Shen Guanyu couldn't help laughing at himself, and looked outside that little Axia had already gone to visit his grandmother.

She boredly observed the space, it was not big, about two or three acres in size.

However, the boundary is not very clear, and it feels like an opaque barrier is blocking it.

Thinking about it, this is a space that can grow at any time as the owner's cultivation level improves.

When she was thinking like this, she heard the Shen family's grandmother say: "A Xia, the Feihua Sect has my Li family ancestor here, so you don't have to worry about them not accepting you."

Little Axia was worried that Xianmen had a magic weapon to investigate the spirit, she said: "Grandmother, can't you not go to Feihuazong?

In Shanshui Temple, Taoist Fukuyama also taught very well. "

The grandmother of the Shen family touched her little head, shook her head and said, "But, he can't solve your spiritual root problem."

Among her children and grandchildren, only this one has a spiritual root, and it happens to be the ice and fire spiritual root that needs a special skill, and this kind of skill is only available in the big sect.

"But I don't want to be too far away from you, and I don't want to change my surname to Li." Little Axia felt wrong after finishing speaking, "Grandmother, your surname is Shen, why did you ask me to change my surname to Li?"

"Shen is my mother's surname, but in order not to hurt the reputation of the Li family, my grandmother got rid of the family."


Shen Guanyu saw the eight or nine-year-old girl lying in the arms of the old lady seeking warmth, and the old lady patted and caressed her distressedly, thinking that the relationship between their grandparents and grandchildren should be very good.

I'm afraid it's because the old lady's legs are bad, and because of some reasons, she won't go up to the mountain to see her granddaughter for three years.

The grandmother of the Shen family said: "Grandmother traveled to the spirit world when she was in the late foundation building period, and she was rescued by a demon clan when she was in danger, and she had a close friendship with her.

Ten years later, the demon clan appeared near the Feihua Sect. When I was having a drink with her, someone used a photo stone that can be used to take pictures to save the image.

After she entered the sect and stole the treasure, someone accused me of colluding with the demons. "

"Ah? That's it?" After all, little Axia was still young, so she only felt that her grandmother had been murdered.

Shen Guanyu said through voice transmission, "Ask your grandmother who is that demon clan?

Was the photo stone recorded and passed on by the demons? "

Thinking of something, she said again: "Did your grandmother or Shanshui Temple teach you what is a photo stone?"

"Yes." Little Axia immediately patted her grandmother and said, "Is the demon clan very powerful? Can she break into the immortal sect and steal? Is she famous in the demon clan?
Grandmother, when I am successful in cultivation, I will go to the Demon Race to find her, and ask her to return the treasure to repay your innocence. "

Shen Guanyu couldn't help laughing when he heard the little girl coaxing people, but unexpectedly, he heard the old lady say: "Oh, then you have to work harder.

Canaanmi, the most famous demon among the demons, ascended long before you were born. "

"Ah!" Little Asha had heard of this genius from the Canaan tribe when he was Kaqiu Wuluo.

"Ah?" Shen Guanyu also exclaimed, this world is too small, right?Isn't Canaanmi the female demon Nanmi who insists on taking Ah Tian as her disciple?

There was movement outside the courtyard, and the old lady said, "Your elder brother and the others are back from acupuncture."

"Oh." Little A-Xia didn't move, she felt a little bit resentful to her elder brother, for three years, when she visited her every month, she didn't recognize that it wasn't her.

But how could the old grandmother prevent her from seeing her eldest brother, "You are all keeping vigil for your parents tonight." The old lady was holding a cane in one hand and leading the little granddaughter out of the room in the other.

On Shen Guanyu's side, he didn't deliberately observe the outside anymore, but was practicing the Art of Concentration with the help of the Mengwan Chasing Soul Grass.

After a few weeks of running, she already felt much lighter.

Little A-Xia's faint sobs could be heard in her ear, she saw a fireball talisman outside that could be used by mortals ignited on the bed of A-Xia's parents, and the old lady of the Shen family led her children and grandchildren to watch on the hillside.

Shen Guanyu sighed slightly: "Ah Xia, by the way, my condolences."

"Don't go by the way." Little Axia couldn't help wiping her tears and said, "You don't know, I was in my mother's womb when I woke up, and her little baby passed away before she was born.

It's because of our joint efforts that we have Shen Xia and Shen Xiaoyu today.

I heard someone ask if Mr. Bao was a child, and it was the mother who yelled loudly: "Bao my child."

In this way, I can live again. Although I was born weak, my parents always try to give me nourishment.

Unlike my demon parents, they are always retreating. "

Shen Guanyu had no choice but to say: "Then you are your mother's child?"

Little Axia hiccupped, "Then why didn't I go to the underworld, and my soul still looks like a demon?"

"But your body is very similar to your appearance." Except that little Axia's physical body has no horns on the top of his head, his eyes are not so black, and his hair is a little dark yellow, everything else is pretty similar.

Shen Guanyu didn't dare to ask her anything else, but pointed to the front and said, "Don't cry, your parents."

As the fire gradually diminished, the souls of the couple also slowly flashed.

"Father, mother." Little Axia rushed towards her, Brother Shen grabbed her and said, "Don't go, let father and mother go with peace of mind."

Little Axia had already forgotten that she knew martial arts at this moment, she fluttered her hands and feet and said: "Brother, Mom and Dad didn't leave, they just stood by the side."

Her sister-in-law's steps forward to appease her stopped, Second Brother Shen snatched her from his elder brother's hand, lowered his head and said, "Be quiet, tell Second Brother, where are parents standing?"

"Just now..." Little Axia took her second brother to find her parents, but Big Brother Shen had a look of disapproval: "Grandmother?"

The old lady is no longer a foundation-building cultivator. When her cultivation base was abolished, her spiritual consciousness and spiritual eyes were long gone.

But she could feel her son's soul nearby, "Your parents are indeed there, go and talk."

The eldest brother of the Shen family knew from an early age that his grandmother was different from ordinary people, so he didn't ask his wife to follow, and walked towards his younger siblings by himself.

So, except for his wife who saw the happy smile on the grandmother, none of the three siblings noticed.

Every time the eldest brother of the Shen family took a step, he would trample several catties of soil here.

Shen Guanyu realized that the voice was wrong, and immediately said: "Ah Xia, get out of the way."

Little Axia stared at her parents and talked about their divorce. Although they didn't respond, she kept talking, so that Second Brother Shen, who couldn't see anything, had no chance to ask a sentence.

When Shen Guanyu's warning voice came, little Axia and her parents rushed to ask Shen's second brother to protect him.

Brother Shen was very annoyed that his long fingers didn't pierce anyone.

"Ah!" The sister-in-law of the Shen family saw her husband's ferocious appearance from the fire, and fell to the ground in a faint on the spot.

Shen Guanyu instructed little Axia to jump up and fight back. With her soul power to help, Big Brother Shen was quickly knocked down.

Second brother Shen was terrified. He stumbled and wanted to help his grandmother, but unexpectedly, his grandmother's walking stick knocked on his face.

At the moment of lightning and flint, Shen Guanyu replaced little Axia, and kicked the cane away with a dominant body.

And when the old lady of the Shen family jumped at Second Brother Shen again, she caught up with a few jumps, and kicked the old lady hard in the back with a series of kicks.

Plop, the old lady threw herself to the ground.

Shen Guanyu quickly took out the unqualified lightning-inducing talisman that he had drawn himself in the past few years.

Papa Papa several times around the old lady's body...

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