who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 254 It's You Again

Huangfu Chaoyan's situation was not optimistic, even though Shen Guanyu specially selected high-grade wood spirit stones to clothe her with the spirit formation, the spirit energy did not penetrate into her.

On the contrary, because of the strong spiritual energy, Zhao Yan, who was still in a coma, couldn't guide the spiritual energy several times and vomited blood.

Shen Guanyu was so frightened that she hurriedly sent her into the seven-leaf turning soul lotus pond in the space of the medicine garden to stabilize her foundation-building cultivation that was about to collapse.

This made Shen Guanyu even more afraid to release Chaoyan. She, Xiangzi, might be taken as a hostage by the lions and elephants to force herself and Ah Tian if she was not careful.

Looking at the two fifth ranks outside who came to look for Ao Xian with a group of young elephants, you can tell that the lion-elephant patriarch used this method of making friends between the cubs to monitor after discovering that they had set up a defensive formation for the tree house they lived in. watching them.

Of course, Yan Youtian didn't know that Shen Guanyu was not in Qiankun's house when she removed the person, she now followed Ao Xian every day, and made friends with a group of lions and elephants.

Lions and elephants are a very intelligent group. They live by water and grass, and they are friendly to their people. They basically get along well with outsiders who don't actively attack them.

Yan Youtian has become the favorite of the young elephants by virtue of the Spirit Beast Pill she carries on her body.

And Shen Guanyu has hardly been out of the tree house these days. On her tree is a picture of retreating and not disturbing, but she has been helping Chaoyan clear her spiritual energy in the medicine garden space.

It was not easy for Huangfu Chaoyan's cultivation to stabilize, and before she could take a rest, she received a voice transmission from Ao Xian: "Shen Guanyu, come out quickly.

We're going to fight the lions and elephants. "

Shen Guanyu was startled: "The beast tide has started?"

"No." This time it was Yan Youtian who replied, "There are water rhinos and young elephants competing for water, and they started fighting.

Now the head of the elephant clan ordered all the fifth-rank baby elephants to go out of the valley and fight with the water rhinoceros. "

Ao Xian shouted excitedly: "Let's go too, the water rhinos we beat are all over the place looking for teeth."

Shen Guanyu knew that the Little Dragon King hated the dragon armor of the Rhinoceros, and had no good impression of all the Rhinoceros.

What can she do?Of course I went with him.

The elephant patriarch saw the three of them going out of the valley with the young elephant, and nodded secretly: I did not find the wrong person this time.

It seems that the human race who knew divination a hundred years ago did not lie to himself. He said at the time: Tianwu Mountain will undergo great changes in a hundred years.

It's just a pity that the human race who knew how to use tortoise shells for divination died early due to injuries.

It took out a piece of gray tortoise shell from the space inside its body, and when it thought that it could be taken away by Shen Guanyu, Shen Guanyu was already standing in front of a river a hundred miles away from the valley.

At this time, no matter it was she, Ah Tian, ​​or Ao Xian who boasted that he was going to beat the water rhinoceros all over the ground looking for teeth, they were all dumbfounded.

Not far away, the fifth-tier lion elephant and the fifth-tier water rhino have long been fighting in a circle.

Bang bang bang, the two cubes are basically similar in shape, and both have elongated ivory and rhinoceros horns.

Both desolate beasts knew that they could not attack each other's strongest and weakest points, otherwise the casualties would be too heavy.

Both sides have a tacit understanding to collide with their own flesh and blood.

As soon as the newly arrived fifth-tier lion elephants arrived, they rushed forward without even thinking about it.

When running to help, the ground trembled three times, and the soil on the ground even participated in the ethnic group fights impartially.

Therefore, the first thing Shen Guanyu and the others saw was not the two parties in the fight, but the dust flying and it was impossible to tell who was the winner.

At this moment, when it was time to charge, Shen Guanyu tossed the sky silk and resolutely pulled back Ao Xian who wanted to fly into the herd together.

