan have woken up and are drawing symbols.

Her spiritual sense transmitted voice to the two of them and said: "We were teleported to Tianwu Mountain."

"Tianwu Mountain, is it almost time for the beast tide?" Ah Tian confirmed to Shen Guanyu.

Here, Huangfu Chaoyan also had a question: "Where is Tianwu Mountain?"

Shen Guanyu didn't answer any of the two's questions, but instead asked them: "Shall we go together? Or should you rest up and rest before going outside."

Ah Tian: "Go out."

Zhao Yan: "Take care of your mind first."

Ah Tian turned her head and asked Huangfu Chaoyan: "Is your soul severely injured by ghost repair?"

"Well, once you use your spiritual power, your eyes will be blurred. It seems that your soul has been hit by someone with a small wooden hammer more than a dozen times." Naturally, the injury was not serious, and Chaoyan was sealed in the sword by the sword spirit, and the soul was already injured seven or eight times. Eight.

It is also her luck that there is a magic circle set up by Shen Congyun with his merits in Longwei Mountain. When she was floating among the ghosts, she more or less absorbed some merits into her body, so she did not lose her mind.

"Do you still have the calming pill?" Shen Guanyu also asked with concern.

Huangfu Chaoyan shook his head, and said: "All the pills I saved to nourish the soul were taken away by that sword spirit."

Shen Guanyu nodded, and said to her: "There is Zifu Pill on the shelf in the room, you use it first.

I will take Ah Tian out first. "The Qiankun House is just a single room, but it is about forty square meters. The beds, tables, chairs, and pavilions inside are all prepared by Shen Guanyu himself.

Taking advantage of the situation, she took the Qiankun Room out of the space, and Ao Xian's dragon claws waved a few times of spiritual light, and Yan Youtian came out from inside.

Leaving Huangfu Chaoyan alone inside, she lowered her eyes and thought carefully, what exactly is Tianwu Mountain, why she has no impression?

It's better to pass on disciples personally, and you can learn a lot.

No, no, not necessarily only direct disciples know.

It has been a long time since she concentrated on building the foundation, and she hasn't entered the Chuanjing Pavilion or the library for a long time.

As soon as Huangfu Chaoyan swallowed a Zifu Pill, he received a jade slip from Shen Guanyu.

After taking a closer look at Tianwu with her spiritual sense, she wanted to see what was going on in Tianwu Mountain here, but she found that her spiritual sense was blocked in the house and could not get out.

"Little fish." Huangfu Chaoyan yelled a few times, but Shen Guanyu didn't hear back, she frowned and sighed secretly, she has been locked in this room, how could she have the mood to recuperate.

But she didn't know that as soon as Shen Guanyu picked up Ah Tian, ​​the two of them hadn't spoken a few words before the cloud-breaking boat they were riding was stopped.

And it was not the monks who stopped them, but two lion elephants as big as five rooms and seven frames.

The opponent was too big, even if he was only on the fifth level, Shen Guanyu didn't dare to attack the house back and forth.

You must know that elephants live in groups, and if you beat the young ones, it will definitely attract the old ones.

On the other side, when Ao Xian greeted them, the other party didn't respond at all. Apart from seeing the joy of Poyunzhou in his eyes, the people on the deck were like those ants on the ground who couldn't climb the mountain. They were not rare. have to watch.

Shen Guanyu and Yan Youtian couldn't help but look at each other, the scene in front of them was obvious, and they didn't take them and Ao Xian seriously.

Shen Guanyu's Yuzhou circled around, but the Yunpo boat could never break through the lion elephant's dangling trunk.

Even if she gave the other party a high-grade spiritual beast pill, the lion elephant swallowed it but still refused to buy it.

But they fought to break the cloud boat, thinking that the flying boat should be able to fly themselves.

The two lion elephants at the peak of the fifth level took a cloud breaking boat as a toy, and you threw it to me and I threw it to you.

The long nose rolled easily, and Po Yunzhou rolled over.

If it wasn't for the defensive restrictions, several people would have fallen out of the Poyun Boat and landed on the ground.

Huangfu Chaoyan in the Qiankun room forcibly used her spiritual power to protect herself, but unexpectedly after half of her spiritual power turned, she fell to the ground in a daze, as if she had passed out.

But this time, Shen Guanyu and the others would rather be tossed and tossed by the lion than fall to the ground.

There is no other reason, but tens of thousands of fire ants gathered in layers underground.

Even though these little things are only of the second level, they are more than a circle larger than those in the world of cultivating immortals, equivalent to two or three large grasshoppers. When they gather enough, they can really eat the lion elephant in front of them.

Shen Guanyu voice transmitted Ah Tian and said: "We must take the initiative to attack the fire ants under the feet of lions and elephants.

Don't let the ants kill the elephant. "Otherwise, after the fire ants finish eating the elephants, they will be next.

Moreover, in her consciousness, she has already seen tens of millions of fire ants swarming over two miles away, like the tide of Qiantang.

Ah Tian had no objection, and even took out a handful of frozen talismans and said, "I figured it out myself."

Shen Guanyu took it happily, and asked the little dragon king to talk to the lion elephant again.

It's just that the two lion cubs turned around and were about to run away, but Poyunzhou was caught by one of them and was reluctant to drop it.

Dong dong dong

The lion elephant ran very fast, and rushed away the fire ants that had surrounded them before.

The fire ant really hated the two of them and chased after them.

Shen Guanyu and Ayan first took a look at the Poyunzhou which was bouncing up and down, and when the noses of the lion and the elephant fell together, the two of them and the little dragon king quickly flew out of the Poyunzhou.

The various talismans in their hands swished at the fire ants that followed.

Bang bang bang, this is the falling mountain sign
Boom, boom, this is a wood thorn talisman plus a fire talisman.

Boom, boom.This is Thunder Talisman.

With such a large amount thrown out, the vanguard of the fire ants was blocked.

The two lion cubs might have noticed it, they both stopped running at the same time, and looked behind them as if they were companions.

Ao Xian became very big, and a dragon chant flew up and shouted: "Hey! Don't stop, you two, there is still a queen ant behind."

As soon as the Zhang Xu long body appeared, the two lion cubs immediately had different eyes.

The two of them yelled loudly together, but they stopped to say hello to Ao Xian.

But this animal language, people who are almost good at Taoism, can't distinguish it for a while.

And Shen Guanyu, who was still throwing the talisman here, while packing the dead fire ants into the storage, heard that the other party asked the little dragon king to roar again.

She said anxiously: "Ao Xian, if they don't move forward, you just hit them with the earthen awl to make them run away."

Seeing that the fire ants from behind were about to catch up, Shen Guanyu and Ah Tian threw out the Frozen Thousand Miles Talisman together.

"Okay." The little dragon king acted immediately...

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