who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 288 Shhhhhhh

Chapter 288 Shhhhhhh

At this time, the team of more than 200 people led by Xun Zhi took the initiative to disperse.

It doesn't matter, when you go up the river, the difference in cultivation level makes some monks unable to adapt to the strong aura that cannot be dispelled. Not to mention, the closer to the shore, the greater the gravity, and the stronger the cultivation power of many people who have not practiced before. I can't move further.

Those people had to stay within their acceptable range.

It is also lucky for Shen Guanyu and the others, with the big demon king leading the way, successfully avoiding the elimination of gravity, and went straight to the source

Zhuifeng looked at Gui Yuanzong and Zhanchen who were still following, his face was full of displeasure.

Fu Lin scratched its hair and said, "Don't look, they didn't mean to let Ming Xin go."

Zhuifeng gritted his teeth: "It wasn't intentional, but it was intentional to interrupt Ge Danshi's interrogation of Mingxin.

Originally, our team cooperated well, but as soon as they joined, the team was divided into three groups.

Everyone is not on the same page, and they always go to Mingxin, trying to ask Mingxin why she pretended to be someone else, and why she secretly hurt the monks near her during the flight, before we did.

It was they who approached her a few times before the witch found a chance to escape and even killed one of her guards. "

"In the realm of cultivating immortals, not only do demons fight openly and secretly, but also between Taoist sects." Fu Lin said smoothly: "I can't go any further, and if I take out the spiritual energy, it will turn into a sharp knife and hurt me.

You follow Senior Sister Tang to a place closer to the river to practice. "

"If you don't go, I'll follow you." Zhuifeng lay on her shoulders, motionless.

Fu Lin couldn't persuade him, so he had to keep it, but Ge Buyi, who still had the strength to move forward, also stayed with them.

As all the monks arrived at the fairy spring to practice nearby, the entire fairy valley seemed to be quiet again.

Only on the top of the unknown mountain, a group of Nascent Soul monks sat in the empty hall, closing their eyes and listening to the singing of the wind...

On this day, Shen Guanyu finally finished refining the head of the thunder dragon spear. She touched the brighter and brighter spear point, and could feel the joy of the spear head in her heart.

She tried to release the tip of the gun to shoot at a stone in the distance, and two successive clicks woke up Ah Tian who was closest to the water.

Yan Youtian, who successfully entered the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, saw that the gun head shattered a huge stone with one touch, and returned to the demon king's enchantment in an instant. She was very happy for Xiaoyu.

Looking at Huangfu Chaoyan who was not far away, he was already cultivating with a rosy face.

Just as she took a bigu pill and was about to practice again, she heard several uninterrupted "咻咻咻".

Yan Youtian sent out her spiritual sense to look for it, and immediately saw a monk being kicked out of the river.

She got up and waited to take a closer look, when she heard Xiaoyu's voice transmission: "A Tian, ​​hurry up and practice.

Senior Sun will break through the passage in five days, and we will all be thrown out by then. "


Seeing his friend in samadhi again, Shen Guanyu's spiritual consciousness swept towards Senior Brother and Senior Sister Su, and saw that their spiritual energy was active all over their bodies, and there was a faint sign of a breakthrough in their cultivation, so the corners of their mouths could not help but curl up.

Looking at the parents again, hey, the two of them have advanced to the late stage of foundation establishment at this time, and upon closer inspection, the two of them are very likely to enter the foundation establishment Dzogchen.

If I didn't practice hard for a few days, I should make up for it within five days.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, and when Shen Guanyu opened his eyes again, there was no one in his parents' place.

Look again, there are only Ah Tian and Zhao Yan, who was at the peak in the early stage of foundation establishment, outside.

She hurriedly came out and asked, "Where are my parents and Senior Brother Su?"

Ah Tian pointed to the outside, "It was thrown out."

"Outside the valley?" Shen Guanyu asked Sun Tong who was floating in the air.

"No, they're on the other side of the cliff." Sun Tong smiled as he watched the monks thrown away by the fairy spring fight for the spirit grass, fighting for life and death.