The little dragon king was a little unhappy, "Why drag me back?"

Shen Guanyu pointed to the place where the fight took place, and the sixth-level water rhinoceros watching the battle, and she said: "They all cannot use spells.

You see, what's the use of us going in a wild beast herd battle that relies entirely on physical strength? "

Ao Xian was about to open his mouth to say no, then he heard Yan Youtian say: "I'm afraid that the two of them intend to train their juniors by fighting for water, we really don't need to fly on them."

Ao Xian was immediately disappointed, looked at Shen Guanyu and said, "Just watch?"

Shen Guanyu nodded lightly, secretly looked at the distant mountain peak that he noticed and said: "Ao Xian, Ah Tian, ​​look there, is there someone practicing there?"

Ao Xian flew far away with a "swoosh", "I'll go and have a look."

There was a sixth-level lion elephant trying to stop it, but he heard a voice transmission from the fifth elder of the clan, "Don't stop."

So after Ao Xian took off, Shen Guanyu and Yan Youtian, who were followed by Yu Jian, escaped smoothly from the position of the lion elephant.

The three of them quickly flew to the top of the mountain, but they lost the trace of the human figure they saw just now.

"A Tian, ​​did you see clearly just now?"

"It's not very clear, but I'm sure it's the human race that's not wrong."

Ao Xian was the first to see the difference: "Look, there is a hole here, so there was something in it, has someone dug it away?"

Shen Guanyu approached, knelt down and took a closer look, and said, "It's not Lingzhi's pit."

Yan Youtian squatted down, measured the pit with her hands, and said, "It's one foot two long, five inches wide, and it's square."

"That person is quite close to the place where the two ethnic groups are fighting, but he is not afraid of being besieged by sixth- and seventh-order desolate beasts." Shen Guanyu thought about the past, and said again: "Perhaps, the other party is a Nascent Soul cultivator."

Ao Xian leaned closer to look at the pit: "Cultivator Nascent Soul has come to fetch the treasure.

Xiaoyu, Ah Tian, ​​if you search quickly, you may be able to dig out the big treasure. "

At this time, the voice of Star Grass suddenly came from its ear: "Dig and dig at a place one hundred and thirty feet behind you."

Ao Xian didn't act immediately when he heard it, but flew around and pretended to be treasure hunting nearby.

Shen Guanyu didn't believe there was any treasure here, she and Yan Youtian said: "Maybe it's that monk who came to collect information.

The Tianwu people and the desolate beasts may not all be mortal enemies, and there will be some people who cooperate in private. "

"Cooperation?" Yan Youtian thought carefully, "Could it be that someone told that monk that the two of us and Ao Xian live in the lion clan."

"Yes..." Shen Guanyu probably didn't say a word, but saw that Ao Xian bumped into something hundreds of meters away, and his whole body was slowly blurring.

"Ao Xian!" She ran the Shadow Step without thinking, and finally hugged the dragon's neck at the last moment when the little dragon king was about to be teleported away.

But when Xiang Wufei came here, it was already too late, only Yan Youtian was digging through the grass to find something in the place where one person and one dragon disappeared.

Her heart beat faster and she panicked.

At this moment, Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian had been teleported into a world of ice and snow. She fell on the thick ice and sneezed suddenly.

Little Dragon King Ao Xian even clenched his teeth: "Shen, Shen Guanyu, it's so cold."

Shen Guanyu got up and hugged it, his spiritual consciousness swept away the surrounding silence like frost, and the two directly entered the Dragon Ball space.

She flew to the Star Grass, looked at it and said, "Xingxing, it really is you again. Why didn't you say hello first?
How can I feel at ease if I leave Ah Tian alone with the desolate beast. "

Star Grass swayed its leaves and said, "We'll be back soon."

Ao Xian ate a Sunrise Pill at this moment, which drove away the air-conditioning on his body, and asked, "Where is this? Is it Tianwu Mountain?"

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