Shen Guanyu, who finally remembered who she was, moved extremely fast. She knew that she couldn't catch the intangible little Axia. When she made a move with her right hand, her left hand quickly pinched out a body-fixing tactic.

Unexpectedly, little Axia would still be pinned down by others, she screamed loudly, "Let go of me, you thief, you have taken over my body, and you are going to harm me."

Shen Guanyu snorted coldly, and the soul-suppressing voice with spiritual power suppressed little Axia's screams, and stepped forward, chanting the mantra repeatedly.

In her rhythmic voice, little Axia, from silent anger to wandering eyes, to panic and trying to hide, all kinds of expressions were vividly displayed on her face.

After a while, her face that was extremely similar to Shen Guanyu slowly blurred.

After Shen Guanyu finally circled to his front and pointed his two fingers together between his eyebrows, little Axia turned into a demon with two horns on top of his head and very delicate facial features.

She couldn't help but startled: "There are also demons in Fairy Valley?"

Little Axia: "Hmph! Why can't there be?"

Shen Guanyu nodded slightly: "It's my fault. Among the ancient sages and sages, there are also many other tribes after the Hundred Clans War."

"It's good to know." Little Axia pouted, seeing that she was looking at herself, and squinted at her, "Knowing that I am a sage, I still don't let me go."

Shen Guanyu: "..."

She took a breath of luck and said, "This is all an illusion you set up, right?
Including the body I'm living in now, it's all fake, right? "

Little Axia rolled her eyes, "You let me go first, and I'll tell you."

Shen Guanyu rolled her eyes back: "I can go out and see."

She kept her promise, activated the Soul Forging Art, and left this space in one go.

Little Axia blinked, and said to herself: "She really went out? Could that be someone who can help me leave?"

Outside, just trying it out, Shen Guanyu, whose soul accidentally controlled his body, immediately opened his eyes.

"Little fish, you're awake!" Yan Tian hurriedly poured water for her, "Drink quickly."

Shen Guanyu took a sip and said, "Where's my second brother?"

Yan Tian whispered: "Outside, I'll call him. He was so worried just now, if Master hadn't said that you would wake up soon, I think his tears would fall."

Shen Guanyu looked at this senior sister who had a name like Ah Tian, ​​but a different appearance, and a different personality. She didn't know if she was an illusion created by the demon clan or a real person.

She held her senior sister back and refused to let her leave, "Senior sister, do you know what's going on at my house?"

Yan Tian sat on the edge of the bed and said worriedly: "I've heard a little bit about it.

It is said that your grandmother is an abandoned disciple of Feihuazong. It is rumored that when she was young, she had contacts with the demons. Later, the demons stole a treasure from Feihuazong. Someone accused your grandmother, and she was abolished. "

Shen Guanyu's heart skipped a beat: "Flying Flower Sect? Senior sister, is our Shanshui Temple under the jurisdiction of Feihua Sect?

Is it the most powerful sect in the mainland? "

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Yan Yi patted her hand lightly, and comforted her: "We are not in the Feihua Sect, but in the Fumo Temple of the Buddha Sect.

Da Zhou advocated Buddhism, so you see, there are very few pilgrims in our Shanshui temple.

Flying Flower Sect is a Taoist school, and will not come to the Buddhist site for casual visits. "

"She lied to you. What she told me before was that Shanshui Guanju Xianshan Chongling, people who don't have the fate of immortality will come up." Little Axia's voice was loud.

Shen Guanyu wanted to seal the ear consciousness, however, the body she occupied now couldn't even draw Qi into the body.

The point is, Yan Tian is still talking, "There is also the matter of your grandmother, it may not be true."

Shen Guanyu said: "Someone set the blame on?"

Yan Tian hurriedly nodded, "Very likely.

Think about it, the Feihua Sect is the number one gate in our Dongming Realm, if the disciples of the sect collude with the demons, it will be as simple as abolishing their cultivation base. "

"Senior sister, you know a lot." Shen Guanyu could hardly hold back her beating heart, she was in the cave world!

Yan Tian was very proud, "I am older than you, so naturally I have learned a little bit more.

When you grow up, you will understand many things. "

"En." Shen Guanyu nodded, and then asked tentatively: "Senior Sister, have you heard of Luoyu Mountain?"

Yan Tian opened his eyes wide, and quickly reached out to touch her forehead.

Shen Guanyu thought: It's broken.

Sure enough, the little senior sister withdrew her hand and said, "You don't have a fever.

Xiaoyu, isn't our place just crossing Xianling in Luoyu Mountain? "

"Hehe~~" Little Axia gloated in the space.

Shen Guanyu scratched his head and said, "I usually only listen to Duan Xianling."

Fortunately, Yan Tian was young, so he didn't notice her strangeness, and said: "Duxianling sounds more elegant than Luoyu Mountain."

After a pause, she said again: "You, are you going back today?"

Shen Guanyu nodded without hesitation. Although she couldn't figure out many things now, the little senior sister was holding her hand and she couldn't pretend.

Senior Sister, you are a real person!

When she packed her bags and was ready to go down the mountain, the Taoist Master Fushan gave her a talisman, "Take it, it will calm the mind and sleep well."

"Thank you, Daoist." Shen Guanyu thanked him sincerely.

In the past three years, no matter how talented the children in the temple are, as long as they come to the temple to learn Taoism, the master of the temple has taught them very carefully.

After saying goodbye to his brothers and sisters, Shen Guanyu followed Second Brother Shen down the mountain.

The Shen family is not a wealthy family, they only have an open donkey cart, which is stored in the green cottage at the foot of the mountain.

Along the way, Shen Guanyu didn't want to inquire about something with the obviously sad Second Brother Shen, and the two walked in silence.

She had no choice but to close her eyes and enter the space to see the trapped little Axia.

Now, she has confirmed that this space is not her Dragon Ball space, and the long and lush spiritual grass is not the star grass.

It was a ninth-grade top-quality spiritual grass named Meng Wan Chasing Soul Grass.

If this spiritual herb is taken by parents, the effect will be no worse than that of the revival grass.

Seeing her staring at her precious spirit grass, little Axia asked anxiously, "What are you going to do?

Let me tell you, the grass cannot move, if it moves, we will not be able to go back. "

"Back?" Shen Guanyu turned around and came to her, "Who are you?"

"Don't tell you."

"You are not from Fairy Spirit Valley, are you?"

"You know again?" Little Axia's face was full of disapproval.

Shen Guanyu didn't care about her attitude, but said: "Where is the original Shen Xia? Where did she go?"

"Don't tell you."

Without any warning, Shen Guanyu jumped to Mengwan Chasing Soul Grass, and the two pairs made a gesture to pinch the leaves.

Little A-Xia said anxiously: "Don't touch, don't touch, I'll tell you everything."

Shen Guanyu's hand was only a third of an inch away from the blade, "You speak, I listen."

"Leave it first and I'll talk."

"You said it, I'll leave again."

Little Axia looked at her for a while, seeing that she didn't back down at all, and sighed: "Okay. You have to keep your promise."

"I promise." Shen Guanyu nodded.

Little Axia said: "I am a demon from Tangyao Realm, but when I opened my eyes one day, I found that I was no longer myself, but a baby."

Tangyao world?Shen Guanyu simply got up and sat in front of little Axia to listen.

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