who doesn't have a sword

286 - Immortal Spring

286 - Immortal Spring
Shen Guanyu felt that the Demon King would not be willing, so Sun Tong said, "This Yimu pill furnace is mostly made of fairy materials, and your spirit stones from the lower realm have little effect on it."

"Borrowing the alchemy furnace is for the sake of giving me the flying spirit treasure. We have to settle accounts separately if we give it to the fairy stone." Ao Xian planned to ask for a reward.

Sun Tongdao: "Isn't it good to have good business and good quantity?"

As soon as the words fell, the big demon's coercion was exerted on several people, plop plop, and the five knees sank to the ground at the same time.

Shen Guanyu immediately said: "There is something to discuss, we only have two hundred."

Sun Tong put away his smile and said, "And your Thunder Dragon spear head, I want to use it too."

"No!" Xia Chuyi and Ao Xian said at the same time, "That's my little girl's talisman, and it's closely related to her."

Sun Tong didn't allow them to refuse at all, he grabbed Shen Guanyu and said, "Borrow or not?"

"Borrow." It's really the demon king, he turned his face when he said that he would turn his face. When Shen Guanyu let go, he waved with his relatives beside him, telling everyone not to worry.

She said again: "I lent the head of my natal spear that I had accumulated for many years, and I also donated the fairy stone that I had so hard to get on my body. You should give something in return, right?"

Sun Tong laughed again: "Except that the Yimu Pill Stove will protect me back to the fairy world, and I will return it to you after I borrow the thunder power from your magic weapon to break through the passage.

However, this king needs your heart and blood to refine this thunder force magic weapon. You can mention some requests that are not excessive. "

A few of them frowned at the same time in early Xia. The Foundation Establishment cultivator only had a few drops of blood in his heart, and it might not be possible to make up for a drop in ten years.

Shen Guanyu nodded, shook his head with his parents, and said: "Senior is a descendant of a divine beast, can you help us retrieve the Thunder Dragon Stone from the Tiannan Realm from the Dongming Realm?"

When the demon king opened the external screen just now, she didn't see the master from the temporary camp.

This shows that the master has not returned, otherwise he would have been guarding outside waiting for him to go out.

Of course, she is not sure that the great demon king of the fairy world can take things across borders, but she always has to try whether it is feasible to ask for a price.

"Yes." As soon as Sun Tong agreed, Shen Guanyu was startled on the spot, can it really be done?

Several other people also looked at each other inconceivably, only Ao Xian wanted to understand a little bit, and said: "Do you know where the Thunder Dragon Stone is? Before, the nine dragon stones in the Tiannan Realm were all in the Tianwu Mountains. Lost it?"

Shen Guanyu followed the Little Dragon King's train of thought and said: "Senior said guarding the fairy valley is actually guarding the Nine Dragon Stone."

Sun Tong let out a hey and said with a smile, "It's almost like this."

Then, impatiently, he slapped back, split the fruit forest and said: "Let your friend come out quickly.

We need to go to the source of the fairy spring to refine the spear head and fish out the thunder dragon stone that ran to other worlds. "

Most importantly, he needs the thunder in the thunder dragon stone to connect to the thunder island in the fairy world.

As soon as the fruit forest was split open, Shen Guanyu saw Ah Tian who was knocked to the ground by the air wave, picking up the fallen spirit fruit.

She yelled, "Ah Tian, ​​come out quickly."

Yan Youtian couldn't see the people outside the forest, and couldn't hear her cry, so after picking up the spirit fruit, she ran along the split road with her back on her back.

When she reached the edge of the forest, she vaguely heard several people calling her name, she hesitated to step out.

Shen Guanyu was anxious, he called out the head of the Silver Lightning Thunder Dragon and hit Guo Lin.

click, boom

This blow was more effective than the Thunder Talisman, the voices of Little Dragon King and the others, along with the sound of thunder and lightning, reached Yan Youtian's ears again.

She recognized the diamond-shaped gun shadow of Lei flashing past, running quickly towards the edge of the forest.

As soon as he got out of the fruit forest, Shen Guanyu hugged the basket on his back: "Unload it quickly, let's rush to Xianquan."

Yan Youtian was in a daze, and flew Lingbao together with everyone on Ao Xian's new blade.

A group of people soon arrived at the edge of Xianquan, and the two demon cultivators of Qianyemen and Xuanyuezong did not dare to wake up from the beginning to the end.

