who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 290 Three Breaths

Zongzheng Qi pointed to the hands on the thunder pillar: "It is clear that those hands were stolen and you helped them to accomplish things, so why come back.

Moreover, Ben Xingjun remembers that there is a thunder dragon engraved on the Thunder Dragon Stone, and his whole body is full of purple energy.

But look at this pillar, where is the purple and where is the dragon? "

As soon as his words fell, Shen Congyun, who was struck by lightning, said in a loud and irritated voice: "You stupid brain, Thunder Dragon Stone is going to pass through the wind layer, so of course we have to save the most powerful purple thunder force for last."

Li Xia looked at him coldly: "Presumptuous, dare to be disrespectful to my Dongming Realm Huashen Dzogchen Xingjun."

"I still let five." Shen Congyun glanced at her disdainfully, then stopped: "You, are you a child of my Shen family?"

"Oh, don't try to make connections, my surname is Li." Li Xia's heart skipped a beat. After she broke through, her grandmother and elder brother had been reincarnated countless times.

She searched for a long time later, only to find out that her brother's descendants had only been passed down for less than ten generations and were extinct.

During the period, she discovered that her grandmother's mother had no relatives, so she probably wasn't a monk in the cave.

Shen Congyun squinted at her for a few breaths, but she still has the blood of the demon race?Are the descendants of the Shen family married to the half-demon clan?
The two of them only had two or three words on this side, and half of the top of the Thunder Dragon Stone on the other side had already passed through the Gangfeng layer.

Zongzheng Qi rushed to attack Yuan, and called Ji Xia to attack Qing Gai, and ordered a group of Yuan Ying who followed up to help.

Li Bian and Zong Zhengfan, who had been knocked down by the thunder net at first, looked at each other, pretending to be seriously injured and not soaring up.

But the other Nascent Souls didn't hold back their hands. As soon as they fought, some monks had already moved towards Chen Shui's position.

Thunder Dragon Stone's flying speed was disturbed and slowed down.

The aura of intertwined spells shone under the lightning, and Shen Guanyu, who was watching from the secret realm, was very nervous, "Senior Sun, hurry up, as long as Thunder Dragon Stone is out of the cave, they won't fight anymore. "

Sun Tong increased the output of spiritual power, and said in his mouth: "Think fast? You and the little dragon king have to work harder."

"Tell me." Ao Xian and Shen Guanyu saw the master attracting thunder while repelling the three Nascent Souls who were attacking him.

The two of them were very worried about their master, fearing that he would lead to lightning for a long time, resulting in insufficient spiritual power and being attacked by surprise.

"The soul is out of the body, follow me to Dongming Realm to pick it up." Sun Tong didn't think the two dared.

But both of them nodded at the same time: "Okay."

Sun Tong: ...

"First take out the ice and fire dragon stone and set it around the alchemy furnace."

"En." Shen Guanyu communicated with Xingxingcao without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, she didn't even open her mouth, and the Ice Fire Dragon Stone flew out from the center of her eyebrows with a cry of "咻,咻", and just landed on the position of heaven, earth, and earth of Yimu Danlu.

"Wow~" After Binghuo was positioned, the little dragon king uttered a dragon cry and coiled itself on the dragon's head of Huolongshi.

Shen Guanyu also flew to the head of the ice dragon stone, and his body was covered with a layer of frost in an instant.

Sun Tong stepped on the star and walked on the upside-down alchemy stove, and the entire Xianquan River began to flow backwards with his steps.

This spectacle caused a commotion among the Nascent Souls in the Ancient Xian Temple.

Even the demon kings couldn't help stretching their heads out of curiosity, but under the huge waves, none of them could see clearly.

Shen De and You Sheng were keenly aware that there was the heavy breath of his nephew and nephew on the other side of the river, and they could faintly hear Ao Xian's immature dragon chant.

The two wanted to go out to find out, but they couldn't open either the window or the door.

Xiang Wu saw that their cassocks were the same as Shen Guanyu's, and said, "Don't bother, we won't let us leave before the time here."

Yuan Ying said: "But the preaching of the sages in the temple has stopped!"

A bird from the Tianwu Suzaku clan said: "Then you have to stay until the gate of the temple opens."

