Chapter 278
Chasing the wind's little paws were extremely fast, and they were no slower than Xun Zhi and the others in picking up the storage bags of the monks who had been killed.

Its serious appearance drew good-natured laughter from all Taiyi Sect disciples.

Amid the roar of laughter, Xun Zhi ordered the corpse to be burned and buried.

On the way to leave in the chosen direction, a disciple approached her and said, "Junior Sister Xun, do you find anything strange?"

After suppressing the flying speed of the flying sword, Xun Zhi said, "These demon cultivators took action too early.

According to records, the opening time of Fairy Spirit Valley is half a year.

But today, it was only the third day after entering the Fairy Spirit Valley, and they started to fight. "

The senior brother took out something: "Junior sister, look at this."

A khaki diamond-shaped wooden sign was only three inches long and one inch and two wide, but it was painted with characters different from Tiannanjie.

"This is it?" Xun Zhi took it and flipped it over to look at it. On the back was a golden-red lotus flower.

"I found it from a monk of the Tianluo Sect." The senior brother said with a serious face, "Does it look like Tangyao Moxiu, the family emblem of the Jimo family?"

Xun Zhi's heart trembled, and he waved his hand: "Look for a place to set up an array, and check if you have this item among your trophies."

Chasing Feng flew over and said, "Senior Sister Xun, is there something wrong?"

Xun Zhi nodded, pressed Dunguang and the others prepared to form a formation.

Zhuifeng also fell with her, but then said: "There are people below."

As soon as the words fell, several knife points emerged from the ground, and surrounded them with a group of eight people and a tiger. After a few bangs, ten mid-stage foundation establishments emerged from the ground.

"Sword formation." With Xun Zhi's Lingjian pointing, all the brothers and sisters quickly lined up to attack, and Zhuifeng acted as the fixed star in the nine-star formation.

Although it doesn't know how to use swords, it is very skilled in golden archery. When Shen Guanyu participated in the sword formation before, his close friends would form teams to practice formations.

Chasing Wind has been their substitute more than once.

Therefore, when Xun Zhi Fulin and the others faced the enemy, it often attacked unexpectedly.

The golden arrow is designed to pierce the enemy's eyebrows and throat, which kills him with one blow.

"Ah!" Among all kinds of swords, lights and swords, someone was pierced through the heart by a sword, but he did not die quickly.

Zhuifeng opened his mouth, and when the man sealed the hemostasis acupoint, a red arrow with gold rims swished and hit him between the eyebrows.

In the mortal formation, if there is one person missing during the movement, either a substitute will quickly step up, or the formation will be changed immediately.

The leader of the sneak attack obviously chose the second option, however, no matter how fast he is, he can't compare to the wind-chasing little tiger king who is born to control the wind.

Seeing Zhuifeng's swift impact, Xun Zhi followed suit, and when Zhuifeng's claw pierced an enemy's brow, the spirit swords of the eight disciples of Taiyizong also arrived as expected.

"Kill!" Xun Zhi is not a soft-hearted person, she doesn't need to interrogate, kill the other party, and they can rest for a while.

He ordered the sword to arrive, and the swords of other disciples also beheaded the remaining nine attackers.

When Zhuifeng turned around and scratched through one person's aura shield, a khaki diamond-shaped token fell off.

If the sneak attacking cultivator sees that he is invincible, he will flee underground and leave.

It's a pity that Xun Zhi won't let one go: "Chasing the wind, stop him."

"I can't run away from it." Chasing the wind's tiger claws grabbed and threw them, and several glazed balls fell to the ground with a bang. When the fleeing monk was blown out of the ground, his companions were beheaded by Taiyi sect disciples one after another.

This time, all the found trophies were put together, and everyone checked them one by one.

Chasing the wind flipped through the khaki token, and said puzzledly: "Little girl, not all the members of the Jimo family are in the Tangyao Realm, how could they suddenly appear in the Tiannan Realm?"


Those who asked this question, not only Zhuifeng, but also many monks who found this Jimo clan record after being raided, were very puzzled.

Even more puzzled than them are the masters of the various families guarding the marquis outside the secret realm.

Mainly since last night, but in the past eight hours, the soul lamps of the disciples of various sects have been going out continuously.

True Lord Lian Qiu, led by the Cangli Sect, came directly to Xunzhang and said: "I just got the news that the Demon Sect lost a lot more than us.

Don't you think it's weird?Why are there frequent accidents in the Foundation Establishment Realm?

First, they couldn't enter the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and now they suffered serious casualties.

Lie Yang, that guy, actually proposed to forcibly break the restriction to take a look through the mirror. "

Zhang He Zhenjun: "I also received it, we can't see what is happening in the Fairy Spirit Valley now, the only thing we can do is wait.

Lie Yang's proposal can only be listened to.

Without the actions of the cultivators who transformed the spirit, with our group of Nascent Souls, it would be a joke to break the restriction of the secret realm.

What's more, there is no manpower on Jiyuan's side now. "

"Things are all coming together." Lian Qiu naturally received a message from his ancestor of Huashen, "I hope people in the Dongming Realm will be easier to deal with."

"If you have spirit stones, it's easy to do things." Zhang and Zhenjun were about to pour tea, and two flying sword letters came one after another.

The two of them clicked on their own eyes, and they couldn't calm down anymore, "Who is breaking the wind spar mine at this moment?"

"No, I have to go back to the Zongmen." Zhang Hezhenjun was worried about his family, this time Shende and Yousheng both entered the Guxian Palace, and they lived in the Zongmen all the time.

The Wind Crystal Mine in Xiyu Mountain was attacked twice in a row, and Guan Meng was probably struggling to defend it alone.

Lian Qiu hurriedly stopped him: "You left, what should happen if there is any change here?"

Zhang He looked at the sky and closed the entrance of the Fairy Valley with divine sense, frowned slightly, and said after a while: "They won't be able to come out for a while, I'll go back to the sect, and I'll come back after I have a look."

As she said that, she left the tent in a flash of light, but she was about to leave the camp within a hundred miles when an old man chased after her: "Zhang He."

"Uncle Master." Seeing the Gibbon King chasing after him, Zhang He saluted.

The gibbon king said: "I'm going back to Xiyu Mountain, you can watch here."

When Zhang He was about to open his mouth, he heard him say: "The Nine Dragon Stone has not yet been recovered, and the Fairy Spirit Valley appeared too suddenly, I'm afraid it won't open for half a year like the legend says.

Only by staying here can you adapt at any time. "

Zhang He bowed to the end: "Master's words awakened the dreamer, Zhang He thank you."

Looking up again, the ape king was nowhere to be seen...

If Shen Guanyu had been here just now, she would have recognized this old man, the old man she met outside the men's dormitory when she first entered the Absolute Spirit Valley.

Speaking of which, she has been in Taiyizong for 15 years, and she has only heard of the Gibbon King, but she has never met him formally.

At this moment, she and Yan Youtian, who had just climbed up the cliff, saw a ten-foot-tall stone statue of a brachial ape standing on the edge of the cliff.

"This is an ancient monster." Shen Guanyu walked around the stone statue in a big circle, "The gibbon king of our Spirit Beast Valley, I heard that he has the blood of a gibbon.

It's a pity that the master said that the ape king likes to travel around the world, but I haven't seen it. "

Yan Youtian said: "My master said, the ape king of your family looks very handsome."

"The portrait is very handsome." Shen Guanyu looked at the stone statue, suddenly thought of something, and said, "A Tian, ​​do you think there will be a Monkey King popping out of this stone statue?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the stone statue suddenly flashed: "The Monkey King? Hahaha, this king is quite beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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