It wasn't until everyone left that the two of them said it was safe to march towards Xianquan.


The Immortal Spring is extremely wide, and even if Shen Guanyu is used to build the foundation of spiritual consciousness, you can't see the other side.

And the name of the spring is actually a river, meandering and circling like a jade belt falling in the mortal world, and the end can't be seen at a glance.

As a monk, the closer you are to the river, the stronger the immortal aura will be.

If the aura is so thick that it enters the body, it will be absorbed automatically, if it is so thick that the absorption is too low, the body will explode and die.

From Li Chuan and Xia Chuyi, to Wu You and Su Changwen, they were all fainted by the spiritual energy that entered their bodies.

What's more, Sun Tong wanted to take everyone to the source, and when the emerald green leaves passed through the area where the monk of the knot was located, Ao Xian could only thicken the defensive shield of the leaves to prevent everyone from getting drunk and accidentally losing their lives in the aura.

Shen Guanyu even saw senior brother Le Shi and Senior Brother Zhan chasing Yuyuan when the leaves flashed by.

Ao Xian also saw it: "The one who helped Yuyuan is like Dan Tuzi."

"It's him." Shen Guanyu looked again, and she was already out of the range of her consciousness.

Therefore, she didn't see Yu Yuan throwing a thunderbolt when Le Shi slashed at him with a sword.

What's more, Zhan Jiugui threw himself on Leshi's bodyguard, and both of them fell into the fairy spring.


Shen Guanyu hugged Ah Tian who was drunk in the aura, and saw that the corner of his mother's mouth was bleeding, "Ao Xian, stop."

Ao Xian wanted to stop, but Sun Tong refused to let him: "What is this little injury? Flying forward for a while, there is an excellent river bend, where spirit grass is everywhere to neutralize the immortal energy.

You foundation cultivators go in and practice, which is hundreds of times better than going there. "

The reason why Shen Guanyu didn't fall down was not only because of two dantians, but also because of the silent Star Grass, which was absorbing the surrounding fairy energy through her.

"Senior, I believe you once."

Sun Tong looked at her, and said to Ao Xian: "In the future, after you return to the Dragon Clan of the Demon Realm, you can come to my cave to retrieve the Yimu Pill Stove."

Ao Xian tilted the tap and asked, "Do you know me?"

"I know your father."

"Oh." Ao Xian has no impression of his father.

Sun Tongdao: "Why don't you want to hear about your father?"

"I don't want to." Ao Xian rebuffed very flatly, his father is a flirtatious dragon king, it's neither unusual nor uncommon.

Sun Tong was about to say a series of nonsense, but died in the womb, why did he feel so bad?
He looked at Shen Guanyu again, and asked, "Why don't you ask me about the fairy world?"

Shen Guanyu, who was always observing the surrounding environment, said very carelessly: "When I ascend, I will also go to the human race's jurisdiction.

But if I can't ascend, it's useless to ask, and it will affect my Dao heart. "

"Dao Xin? Do you have a very Dao Xin?" Sun Tong also imitated her, sitting cross-legged, "In my opinion, your Dao Xin is not as strong as hers.

When people pick spiritual fruits, they concentrate on picking them, and recite what they pick wholeheartedly.

On the other hand, I have too many distracting thoughts, and I am always testing this king. "

Seeing him pointing at Ah Tian, ​​Shen Guanyu nodded naturally, "A Tian is devoted to cultivation, so she is not easily confused by external objects."

"Aren't you jealous?"

"Why are you jealous?"

Sun Tong: This man Xiu is quite different from what he saw before.

Perhaps, it was her indifference that made her selected.

He waited to speak again, when he heard a voice saying: "The ape king is enough!"

Sun Tong took a deep breath, that's all, I don't need to worry about the human race in the lower realm.

He didn't speak, and Little Dragon King and Shen Guanyu didn't talk too much. When the two of them opened their mouths now, it felt like spiritual energy was being poured into their mouths.

Ao Xian is refining happily. It really hopes that after this encounter, its own dragon ball can be opened, and then it doesn't matter whether it takes back the Yimu pill furnace or not.

It's just that it's a pity that there are many spiritual plants in it.

So Shen Guanyu said through sound transmission: "Do you want to remove some of the spirit grass and spirit fruit in the medicine hut?
Except for the Thunder Dragon Stone he promised, we have nothing left this time. "

(End of this chapter)

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