He bowed his head and said to Shen Guanyu: "The two of them, go out too, otherwise they will suffer if the river moves."

Ah Tian said: "Senior, can't we stay and help Xiaoyu?"

"Can't help, let's go." Sun Tong waved his sleeves as he spoke.

She and Huangfu Chaoyan didn't even have a chance to talk to Xiaoyu, they drifted away from the fairy spring like flowers blown away by the wind.

When Ao Xian flew out, he only saw two light-colored cassocks flying farther and farther away.

After Shen Guanyu put away the formation flag, Sun Tong grabbed both of them and flew upstream.

During the rapid flight, Ao Xian and Shen Guanyu's eyes were blinded by the wind, and they were even scratched by the piercing airflow.

As soon as Ao Xian complained to Shen Guanyu in his heart that the big monster didn't put on a defensive cover, they stood on the top of a snow mountain.

"Hey, it's so cold."

Shen Guanyu quickly put it into his arms, and put on the thick and big wool cassock by the way.

The two of them saw the melted snow water converging into a river, rushing down together with the spring water emerging from the ground, and knew that this was the source.

Shen Guanyu took advantage of Sun Tong's array of fairy stones to browse the places where his spiritual consciousness had reached.

Outside the snow mountain, there is a lush forest, and in the distance there is a faint palace flashing among the clouds.

She was about to fly up to take a closer look, when a spiritual force dragged her into the formation.

Sun Tongdao: "Sitting in this position, when I called the start, I used the Thunder Dragon Spear."

Shen Guanyu nodded slightly, and Ao Xian got out of the collar of his sweater and asked, "What about me?"

Sun Tong sent out the alchemy furnace: "Cut off the connection with it."

After Ao Xian did so, he saw Sun Tong put the alchemy stove upside down on the pivot, and he himself stood on the foot of the stove and quickly made a handprint.

The flying handprints dazzled people, and after a few buzzes, they were controlled by a magic circle within ten miles.

With a sound of "Start", Shen Guanyu took out the head of the thunder dragon and flew over the alchemy furnace.

Sun Tong pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, and the tip of the spear pierced through the air like an off-string arrow.


The sky seemed to be pierced through a hole, and the secret place shook instantly.

Whether it was a person who was trimming by the river, or a monk who had been thrown over the cliff to fight, they were knocked to the ground at the same time.

All the Nascent Souls in the Ancient Sage Hall in the Cloud woke up from the interrupted supreme sound, and all looked at the corner of the sky that was pierced by the thunder force.

Just when he was in doubt, he saw a pair of hands passing through the corner and went to nowhere.


Yuan Chuxingjun, who exchanged many supplies from Zongzheng Qi, can be said to be satisfied.

A few days ago, he had already sent Feng Yue to bring a group back to Tiannan Realm first.

Now, only he and Chen Shui are still here waiting for the last batch of materials to arrive.

Why did he dare to face the two gods alone?

Aside from the fact that he knew that there were only three God Transformation Realms left behind in the Dongming Realm, and the others were discussing the 28-world competition at the headquarters of the Spirit World Alliance, it was also because Qing Gai, a tenth-level God Transformation Realm, was hiding in the Qiankun Room around Chenshui's waist.

Yuan Chu was drinking tea with Chen Shui in a tea house, when they heard a loud noise outside, the two of them broke through the window and saw a "sharp arrow" falling from the sky, which happened to penetrate into the secret place of Luoyu Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of big hands followed, brushing away the restriction of the secret realm.

No matter how the guarding Nascent Soul attacks, it can't hurt those big hands at all.

When Zongzheng Qi and Li Xia flew together to block those hands, Chen Shui suddenly saw a pillar of thunder break out of the secret realm.

Then someone shouted: "Chen Shui, follow up!"

He flew up in the air, but was blocked by Yuan Chu: "It's the voice from the secret realm, do you recognize it?"

Chen Shui pointed to the flying Lei Zhu and said, "Our Thunder Dragon Stone."

Then, he saw this elder who transformed himself into a great perfection, chasing after that thunder pillar faster than Zongzheng Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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