Shen De bowed his hands to Xiang Wuyi to thank him, but his spiritual sense was trying to reach the river bank...

Shen Guanyu didn't know that the two master uncles had discovered them, and he didn't know that the thunder and waves in the sky above Tianwu Mountain had attracted the monks who were temporarily stationed to explore frequently.

At this moment, she and Ao Xian's souls were separated from their bodies, and they were held by the ape king Sun Tong and came towards the cave.

It seemed as long as a century, and it seemed that only an instant, Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian were pushed into the Thunder Dragon Stone by Sun Tong's big hand.

This action of his caused the Thunder Dragon Stone to crack and vibrate violently, and everyone who was fighting realized that the skin of Lei Zhu was falling off.

Shen Congyun said: "Quickly retreat ten feet" just shouted, bang bang bang, several explosions sounded at the same time.

Dazzling purple lightning burst out from the lightning pillar, illuminating the eyes of many monks who hadn't quit.

As soon as Chen Shui heard the sound of "嗤", he kicked the attacker away, "Ao Xian."

It was Shen Guanyu who answered him: "Master, you quickly fly to Qiankun to catch the thunder, Ao Xian and I only have [-] breaths."

"Immediately." Chen Shui couldn't see them, and he didn't have time to ask more questions. He immediately called Qing Gai to guard the Kun position, and he flew to the Qian position to attract the thunder.

Zong Zhengqi, who was dazzled by the sound, wanted to stop Chenshui, when he heard Shen Congyun shout on the spot: "Don't hit it, this Thunder Pillar is indeed the Thunder Dragon Stone from the Tiannan Realm.

It was when the city god found it tens of thousands of years ago, it was blown to your Dongming Realm by a space storm and trapped. "

Zongzheng Qi's heart trembled. Not only did the other party have two God Transformation realms, but there was also Lei Xiu, who was comparable to God Transformation. He sent a message to the alliance for help, but the God Transformation who stayed behind in the Dongming Realm Cultivation Alliance was nowhere to be seen.

He didn't want to: "Who can prove it?"

"You Huashens who are over [-] years old in the Ming Realm, including you, can all testify for me.

Half of the fusion of the secret realm of Luoyu Mountain in the Dongming Realm was brought to you from the cosmic storm by me. "Shen Congyun looked at him and said: "Two thousand years ago, Luoyu Mountain only had the seal to suppress the blood demons, but no secret realm.

Up to now, the blood demon clan has been deeply suppressed by the secret realm for 2000 years, which is the benefit that Thunder Dragon Stone gave you in advance. "

Only then did Yuan Chuxing know why Zongzheng Qi desperately wanted to stop Lei Zhu, but Lei Zhu was a thunder dragon stone, and it was absolutely impossible to help them suppress the blood demon forever.

When he thought this way, Lei Longshi had already completely penetrated the Gangfeng layer and left with the cooperation of Chenshui's master and apprentice and the ape king Sun Tong.

The big hand in the sky and the thunder net disappeared at the same time, and the exhausted Chenshui was protected by Hua Zui and Qianxi who rushed to support from the boundary teleportation array after hearing the news.

At this moment, Shan Shan, the Alliance Huashen, came late, and Zongzheng Qi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Now, even if there are ten more Huashen, they will not be able to break through the Gangfeng Layer and stop the Thunder Pillar.

Master Yuan Chuxing suppressed the urge to laugh, and said to him: "If Zongzheng Daoist wants to see the style of Thunder Dragon Stone, why don't you go to Tiannan with me to have a look?"

"Look, let's go now." Don't look, he didn't give up, before leaving, he even stared at his junior Zong Zhengfan.

He retreated before hitting a few times. Are you afraid of Chenshui's thunder?

But in fact, all the monks present were jealous of Chen Shui, playing thunder so well that he could send treasures back across the border, not to mention that the spirit beast beside him was still a tenth-order thunder beast.

Chen Shui didn't care about other people's opinions at all, he was worried about his apprentice and the little dragon king, her two voices seemed to come from Thunder Dragon Stone.

He was in a hurry to go back when he felt countless orange lights flying towards him, some falling on himself and Qing Gai, and a little on Yuan Chuxingjun.

More people rushed towards Shen Congyun, and the seal on Shen Congyun's body was also disappearing, and his cultivation base was rising steadily...

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