At this moment, Ao Xian could already see from Shen Guanyu's confused eyes that something was wrong with her.

When it was about to approach to wake people up, it heard Shen Guanyu say: "Shen Xia, can you hear and see?
You are not reconciled to being so young, you are about to fly into the Hundred Flowers City, but you suddenly undergo a huge change and lose your physical body, right?
I worship you every year, but I have never seen you once, you..."

She kept whispering, her voice fluctuating from high to low.

Ao Xian turned his head suddenly, stared at Xing Xingcao and said, "Demon?"


"This place is so cold that not only suppresses all humans and demons, but demons should be no exception. How could she be induced by demons?"

Ao Xian clenched his dragon claws tightly, and saw Shen Guanyu lying on the ground, his face began to turn pale, and ice aura continuously entered the Dragon Ball space from outside.

And those auras kept rushing towards Shen Guanyu.

It stepped forward to disperse it but couldn't drive it away, the ice spirit energy would still bypass it and quickly pour into Shen Guanyu's body, but in the blink of an eye, the people on the ground were covered with a layer of ice, and it tended to accumulate thicker .

The little dragon king hurriedly sprayed fire to melt it, the ice aura seemed to be intelligent, and immediately condensed into a thick ice shield to block its dragon fire.

"Xing Xing, why is the aura so weird?"

"Didn't you feel it?" Xing Xing said without beginning and end, and Ao Xian stopped breathing fire immediately, and the ice shield disappeared immediately after it stopped: "What?"

Xing Xing said: "You have walked a hundred feet away from the Ice Dragon Stone.

And under the stone, there was a bone of an ice phoenix. "

Tianwu Mountain was originally the habitat of desolate beasts, and it was also one of the birthplaces of all the monsters in the southern world in ancient times. It is not unusual for the stars to have phoenixes.

Not far ahead, it stands there like a transparent Panlong icicle.

Shen Guanyu didn't feel the coercion of the remains of the ice phoenix before, it was entirely the ice dragon stone that suppressed the power of the divine beast.

But she gradually lost control of her mood later, which was related to the resentment emanating from under the ice dragon stone.

Ao Xian saw that he couldn't help but refrigerate the spiritual energy, and then probed into the space with his consciousness, except for the ice layer and the iceberg still standing in the distance, it saw nothing.

Xing Xingcao couldn't help sighing. Before ancient times, dragons and phoenixes often fought, "It won't let you see it."

"Then what should we do with this aura?" With a few words between them, Shen Guanyu was already covered with half an inch of ice and turned into a living statue.

Ao Xian didn't dare to take any more shots at this time, it was worried that it would break the ice statue, and Shen Guanyu would die along with it.

Star Grass only gave it one word: "Wait."

This class is not leaving soon as it said earlier, but a whole year.

The little dragon king stood by Shen Guanyu's side without moving.

Huangfu Chaoyan in the medicine garden woke up once, but Duoduo, who was guarded in the space, was sealed again and fell into a deep sleep.

During this period, Yan Youtian wandered around the Tianwu Mountains with the five elders sent by the head of the Xiang family every day, but they never found anyone.

Li Chuan and Xia Chuyi, who were far away in Taiyi Sect, have fully recovered after a year of cultivation.

And it's not the first time for them to do foundation building, with the help of Xiang Zhunfeng's rich aura and sufficient elixir,
Xia Chuyi first advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment in a short period of time, and this time because of Lei Jie who realized Xia Jian's advanced alchemy, and Li Chuan, both broke through to the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, and may advance to the late stage at any time.

If there is another chance, these two people are likely to enter the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen within ten years, and even form alchemy.

After inquiring about the two of them, they did not build their foundation until they were 40 years old. Earlier, they entered the realm of cultivating immortals from the mortal world and obtained a lot of treasures in the secret place of Funiu Mountain.

And this year, after only 54 years old, it has attracted the envy of many Taiyi sect monks who established the foundation. Is this the legendary accumulation and good luck?
At present, cultivators of Tiannan formed alchemy between their fifties and sixties, which can be regarded as geniuses. For example, Le Shi and Xia Jian both formed alchemy in their 50s.

However, as long as one can enter the real alchemy state by strength before the age of 80, and the spiritual root aptitude is not bad, the chances of advancing to Nascent Soul in the future are still very high.

Changju suzerain repeatedly read the information of the two, and personally found an opportunity to observe secretly. After seeing that the aura of the two is stable, the spiritual roots are good, and the mentality is good,
She sent Xun Zhi to use the pretext of coming to Xiang Zhunfeng to see her younger brother Xun Hui, to find out if the two were willing to join the Taiyi sect.

Although it usually takes three to forty years from the early stage of foundation establishment to the late stage, no one is stuck. It takes ten years from the early stage to the middle stage, another ten years from the middle stage to the late stage, and another ten years from the late stage to Dzogchen.

It's just an approximate number, and sometimes when the opportunity comes, you can't avoid it.

Otherwise, why would there be such sayings as being promoted to two levels in a row, and once enlightened for ten years.

Chang Ju deduced that [-]% of these two people were because they stayed in the Mortal Realm where spiritual energy was scarce and delayed their cultivation.

The cultivation paths of Xiang Zhunfeng's disciples of all dynasties are different from those of others.

As the parents of Xiang Zhunfeng's direct disciples, Shen and Xia must be a little different.

However, Xia Chuyi and Li Chuan concealed their refusal.

After getting the answer, Xun Zhi didn't stay long, took his leave quickly and left, and said to his younger brother alone: ​​"You work hard at Xiangzhun Peak. When Xiaoyu comes back in the future, I will try to talk to her and assign you to Xiangzhun Peak." Feng is a disciple of foreign affairs.

Xiaoyu is a nostalgic person, look at Senior Sister Xiang, but when she first entered the valley, she gave her a few pointers, and whenever she had a chance, she transferred someone to Xiang Zhunfeng to be a deacon.

There are few people here, few things, and many cases. Except for the spiritual fruits and fishes that need to be taken care of, the disciples are allowed to practice at other times, which is the second most desirable peak of the whole sect. "

In the entire peak, there are not even ten disciples who handle daily chores and foreign affairs, and the rest are solved by the formation itself.

The reason for the number two is that the number one was taken by the Spirit Beast Valley, but the Gibbon King also came from Xiang Zhunfeng, and was the fighting partner of Master Xiaoyu's master.

After a pause of two breaths, she changed to voice transmission with her spiritual sense: "As for the person who entered the sect with us in the outer sect, don't bother with him if he has nothing to do."

Xun Hui yelled at being wronged: "Sister, I don't want to talk to him but he always comes to me.

Especially after you become the suzerain's direct disciple. "

Xun Zhi frowned, "Father has given up his military power and returned home, is he still trying to win us over for the secular court?"

"Ang, his branch wants to replace the current emperor's branch." Xun Huimen Qing said, "With the support of you, the suzerain's disciple, the throne is still within reach."

"We have already cultivated, and we will not participate in the affairs of the royal family." Xun Zhi stared at him and said, "Hui, why don't you retreat and attack the foundation.

Top grade foundation building pill, my sister is in charge. "After the foundation was established, Haodai went home and persuaded his father to bring his family and move to the world of cultivating immortals for ten years.

Happiness came so quickly, Xun Hui was stunned for a moment before saying affectionately: "Elder Sister, you are so kind to me.

If little four and five see it, they will definitely be jealous of me. "

Well, both Xiang Zhunfeng and Shen Guanyu are very busy with themselves.

But Shen Guanyu, who was very prosperous, was already tightly wrapped in three feet of ice.

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